- provide interface for terminal users to interact with financial data
- enable framework for developers to create, track and manage algorithmic trading robots
- allow traders to integrate high-level technical data processing and automated alerts and actions
Currently the app allows iex api subscribers to query and view a range of financial information. Also, limited beta testing of trading is enabled through alpaca.
There are some known bugs and undesirable behaviors, see BUGS. Many are only fixable through blessed and/or blessed-contrib fixes. This project is using forked versions that mainly address bugs encountered and missing functionalities.
- streaming data
- charts
- more types
- bot charts
- profit/loss
- the currently trading stock
- pcap reader
- set config options from agora repl
- portfolio management
- stock screener
- markdown analyst reports/news reader
- iex
- chart types
- bar (have to make a new drawille component since contrib bar is not made for financial data graphing)
- ohlc (same as above)
- chart types