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Can you rerender parts of a persistent layout? #349

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The Inertia Way™ to do this, is to simply share the list of (unread) notifications on every single request (you can cache them server-side if needed, as to not continuously re-query the database).

Then, as you mark a notification as read (by making an Inertia visit when clicking the 'mark as read' button), the database updates the notification, and the request redirects you back to the page you were already on.

Because the 'source' and 'target' pages are the same / use the same Page Component, Inertia will essentially only update the page's props, which should now be a fresh notification list, without the notification we just marked as read.

Then, through Vue's reactive re-rendering '…

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This discussion was converted from issue #349 on December 19, 2020 17:21.