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- Learn You a Haskell
- Stephen Diehl's What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell
- Well-Typed Introduction to Haksell
- Haskell: Uma introdução à programação funcional (Brazilian Portuguese)
Includes things like space for function application, understanding the most core operator precedence rules, etc.
Possibly includes the .
and $
Specific examples:
- list range syntax
- list comprehensions (they're perhaps not all that common anymore, but you should still be able to read them if they appear)
- using infix operators prefix (such as
) or prefix operators infix (such as`mod`
) - operator sections
- operator priority declarations (
) - pattern bindings
declarations (I'd arguably say you don't have to require this in "core", as they're so rare; you should probably still understand defaulting as a principle)
Includes type signatures, type variables, type class constraints, etc.
Specific data types:
- lists
- tuples
- Recursive types in general (a binary tree, for example)
Specifically, being able to:
- understand currying,
- perform type inference on a simple definition and obtain the most general type,
- reason about polymorphic types and about which type is more general than another,
- instantiate polymorphic types to specific types,
- understand about superclasses and class constraint equivalence (such as
Eq a
vs(Eq a, Ord a)
- understand parametricity (I think it's very useful, but I wouldn't make it a requirement) (BM: I think it's required, but I also think people often understand it without knowing they understanding it, so it's hard to talk about)
- Type constructors vs data constructors
- Newtypes
- Type aliases
- Phantom types
- the difference between
data Foo = Bar Int
andnewtype Foo = Bar Int
- transforming a simple concept into an adequate datatype
- restrictions on type synonyms (not recursive, not partially applied)
How to define them and use them
More emphasis on using them for a "core exam". It is much more common in Haskell to use existing concepts, or instantiate new datatypes to existing / common type classes than to define ad-hoc / domain-specific type classes.
This could be included in the "Types" topic
I am not sure if there should be questions specifically about kinds, such as
spelling out the kinds of types, but I think it makes sense to talk about
well-formedness of types, e.g. reason about the fact that Maybe -> Int
ill-formed, or instance Functor [Int]
does not make sense.
DB: These two well-formedness examples are exactly why I think it might be worth considering kinds for inclusion in the beginner syllabus / test. If you know the kind of the relevant types, it becomes trivial to answer why those examples are not well-formed. If you don't know about kinds, you won't have the language to really discuss the question. Should this concept be considered beginner vs intermediate? I don't know. But I do consider Monad, Functor, and MonadTrans to be essential concepts for commercial Haskell use.
Example question:
What does the following print?
main = do
let nums = [1..]
print $ take 5 nums
- Reasoning about termination of certain expressions
- Reasoning about the time efficiency of certain expressions
- Using
) - Possibly, reasoning about the space efficiency of certain expressions (but this gets tricky really quickly, and probably leaves "core / basic" territory)
I avoided using the word "monad" here because I think beginner Haskellers can start writing code in IO without needing to have any idea what "monad" actually means.
- Functor, Monad, Applicative, Monoid, Semigroup
- Num
Also (of course):
In particular:
- Performance characteristics of lists
- Finite maps, sets
- Possibly arrays / vectors (Alexandre: I don't think this is a good idea for a basic exam).
- Reasoning about / preferring totality of functions
- Use of dedicated datatypes vs strings
- Uses of eta-reduction
- ...
- Functor, Applicative and Monad laws
- Monoid and Semigroup laws
- Counterexamples: Reasoning if a given datatype is an Applicative but not a Monad, for example.
BM: It's important to be able to know what a Haskell program is going to do and equational reasoning is the tool we use everywhere. I think people who use Haskell well are people who fundamentally understand this type of algebraic evaluation of programs. But what would it look like to write it on a syllabus?
- Monomorphism restriction?
instances for floatsFunctor
instances for pairs /Either
- ...