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Previous meeting notes
- Haddocks for key infrastructure
- Updates on in-progress work
- GHC.X.Hackage second draft
- GHC tick-tock releases
- Update on Language/compiler features to help stability
- GHC warning policy document as discussed previously
- Find industry user groups to help smoke test with ghc preleases from May
Haddocks for key infrastructure
- Some packages are missing haddocks entirely, others partially
- How can we help package maintainers lives easier to be consistent here?
- Does this tie in with the package standards/badges?
- Suggestion for standards: If a module is exposed, then it needs docs
- Adds weight to guidelines work
- Idea: Get help for "central" packages to help meet expectations
- Racket is a good community to glean ideas from
- Extensible documentation tooling would be helpful
- Bring this up to academics
- Holding the token: David
- Recruit for helping community
- Still WIP
- Previously table this until August
Update on Language/compiler features to help stability
- Have to keep scope in control
- Send ideas that need more research to David
- Holding the token: Trevis
GHC warning policy document as discussed previously
- No progress
Find industry user groups to help smoke test with ghc preleases from May
- Previously tabled this as we expect the cost to decrease.