Single sign-on allows users to sign into Kumu with an existing set of login credentials—in other words, they won't have to create and remember a new username and password specifically for Kumu.
To configure SSO for your Enterprise instance, follow the instructions in this guide.
Create a personal account in your Kumu Enterprise instance.
Create an organization in Kumu using your personal account.
Follow the instructions to set up your Kumu application with any SAML-2.0-based single sign-on provider. Here are a few links to the documentation for common providers:
When setting up your app, you can use Kumu
as the app name, and for the Entity ID, you should enter the following, replacing organization-username
with the username of your Kumu organization account:
For the Reply URL (Azure) or ACS URL (Google Suite), use the following, once again replacing organization-username
with the username of your Kumu org:
From your SSO provider, you can get a service URL, an entity ID, and a public certificate. Enable SSO for your enterprise and copy/paste those items into your Kumu organization accounts' settings:
With Kumu and your SSO provider configured, you can use your SSO provider to give users access to Kumu. Users can begin the sign-in flow by visiting the url below:
If Microsoft Azure is your single sign-on provider, you can follow the instructions below to set up.
Click the "Azure Active Directory" button in the sidebar
Click "Enterprise Applications"
Click "+ New Application"
Click "Non-gallery application"
Enter "Kumu" for the name of the application
Click "Configure single sign-on"
Select "SAML-based Sign-on"
Enter the "Kumu Domain and URLs" for your organization (provided by Kumu)
Select "user.mail" for the user identifier
Download the SAML signing certificate (Base 64)
Click "Configure Kumu"
Copy the service url, entity id, and public certificate over to your organization's SSO settings in Kumu:
Within Azure AD, assign users to the Kumu app you just created to enable SSO