We have a basic scrollable input form that technically works, but doesn't feel great to use on the small screen. Let's build some controls that make it much easier to accept complex inputs and fix keyboard handling so you can smoothly jump between fields.
- Keyboard avoidance and changing focus from field to field without things feeling too jumpy or having inputs hidden.
- Writing a custom control that handles complex data more effectively than default options
- Keep text inputs always visible with
- Smoothly transition from field to field using the submit/next functionality on the keyboard, with the view scrolling to show the next text field
- Properly handle keyboard dismissal for all scenarios, including numeric keypad on iOS
- Add a multi-select dropdown for the skills field, with the list contained in
- Add text search to the list to make it easier to pick stuff without tons of scrolling
- react-native-keyboard-controller
- react-native-bottom-sheet
- Ignite Cookbook - Select field with bottom sheet recipe
In the next 4 exercises we're going to be updating our profile form so that it's easier to use. Let's start by testing out the current behavior and try to identify what's not working. Poke around in the code a little. Try filling out the form on your simulator or device.
What is already implemented to make the form more user friendly? What could be improved?
Here are some things to get your mind going:
- Are the different types of inputs clear?
- Can we access / see the text fields when we're typing?
- How easy is it to get from input to input?
- Does the type of input suit the data it's asking for?
- What happens when I try to close the keyboard?
The existing KeyboardAvoidingView
doesn't seem to be doing much when we go to use the text inputs. Let's get started fixing that behavior in our first exercise!
We'll start by wrapping our app with KeyboardProvider
in the entry file.
Do the following in src/app/_layout.tsx:
- Import
import { KeyboardProvider } from "react-native-keyboard-controller";
- Wrap the provider around the
return (
+ <KeyboardProvider>
<Slot />
+ </KeyboardProvider>
Now let's head to our Screen
component and update the existing scrolling screen to use a KeyboardAvoidingScrollview
instead of a basic ScrollView
In src/components/Screen.tsx
Notice that we're already using a KeyboardAvoidingView
in the main screen component.
export function Screen(props: ScreenProps) {
const {
backgroundColor = colors.background,
keyboardOffset = 0,
statusBarStyle = "dark",
} = props;
const $containerInsets = useSafeAreaInsetsStyle(safeAreaEdges);
return (
<View style={[$containerStyle, { backgroundColor }, $containerInsets]}>
<StatusBar style={statusBarStyle} {...StatusBarProps} />
behavior={isIos ? "padding" : "height"}
style={[$keyboardAvoidingViewStyle, KeyboardAvoidingViewProps?.style]}
{isNonScrolling(props.preset) ? (
<ScreenWithoutScrolling {...props} />
) : (
<ScreenWithScrolling {...props} />
This works great for some views, keeping floating buttons at the bottom of a view when the keyboard is open for example, but has trouble managing on views with scrolling so we need another solution.
To fix this, let's head into the ScreenWithScrolling
component (in the same file, just up above) and replace the existing Scrollview
with a KeyboardAwareScrollView
. We can keep all the existing props, and see how this helps.
import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from "react-native-keyboard-controller";
- <ScrollView>
+ <KeyboardAwareScrollView>
- </ScrollView>
+ </KeyboardAwareScrollView>
🏃Try it. How does it look? Is it perfect? Probably not. What issues are you seeing?
We're getting somewhere now, but let's add some padding to offset the bottom of the text fields just a little so we don't have any cutoff.
- Add an optional prop to
of type number - Destructure that prop in our
component, preferably with a default of 0 - Pass
in to theKeyboardAwareScrollView
- In src/app/(app)/(tabs)/profile.tsx add a 16px
prop to theScreen
+ bottomOffset={spacing.md}
🏃Try it. There we go! The keyboard isn't blocking any of our fields.
Uh oh! Try focusing on one of the text fields and scrolling to the bottom of the screen with the keyboard open. There's so much extra padding at the bottom of the screen when the keyboard is open.
