Releases: hotwax/receiving
Releases · hotwax/receiving
Release 2.1.0
What's Changed
- Implemented: Upgraded app to Ionic 6.1.15 (#2ttr83t) by @k2maan in #123 and @shashwatbangar in #125
- Fixed: Incorrect information being displayed on PO details page(#2te5khn) by @disha1202 in #122
- Fixed: PO details not updated after changing qty(#2te5d34) by @shashwatbangar in #124
- Implemented: Support to store user preference for selected product store(#2f2h8hu) by @shashwatbangar in #116
- Implemented functionality to add support to select eComStore from the settings page (#251xhvt). by @meet-aniket in #96
- Implemented support to store user preference for selected product store (#2f2h8hu) by @rathoreprashant in #107
- Implemented search functionality on shipments page(#2v1npkr) by @disha1202 in #126
- Implemented: Returns flow to receive returns(#2t2wcjr) by @shashwatbangar in #118
- Added: support to set current location from PO details, shipment details page and return page (#238pmgz) by @adityasharma7 in #134, @meet-aniket in #89 and @disha1202 in #105
- Added: support to set current location from PO details, shipment details page and return page (#238pmgz) by @disha1202 in #128
- Fixed: code to not change the route when one of the return shipment item api fails and also change the default href for details page by @ymaheshwari1 in #135
- Fixed: type error on po details page by @ymaheshwari1 in #136
- Fixed: UI of returnDetails page(#2v7gpv1) by @shashwatbangar in #138
- Fixed: issue of shipmentItemSeqId not being passed when receiving shipment item by @ymaheshwari1 in #141
- Updated query for searching PO and fixed default facility location not set on item in case PO history does not exists by @disha1202 in #139
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
Release 2.0.0
What's Changed
- Added IonicSDK content by @azkyakhan in #1
- Created static UI by @azkyakhan in #2
- Migrated ionic vue by @azkyakhan in #12
- Improved code of settings page functionality by @azkyakhan in #14
- Improved css of login and shipment page (#ew2p3r) by @azkyakhan in #13
- Improved: code to prepare loader on app mounted and assign it to null on dismiss(#1x68xu9) by @Yashi002 in #19
- Added: example env file and added entry to ignore the env.* file from… by @ymaheshwari1 in #26
- Implemented shipment page functionality by @azkyakhan in #16
- Implemented code of receiving page functionality (#1uvq022) by @azkyakhan in #15
- Create by @adityasharma7 in #30
- Implemented code for instance URL (#1ym28pz) by @bashu22tiwari in #31
- Fixed the position of input label on login page (#1ym3jwv) by @azkyakhan in #32
- Added md mode (1zax3p6) by @bashu22tiwari in #34
- Improved code by using logo component for light and dark theme on login page(#1zw59ab) by @azkyakhan in #37
- Use Search Product API for showing product data on Shipment page (#dzkchn) by @bashu22tiwari in #21
- Created static UI for purchaseOrderDetails page ( #1xhjpgd ). by @meet-aniket in #23
- Added OMS information on settings page(#1y2ract) by @disha1202 in #35
- Upgraded to Ionic 6(#1yky3xh) by @Yashi002 in #36
- Fixed errors due to missing "=" for class and ";" for css on PurchaseOrderDetails page. by @meet-aniket in #42
- Added GitHub action configuration to verify build and PR & issue template by @adityasharma7 in #43
- Fixed build failure for node's version 16.13.2 ( #1yky3xh ). by @meet-aniket in #45
- Implemented: code to clear the shipments after changing store and logout(#20d7jmt) by @ymaheshwari1 in #46
- Updated name and favicon by @adityasharma7 in #48
- Improved: code to add await for the getProfile action(#21v4hav) by @ymaheshwari1 in #47
- implemented functionality to show more shipments ( #1xbznyc ) by @meet-aniket in #20
- Improved: code to get the shipment detail on page mount(#220krj9) by @ymaheshwari1 in #49
- Fixed: the issue of ion-input field by using the exact version 6.0.1 of ionic(#220mkyq) by @ymaheshwari1 in #50
- Fixed: code to add the ion-menu-button on mobile devices(#220kt0h) by @ymaheshwari1 in #51
- Implement functionality in purchase-order screen ( #1wmz45q ) by @meet-aniket in #22
- Implemented: component for purchase-order, added service to call the … by @ymaheshwari1 in #18
- Implemented scanner on the shipment page #1xhmv5x by @disha1202 in #39
