From 0cbce337a449763f043649c952fcded34ca0dfe6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Joshua E. Hansel" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 14:35:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Updated solid properties home page with object changes

Refs #23118
 .../content/modules/solid_properties/ | 24 ++++++++++---------
 .../  | 17 ++++++-------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/modules/solid_properties/ b/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/modules/solid_properties/
index ee61b3c638f8..e6b750015ffc 100644
--- a/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/modules/solid_properties/
+++ b/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/modules/solid_properties/
@@ -63,17 +63,19 @@ Userobjects available in the Solid Properties module that provide thermal proper
 An example will be provided later on this page for creating a new solid userobject.
 On their own, these userobjects do not execute; their functions must be called from other
-objects. The most common use case is to compute material properties with these
-userobjects, which can be accomplished with
-its `computeQpProperties` method evaluates the thermal conductivity, isobaric specific heat, and density at
-the quadrature points using the values of a coupled variable representing temperature
-plus the functions provided by the selected userobject:
-!listing modules/solid_properties/src/materials/ThermalSolidPropertiesMaterial.C start=computeQpProperties
-Another use case is to get a single property into a post-processor,
-which is accomplished with [].
+objects. Some potentially useful classes that call them are:
+- []: A functor material that declares
+  functor material properties for density, thermal conductivity, isobaric specific heat,
+  and specific internal energy. An option is provided for using a constant density.
+  This functor material can have its functor material properties converted to
+  regular AD or non-AD material properties by using it in conjunction with
+  [(AD)MaterialFunctorConverter](
+- [] and [],
+  which declare AD or non-AD material properties for density, thermal conductivity, and isobaric specific heat,
+  using variable density and constant density, respectively.
+- [] evaluates density, thermal conductivity,
+  or isobaric specific heat at a single temperature value.
 ## Usage
diff --git a/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/source/functormaterials/ b/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/source/functormaterials/
index 5957060ad60a..1ca3e401f3ee 100644
--- a/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/source/functormaterials/
+++ b/modules/solid_properties/doc/content/source/functormaterials/
@@ -2,17 +2,14 @@
 ## Description
-The `ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial` material declares
-density, specific heat, and thermal
-conductivity as functor material properties. They are evaluated on-the-fly
-on every query.
+`ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial` declares functor material properties for
+density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity, and specific internal energy.
-!alert warning title=Conservation on fixed-sized domains
-Using a variable density can lead to mass/energy conservation errors if using
-a fixed-size domain. If this is a concern, it is recommended to use
-a constant density, specified independently using a [] for example.
-For the density parameter of `ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial` you may then use a
-placeholder dummy name.
+The parameter [!param](/FunctorMaterials/ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial/use_constant_density)
+can be used to specify that the density should be constant, evaluated at the temperature
+[!param](/FunctorMaterials/ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial/T_ref). This is
+useful because for fixed-sized domains, mass/energy conservation errors result
+from using a variable density.
 !syntax parameters /FunctorMaterials/ThermalSolidPropertiesFunctorMaterial