This is a known issue when nesting KeyboardAvoidingView
and KeyboardAwareScrollView
(kirillzyusko/react-native-keyboard-controller#451 )
We don't really need both when we're using the KeyboardAwareScrollView
, but we definitely want to keep avoiding the keyboard for non-scrolling screens. Let's enable the KeyboardAvoidingView
only if it's a fixed screen.
Reuse the isNonScrolling
function and add an enable
prop to the KeyboardAvoidingView
behavior={isIos ? "padding" : "height"}
style={[$keyboardAvoidingViewStyle, KeyboardAvoidingViewProps?.style]}
+ enabled={isNonScrolling(props.preset)}
🏃Try it. Now let's check it again...and no doubled up padding when the keyboard is open!
If you're working on an android you might have noticed some weird behavior forcing the screen up when focusing on text inputs. The screen seems to be scrolling too far and focusing the input even though it is off screen.
To fix this, in our Screen
component update the KeyboardAvoidingView
behavior property to "undefined" if not iOS. This should solve it, but needs a rebuild so make sure to kill your app and re-run yarn android
to get it behaving correctly!
- behavior={isIos ? "padding" : "height"}
+ behavior={isIos ? "padding" : undefined}
Not that keyboard avoiding isn't great, but it's quite a pain to have to scroll to see the other text fields. On top of that, if you scroll past, or haven't scrolled enough, a user might not even know there's an input to see!
A toolbar with arrows to navigate between text fields and a clear button to close the keyboard when we're done is a great native feeling solution.
Since we don't necessarily want a toolbar on every scrolling screen (ie. even the ones without inputs), let's add it directly to our Profile screen.
In src/app/(app)/(tabs)/profile.tsx:
- Wrap the
component in a fragment - Import
import { KeyboardToolbar } from "react-native-keyboard-controller";
- Add the
below theScreen
component within the fragment
<KeyboardToolbar />
🏃Try it. Verify that this works as expected, with arrows to move between fields and closing the keyboard with the done button instead of simply pressing outside an input or hitting return on the keyboard.
Now that we've got the toolbar added, you might notice that there is a slight overlap with the two text fields lower down on our screen. You might be thinking "But I fixed this earlier when I added the bottom offset to the screen!" and you would be right.
Since we added the KeyboardToolbar
outside of the Screen
component, we need to also offset that height as the KeyboardAwareScrollView
- Try inspecting the toolbar and checking the height!
- You'll find that the toolbar has a height of 42px on both iOS and android so let's add that to our existing
prop on our profile screen.
bottomOffset={spacing.md + 42} // height of the toolbar + existing padding
🏃Try it. And there you have it, keyboard avoidance and moving from field to field without covering inputs for a form that is much easier to use.
For the next exercise we're going to switch gears and improve one of our form fields. The skills input is mediocre, especially if you type out more than a couple skills. A single text string with a comma separated list just isn't the right type or display for this data.
Instead, let's consider a select field, with a predefined list of skills that a user can select from. We don't have this component yet so let's build it and then update our stores to hold the data as we expect.
The Ignite Cookbook by Infinite Red has a great recipe for building this component so we're going to leverage parts of that and incorporate it into our app! Check it out here.
- Create the
component file.
Instead of extending the TextField
component with more props and functionality, we'll be creating a wrapper for the TextField
component that contains additional functionality.
We'll start by creating a new file in the components directory.
touch ./src/components/SelectField.tsx
Let's add some preliminary code to the file. Since the TextField
has its own touch handlers for focus, we'll want to disable that by wrapping it in a View
with no pointer-events. The new TouchableOpacity
will trigger our options sheet.
import React, { forwardRef, Ref, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import { View, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";
import { TextField, TextFieldProps } from "./TextField";
export interface SelectFieldProps
extends Omit<
"ref" | "onValueChange" | "onChange" | "value"
> {}
export interface SelectFieldRef {}
export const SelectField = observer(
forwardRef(function SelectField(
props: SelectFieldProps,
ref: Ref<SelectFieldRef>
) {
const { ...TextFieldProps } = props;
const disabled =
TextFieldProps.editable === false || TextFieldProps.status === "disabled";
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({}));
return (
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={1}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
<TextField {...TextFieldProps} />
Export the component from src/components/index.ts
Add a SelectField to our Profile screen so we can monitor our progress as we build it.