- Improved code by replacing h6 with ion-note for displaying date in PO list item (#208dg0z) by @azkyakhan in #57
- Updated code to display the date only if estimatedDeliveryDate field … by @disha1202 in #54
- Updated the code to resolve warnings(#220ktrc) by @disha1202 in #55
- Implemented code to fetch and show products in AddProductModal and add them in shipment when clicking on "add to shipment" ( #1wn2rqg ). by @meet-aniket in #38
- Updated: names of components and title of receiving page(#220qzdj) by @disha1202 in #58
- Rendered data on the PO Details page ( #1xhkf57 ). by @meet-aniket in #56
- Implemented: use Receving app as shopify embedded app(#220uq6w) by @disha1202 in #59
- Added: load more purchase order button(#20e32ra) by @disha1202 in #62
- Improved: solr-query to pass the facilityId for getting POs(#226abg0) by @ymaheshwari1 in #63
- Implemented: Add products to purchase order model(#1xhj6qe) by @disha1202 in #60
- Implemented scanner on purchase order detail page(#1xx6hbj) by @disha1202 in #52
- Implemented functionality for scan button PO details page ( #1xx6hbj ) by @meet-aniket in #29
- Implemented functionality to save data loss while refreshing the browser and go back to the 'purchase-orders' page when clicking on back-button after browser refresh ( #220vbxh ). by @meet-aniket in #64
- Improved markup and styling of purchase order detail page (#220vjzv) by @azkyakhan in #61
- Improved styling of scan section in shipment detail page (#220quwn) by @azkyakhan in #53
- Updated: findProduct action to use product name for searching product… by @disha1202 in #69
- Implemented: functionality to add 'POs' from input field with the help of internalName and SKU ( #226czdd ). by @meet-aniket in #73
- Added PWA configuration(#226cynn) by @disha1202 in #72
- Refactored markup and styling throughout the app(#226d4t4) by @azkyakhan in #70
- Added: orderStatusId check in the solr-query(#226d142) by @ymaheshwari1 in #71
- Improved PWA configuration by @adityasharma7 in #74
- Implemented logic to Update shipment with product added via add to pr… by @disha1202 in #66
- Updated: manifest.json and added icons by @disha1202 in #75
- Updated: payload for receive shipment function by @ymaheshwari1 in #76
- Implemented: code for receiving po history(#1x69a6p) by @ymaheshwari1 in #65
- Implemented code to fetch po-history-details asynchronously in po-details page (#220t2dj). by @meet-aniket in #68
- Improved: the route redirect path on shipment complete by @ymaheshwari1 in #77
- Implemented functionality for receive all button and save button in purchase order details page (#1xhmp7h). by @meet-aniket in #27
- Fixed: the issue on progress bar on PO by @ymaheshwari1 in #78
- Updated manifest.json and added icons by @disha1202 in #79
- Updated: manifest.json by @disha1202 in #80
- Added maskable icons and updated manifest.json by @disha1202 in #82
- Removed fullscreen=true from ion-content of all pages(#21aqct8) by @azkyakhan in #83
- Added: viewSize in payload to fetch all product's details (#22x91py). by @meet-aniket in #87
- Improved: addShipmentItem action when adding item from the PO page(#226h2ax) by @ymaheshwari1 in #81
- Fixed: issue related to count of items not updating in shipment list page ( #226j5hb ). by @meet-aniket in #84
- Added slot and updated icon in ion-button(#238uwuv) by @Nihu-Sharma in #90
- Updated color of ion-icon in ion-chip, ion-chip outline and ion-item lines in dark mode(#238p38r) by @azkyakhan in #91
- Added theme color in index.html file by @disha1202 in #92
- Improved max-width, margin and tags (#24wc2vq) by @azkyakhan in #95
- Improved: code to fix error while having spaces around fields on Login page (#20jwqu1). by @meet-aniket in #94
- Improved code so that clicking on thumbnail of image should open it in a modal (#23301r3) by @azkyakhan in #88
- Added: default value for property unitCost when calling receiveShipmentItem api(#226h42t) by @ymaheshwari1 in #86
- Added firebase auto deployment configuration(#20d6xcu) by @disha1202 in #40
- Updated App name in manifest.json and some icons name by @Mayank909 in #93
- Improved: code to pass current orders directly to the mutation without using if else like conditions (#220vhcr). by @meet-aniket in #100
- Updated order state mutations and actions to pass current direc...
v1.0.0 (Angular App)
- Receiving app using angular