EN: A simple, high-performance, and comprehensive file system API running in the browser, built on OPFS.
CN: 在浏览器中运行的简单、高性能、完备的文件系统 API,基于 OPFS 构建。
import { file, dir, write } from 'opfs-tools';
// --------- Create / Write ---------
await dir('/test-dir').create(); // create a directory
await write('/dir/file.txt', ''); // empty file
await write('/dir/fetch-file', (await fetch('//example.com')).body);
// inputFile from the input element picked by the user
await write('/dir/input-file', inputFile.stream());
// For incremental file writes, please refer to the API documentation.
const writer = await file('/dir/file').createWriter();
// --------- Read ---------
await file('/dir/file.txt').text();
await file('/dir/input-file').arrayBuffer();
await file('/dir/input-file').stream();
// If you want to read file fragments, please refer to the API documentation.
const reader = await file('/dir/input-file').createReader();
await dir('/test-dir').children();
// --------- Remove ---------
await dir('/test-dir').remove();
await file('/dir/file.txt').remove();
// --------- copyTo / moveTo ---------
await file('/dir/file').copyTo(file('/dir/file copy1'));
await dir('/dir').moveTo(dir('/.Trash'));
// --------- import/export file -----------
const [impHandle] = await window.showOpenFilePicker();
write('/import-file', (await impHandle.getFile()).stream());
const expHandle = await window.showSaveFilePicker({
suggestedName: `opfs-export-file`,
(await file('/export-file').stream()).pipeTo(await expHandle.createWritable());
// --------- upload -------------
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', await file('/upload-file').getOriginFile());
await fetch('/upload', {
method: 'post',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' },
body: formData,
使用 AI + OPFS 在浏览器中实现 MacOS Finder。Implement MacOS Finder in the browser using AI + OPFS. -
Manage OPFS assets in your web site, supporting file creation, copying, and moving features, providing a user-friendly interactive experience.
- Basic operations
- file
- remove
- exists
- dir
- create
- remove
- exists
- children
- file
- Reading files
- getSize
- text
- stream
- arrayBuffer
- Random reading
- reader = file.createReader
- reader.read(bufLen, { at }
- reader.close
- Writing files
- write(dest: string, input: string)
- write(dest: string, input: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView)
- write(dest: string, input: ReadableStream)
- Random writing
- writer = file.createWriter
- writer.write
- writer.flush
- writer.truncate
- writer.close