The page param is no longer included in the sort links generated for columns. This was pointed out
by karwank as unexpected behavior. I am bumping the minor version of the gem since this does change the default behavior, in case anybody is not expecting the default sort behavior to have been updated.
Added :sort_modes option to be able to specify sort_modes on a column by column basis (thanks karwank)
Fixed bug preventing action and controller from being removed in pagination link params in some versions of Rails (thanks karwank)
Fixed :sortable option for Rails 5 that was breaking when
ActionController::Parameters#to_query was being called without any arguments as reported and fixed by @karwank here github.com/hunterae/table-for/pull/10. Thanks @karwank.
Generated td tags will collapse all whitespace per suggestion by @jlfy.
table_for now keeps track of the current index of the row being render, per
suggestion by @jlfy. Example:
<%= table_for @users do |table| %> <% table.column :id do |user| %> "User id #{user.id} rendering with row index #{table.current_index}" <% end %> <% end %>
Fixed bug introduced in version 3.4.0 where link_namespace defined globally
on the table_for call was getting completely ignored. Thanks @panyamin for reporting.
Links options that are applied to a column will now generate the link even if you override
column. In haml, this example pointed out by @noctivityinc, now works:
= t.column link_action: :edit do %i.fa.fa-pencil
Fixed generation of link_confirm and link_method to apply to the links data element.
Added ability to configure sort_mode order, i.e. if sort links generate sort_modes in :asc, :desc order, or have different labels
than :asc and :desc
Changed the way configuration is done for TableFor. It is still done through TableFor.setup {|config|}, but some of the options have changed. Namely, the new configuration options are thead_tag, tbody_tag, tfoot_tag. If you do not want thead, tbody, or tfoot tags to be rendered, you can specify this in the setup block as follows: TableFor.setup {|config| config.thead_tag = nil; config.tbody_tag = nil; config.tfoot_tag = nil }. In addition, you can also globally define styles for the table as follows: TableFor.setup {|config| config.table_html = {:class => “table striped”}}. This undoes what was was released in 2.1.0
Added automatic internationalization (thanks killthekitten)
Since templating was moved from blocks into its own gem with_template, TableFor::Base now extends WithTemplate::Base instead of Blocks::Base.
2.2.0 (August 16, 2013)
Upgraded to blocks 2.2.0 and modified calls to evaluated_proc and evaluated_procs to call_if_proc and call_each_hash_value_if_proc
2.1.0 (August 15, 2013)
Switched main gem dependency from building-blocks to blocks
Added the ability to configure a default table class in an initializer (for example: TableFor.setup do |config| config.default_table_class = “table striped” end)
Aliased current_record with current_row, so as you’re iterating over the records, you can now call table.current_row
2.0.0 (October 18, 2012)
Upgraded to BuildingBlocks 2.0.0
Renamed thead block to header, tbody to body, add added an empty footer block to the default table implementation
Utilized features from BuildingBlocks 2.0.0, such as collection declaration of blocks, and collection rendering of blocks
Current record being iterated over no longer needs to be passed in as a parameter to the block, but can be accessed via the table.current_record, such as: <% table.column do %>
<%= table.current_record.name %>
<% end %>
1.2.1 (February 9, 2012)
Moved table_for_evaluated_options method into BuildingBlocks gem and renamed to evaluated_procs
Also now utilizing a method created in BuildingBlocks called evaluated_proc
The url for an edit, show, and delete link can now be a Proc that takes the current row’s domain object as a paramter
1.2.0 (February 5, 2012)
Upgraded dependency on BuildingBlocks to at least version 1.2.0
1.1.0 (February 4, 2012)
Removed dependency on rails 3.1, switched to >= 3.0.0