In src/app/(app)/(tabs)/profile.tsx:
- Add a
right below the existing skillsTextField
. - Copy over the label from the
component into thelabelTx
- Add New Props and Customize the TextField
Now, we can start modifying the code we added in the previous step to support multiple options as well as making the TextField
look like a SelectField
Let's add an accessory to the input to make it look like a SelectField
+ RightAccessory={(props) => (
+ <Icon icon="caretRight" containerStyle={props.style} />
+ )}
The options prop can be any structure that you want (e.g. flat array of values, object where the key is the option value and the value is the label, etc). For our
guide, we'll be doing an array of label and value pairs. -
We will support multi-select (by default) as well as a single select.
We will override the value prop.
A new renderValue prop can be used to format and display a custom text value. This can be useful when the
is not multiline, but yourSelectField
is. -
Additionally, we'll add a new event callback called
since that makes more sense for aSelectField
. However, feel free to overrideTextField
if you prefer.
export interface SelectFieldProps
extends Omit<TextFieldProps, "ref" | "onValueChange" | "onChange"> {
value?: string[];
renderValue?: (value: string[]) => string;
onSelect?: (newValue: string[]) => void;
multiple?: boolean;
options: { label: string; value: string }[];
// ...
const {
value = [],
options = [],
multiple = true,
} = props;
We'll add some code to display the selected options inside the TextField
. This will attempt to use the renderValue
formatter function and fallback to a joined string.
const valueString =
renderValue?.(value) ??
.map((v) => options.find((o) => o.value === v)?.label)
.join(", ");
- Update the
to use this as the displayed value.
Now that we've added a bit to the SelectField
(ie. our souped up TextField
) let's add some more data!
In src/app/(app)/(tabs)/profile.tsx:
- We need some data, copy the following into a constant at the top of the file.
Skills List
const skillsList: {
label: string;
value: string;
}[] = [
{ label: "JavaScript", value: "javascript" },
{ label: "React Native", value: "react_native" },
{ label: "Redux", value: "redux" },
{ label: "TypeScript", value: "typescript" },
{ label: "API Integration", value: "api_integration" },
{ label: "RESTful Services", value: "restful_services" },
{ label: "GraphQL", value: "graphql" },
{ label: "Node.js", value: "node_js" },
{ label: "Firebase", value: "firebase" },
{ label: "AWS", value: "aws" },
{ label: "Google Cloud", value: "google_cloud" },
{ label: "CI/CD", value: "ci_cd" },
{ label: "Jest", value: "jest" },
{ label: "Mocha", value: "mocha" },
{ label: "Enzyme", value: "enzyme" },
{ label: "Unit Testing", value: "unit_testing" },
{ label: "Integration Testing", value: "integration_testing" },
{ label: "UI/UX Design", value: "ui_ux_design" },
{ label: "Agile Methodologies", value: "agile_methodologies" },
{ label: "Scrum", value: "scrum" },
{ label: "React Navigation", value: "react_navigation" },
{ label: "Expo", value: "expo" },
{ label: "Expo CLI", value: "expo_cli" },
{ label: "Expo SDK", value: "expo_sdk" },
{ label: "Styled Components", value: "styled_components" },
{ label: "Reanimated", value: "reanimated" },
{ label: "Native Base", value: "native_base" },
{ label: "React Native Paper", value: "react_native_paper" },
{ label: "React Native Elements", value: "react_native_elements" },
{ label: "React Native Vector Icons", value: "react_native_vector_icons" },
{ label: "Lottie", value: "lottie" },
{ label: "React Native Maps", value: "react_native_maps" },
{ label: "CodePush", value: "codepush" },
{ label: "Fastlane", value: "fastlane" },
{ label: "Realm", value: "realm" },
- Pass our new
in for theoptions
property - The value should be set to skills from our
model. - Add an
prop that takes inselected
and passes that through thesetProp
action for skills. - Remove the old skill
label above it.
