A Ruby library for generating identicon.
Identicon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identicon
Required rmagick or ruby-gd.
gem install quilt
# input: any string
# output: 15 * 15 png (default)
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new 'sample'
identicon.write 'sample15_15.png'
# input: identicon code(32 bit integer)
# output: 15 * 15 png (default)
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new 1, :type => :code
identicon.write 'sample15_15_code.png'
# input: ip address
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new '', :type => :ip
identicon.write 'sample15_15_ip.png'
# output: 150 * 150 png
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new 'sample', :scale => 10
identicon.write 'sample150_150.png'
# output: blob
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new 'sample'
print identicon.to_blob
# change image library to Rmagick to GD
Quilt::Identicon.image_lib = Quilt::ImageGD
identicon = Quilt::Identicon.new 'sample'
identicon.write 'sample15_15_gd.png'
Copyright (c) 2008 swdyh The MIT License https://github.com/swdyh/quilt