- [[People Patterns]] ([[Joe O'Brien]])
- [[Writing a Rails Engine]] ([[Erik Michaels-Ober]])
- [[Sugar-Free Ruby An Experiment in Object-first Teaching]] ([[Steven Ragnarok]])
- [[Linguistic Potluck: Crowdsourcing Localization in Rails]] ([[Heather Rivers]])
- [[High Performance Ruby]] ([[Charles Nutter]])
- [[Modern Cryptography]] ([[John Downey]])
- [[Go Ahead Make a Mess]] ([[Sandi Metz]])
- [[Why Is A Math Proof Like A Unit Test]] ([[Daniela Wellisz]])
- [[Cargo Cult Web Performance Optimization]] ([[Ilya Grigorik]])
- [[Code to Joy]] ([[Avdi Grimm]])
- [[Deploy Scale and Sleep at Night with JRuby]] ([[Joe Kutner]])
- [[Services Scale Backgrounding and WTF is going on here]] ([[David Copeland]])
- [[Schemas for the Real World]] ([[Carina C. Zona]])
- [[Cruft and Technical Debt A Long View]] ([[Yehuda Katz]])
- Three Mini-talks: [[Mini Talk Tony Acieri]], [[Mini Talk Chris Eppstein]], [[Mini Talk Sarah Mei]]
- [[Grasping Complexity with Both Hands]] ([[Glenn Vanderburg]])
- [[RubyMotion Rubyizing iOS development]] ([[Amit Kumar]])
- [[Mega Rails]] ([[Jack Danger Canty]])