So far your select field should look like this:
onSelect={(selected) => setProp("skills", selected)}
But now our Profile
model is out of sync with the data we are providing it. Let's go update that!
In src/models/Profile.ts:
- Update the
prop to be an optional array of strings
types.optional(types.array(types.string), []);
Let's go back to building our SelectField
now that we've got it added to our Profile screen and we'll add the functionality to view and select options.
In this step, we'll be adding the BottomSheetModal
and related components and setting up the touch-events to show/hide it.
Since we will be using the BottomSheetModal
component instead of BottomSheet
, we will need to add a provider to your entry file.
We're going to need our keyboard avoiding behavior in a later step, so make sure to add the provider nested within the existing KeyboardProvider
We also need to wrap everything in GestureHandlerRootView
so let's do that as well.
In src/app/_layout.tsx:
- Add the
<Slot />
Now we will add the UI components that will display our options. This will be a basic example and we'll customize it a bit later.
- Update the imports:
import React, { forwardRef, Ref, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import { TouchableOpacity, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { TextField, TextFieldProps } from "./TextField";
+import { BottomSheetBackdrop, BottomSheetFlatList, BottomSheetFooter, BottomSheetModal } from "@gorhom/bottom-sheet";
+import { useSafeAreaInsets } from "react-native-safe-area-context";
+import { spacing } from "../theme";
+import { Button } from "./Button";
+import { ListItem } from "./ListItem";
- Update the SelectFieldRef interface:
export interface SelectFieldRef {
+ presentOptions: () => void;
+ dismissOptions: () => void;
- Add the BottomSheetModal below our display
(We know this is a doozy of a diff, the full file is available to copy at the end of this section)
export const SelectField = observer(forwardRef(function SelectField(
props: SelectFieldProps,
ref: Ref<SelectFieldRef>
) {
const {
value = [],
options = [],
multiple = true,
} = props;
+ const sheet = useRef<BottomSheetModal>(null);
+ const { bottom } = useSafeAreaInsets();
const disabled =
TextFieldProps.editable === false || TextFieldProps.status === "disabled";
+ useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ presentOptions, dismissOptions }));
const valueString =
renderValue?.(value) ??
.map((v) => options.find((o) => o.value === v)?.label)
.join(", ");
+ function presentOptions() {
+ if (disabled) return;
+ sheet.current?.present();
+ }
+ function dismissOptions() {
+ sheet.current?.dismiss();
+ }
return (
+ onPress={presentOptions}
<View pointerEvents="none">
RightAccessory={(props) => (
<Icon icon="caretRight" containerStyle={props.style} />
+ <BottomSheetModal
+ ref={sheet}
+ snapPoints={["50%"]}
+ stackBehavior="replace"
+ enableDismissOnClose
+ backdropComponent={(props) => (
+ <BottomSheetBackdrop
+ {...props}
+ appearsOnIndex={0}
+ disappearsOnIndex={-1}
+ />
+ )}
+ footerComponent={
+ !multiple
+ ? undefined
+ : (props) => (
+ <BottomSheetFooter
+ {...props}
+ style={$bottomSheetFooter}
+ bottomInset={bottom}
+ >
+ <Button
+ text="Dismiss"
+ preset="reversed"
+ onPress={dismissOptions}
+ />
+ </BottomSheetFooter>
+ )
+ }
+ >
+ <BottomSheetFlatList
+ style={{ marginBottom: bottom + (multiple ? spacing.xl * 2 : 0) }}
+ data={options}
+ keyExtractor={(o) => o.value}
+ renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
+ <ListItem
+ text={item.label}
+ topSeparator={index !== 0}
+ style={$listItem}
+ />
+ )}
+ keyboardShouldPersistTaps="always"
+ />
+ </BottomSheetModal>
Add the styling:
+const $bottomSheetFooter: ViewStyle = {
+ paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,
+ paddingBottom: spacing.xs,
+const $listItem: ViewStyle = {
+ paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,
Full SelectField.tsx File
import {
} from "@gorhom/bottom-sheet";
import React, { forwardRef, Ref, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from "react";
import { TouchableOpacity, View, ViewStyle } from "react-native";
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite";
import { useSafeAreaInsets } from "react-native-safe-area-context";
import { spacing } from "../theme";
import { Button } from "./Button";
import { Icon } from "./Icon";
import { ListItem } from "./ListItem";
import { TextField, TextFieldProps } from "./TextField";
export interface SelectFieldProps
extends Omit<TextFieldProps, "ref" | "onValueChange" | "onChange" | "value"> {
value?: string[];
renderValue?: (value: string[]) => string;
onSelect?: (newValue: string[]) => void;
multiple?: boolean;
options: { label: string; value: string }[];
export interface SelectFieldRef {
presentOptions: () => void;
dismissOptions: () => void;
export const SelectField = observer(
forwardRef(function SelectField(
props: SelectFieldProps,
ref: Ref<SelectFieldRef>
) {
const {
value = [],
options = [],
multiple = true,
} = props;
const sheet = useRef<BottomSheetModal>(null);
const { bottom } = useSafeAreaInsets();
const disabled =
TextFieldProps.editable === false || TextFieldProps.status === "disabled";
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ presentOptions, dismissOptions }));
const valueString =
renderValue?.(value) ??
.map((v) => options.find((o) => o.value === v)?.label)
.join(", ");
function presentOptions() {
if (disabled) return;
function dismissOptions() {
return (
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={1} onPress={presentOptions}>
<View pointerEvents="none">
RightAccessory={(props) => (
<Icon icon="caretRight" containerStyle={props.style} />
backdropComponent={(props) => (
? undefined
: (props) => (
style={{ marginBottom: bottom + (multiple ? spacing.xl * 2 : 0) }}
keyExtractor={(o) => o.value}
renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
topSeparator={index !== 0}
const $bottomSheetFooter: ViewStyle = {
paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,
paddingBottom: spacing.xs,
const $listItem: ViewStyle = {
paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,
The last step is to add the selected state to our options inside the sheet as well as hook up the callback to change the value.
- Add a function to return an array with a specific value removed:
function without<T>(array: T[], value: T) {
return array.filter((v) => v !== value);
- Use that function in a new updateValue function that we will call when a user selects one of the list items
function updateValue(optionValue: string) {
if (value.includes(optionValue)) {
onSelect?.(multiple ? without(value, optionValue) : []);
} else {
onSelect?.(multiple ? [...value, optionValue] : [optionValue]);
if (!multiple) dismissOptions();
- Update the
within theBottomSheetFlatList
to callupdateValue
on press and some UI sprinkles to show which items are selected.
+import {spacing, color} from '../theme'
topSeparator={index !== 0}
+rightIcon={value.includes(item.value) ? "check" : undefined}
+onPress={() => updateValue(item.value)}
And we're done building the basic select field component with a bottom sheet modal to display the options! Let's test it out and add some finishing touches.
At this point it looks great, but notice when you select a large number of options, the comma separated list in the TextField
isn't ideal for reading and is information that is better consumer in the bottom sheet.
