This folder contains several scripts for Chapter 5, which is about decomposition, analysis and generalization attempts of the 6-bit APN permutation. The code extensively uses the cryptools, a SageMath-based package of cryptanalytic tools.
Currently, the decomposition process is documented:
- information gathering about the S-Box, aligning columns in the LAT.
- performing the TU-decomposition and finding relations between T and U.
- decomposing the T mini-block cipher.
- final decomposition.
Bonus: a very compact code for generating a 6-bit APN involution (in the CCZ-equivalence class of the analyzed APN permutation): (python2 or python3)
mul2 = lambda a: (a<<1) ^ (127 * (a//32))
s = list(range(64))
for a, b in (3, 54), (5, 57), (7, 41), (9, 58):
for i in range(7):
s[a], s[b] = b, a
a, b = mul2(a), mul2(b)