Development Releases (or "Dev Releases", "Dev Builds") are installable instances of Stencil Store that are:
- Published to the npm registry for distribution within and outside the Stencil team
- Built using the same infrastructure as production releases, with less safety checks
- Used to verify a fix or change to the project prior to a production release
Only members of the Stencil team may create dev builds of Stencil Store. To publish the package:
- Navigate to the Stencil Store Dev Release GitHub Action in your browser.
- Select the 'Run Workflow' dropdown on the right hand side of the page
- The dropdown will ask you for a branch name to publish from. Any branch may be used here.
- Select 'Run Workflow'
- Allow the workflow to run. Upon completion, the output of the 'publish-npm' action will report the published version string.
Following a successful run of the workflow, the package can be installed from the npm registry like any other package.
Dev Builds are published to the NPM registry under the @stencil/store
Unlike production builds, dev builds use a specially formatted version string to express its origins.
Dev builds follow the format BASE_VERSION-dev.EPOCH_DATE.SHA
, where:
is the latest production release changes to the build were based off ofEPOCH_DATE
is the number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 in UTCSHA
is the git short SHA of the commit used in the release
As an example: 2.1.0-dev.1677185104.7c87e34
was built:
- With v2.1.0 as the latest production build at the time of the dev build
- On Fri, 26 Jan 2024 13:48:17 UTC
- With the commit