Let's update that to display the number of skills selected instead of listing them by passing in a custom renderValue
Back in src/app/(app)/(tabs)/profile.tsx:
- The search field is a little close to its neighbors, so let's add the existing style we're using on the other inputs as well.
onSelect={(selected) => setProp("skills", selected)}
renderValue={(value) => t("demoProfileScreen.skillsSelected", { count: value.length })}
- Add a renderValue prop with the following function for displaying the number of items selected.
onSelect={(selected) => setProp("skills", selected)}
+renderValue={(value) => translate("demoProfileScreen.skillsSelected", { count: value.length })}
- That's a new txKey so in srx/i18n/en.ts add the following in the
skillsSelected: {
one: "{{count}} skill selected",
other: "{{count}} skills selected",
Looks good now! Try selecting, 0, 1, and many options to see it update accordingly.
- The list of skills is hard to read through, let's sort it so that our list is alphabetical.
For our last piece of our form, we're going to update our SelectField
a little more and make it easier for users to find certain skills with a search bar!
In src/components/SelectField.tsx:
Update the
component to have an optional boolean property ofsearchable
. We'll set the default value tofalse
. -
Add another optional prop
of typeTextFieldProps
to pass to our searchTextField
for customization -
Add a
hook to store and set search values (we'll use these in the next step) -
Let's make our SelectField component used on the profile screen searchable by passing in the new property.
- Add a
prop on theBottomSheetFlatList
that renders ifsearchable
searchable ? (
onChangeText={(searchInput) => setSearchValue(searchInput)}
RightAccessory={() => {
return searchValue ? (
onPress={() => setSearchValue("")}
<Icon icon="xCircle" color={colors.text} size={20} />
) : undefined;
) : undefined
const $searchContainer: ViewStyle = {
paddingHorizontal: spacing.lg,
const $searchClearButton: ViewStyle = {
overflow: "hidden",
height: 40,
paddingHorizontal: spacing.xs,
alignContent: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
This looks a little tight with the 50% snapPoint we have set, why don't we make it almost full screen if the list is searchable.
- Update the snapPoints on the
to be dynamic based on oursearchable
+ snapPoints={searchable ? ["94%"] : ["50%"]}
- We want this header to stay at the top while we scroll, so let's make it sticky
+stickyHeaderIndices={searchable ? [0] : undefined}
Let's put this search to work and update our BottomSheetFlatList
options to be filtered by the search input value
- Filter the options data if
// Filter options for partial name if searchable is true
const filteredOptions = searchable
? options.filter((o) =>
: options;
- Update
data property to use the newfilteredOptions
You might have noticed a couple oddities in the behavior when navigating through the form into the SelectField
, or leaving the modal with a search value. Let's clean some stuff up!
- Call
in the following places
for theBottomSheetBackdrop
- Within the
function before dismissal
- Add an onDismiss prop to the
that calls thedismissOptions
function to handle the clear on drag close.
When we are focused on a different text input when we click into the SelectField
component, the keyboard stays up over the BottomSheetModal
. Let's fix that!
- Add
within thepresentOptions
While we technically used a TextField
component for displaying our selected values when the bottom sheet closes, we don't want users to edit the text there. It's pretty confusing when navigating with the arrows from the KeyboardToolbar
as well so let's fix it.
- Update the
in ourSelectField
component to not be editable
That toolbar we added to the keyboard to navigate through our form was great so let's add one here as well. We only have one field though so no need for the arrows to jump between inputs, we'll just use the Done button.
- Add a
component within theBottomSheetModal
component - Hide the arrows!
Notice when we focus on the search TextInput
and scroll to the bottom of our full skills list the bottom is somewhat cut off.
- Add a useState hook that stores and sets a value paddingBottom for our
- In the search
component, updateonFocus
and to set and clear the paddingBottom value (275 is a good number to try). - Add the style in the
on theBottomSheetFlatList
🏃Try it. Does your profile form look better and behave as you would expect it to? Is the keyboard dismissing as expected and the search behaving how you imagined?
- Form validation
- Improve the slider
- Use theming helpers for dark mode
Switch to branch: 02-inputs-solution