Please open an issue if you have a bug to report.
The more detailed your report, the faster it can be resolved and will ensure it is resolved in the right way. I personally appreciate it when people not only open issues, but attempt to resolve them on their own by submitting a pull request. I am always open to constructive feedback, and I am by no means an expert, so guidance should always be considered welcome.
If you would like to help with documentation, please remember to update any and all module headers with the appropriate copyright dates, ranges, and authorship.
Expansions to the documentation are welcome, and appreciated. Every contribution counts.
If you would like to contribute code to fix a bug, add a new feature, or otherwise improve this site, pull requests are most welcome. It's a good idea to submit an issue to discuss the change before plowing into writing code.
If relevant, any and all claims of "performance" should be backed up with benchmarks. You can add them to the existing benchmark suite in your PR, as long as you do not make unjustifiable changes to the existing code.
Refer to the README for more information on building the site.
project intends to focus on integration and usability,
balanced with maintainability.
We strive to be an example of best practices for real Haskell. If you believe there is a better way to do something in the code, please let us know or submit a PR for review. We would like the HF website to be a clear example of how to do a Hakyll website right.