Deleted branch
enable call hierarchy
enable call hierarchy
Merge branch 'master' into wip/fix-ci
Merge branch 'master' into wip/fix-ci
Add nightly jobs and trigger on tag
Add nightly jobs and trigger on tag
Deleted branch
Use helper function for logging ghcup logs and exiting on failure
Use helper function for logging ghcup logs and exiting on failure
Force push
Bump haskell-actions/setup from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10
Bump haskell-actions/setup from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10
Force push
8 hours ago
Deleted branch
Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 30 to 31
Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 30 to 31
15 hours ago
[chore] remove unnecessary instance and use of unsafeCoerce
[chore] remove unnecessary instance and use of unsafeCoerce
Pull request merge
Add additional test data files to cabal configuration
Add additional test data files to cabal configuration
6 days ago
fix version bound in matrix
fix version bound in matrix
enable semanticTokens and notes
enable semanticTokens and notes
fix: add conditional import for DuplicateRecordFields and FieldSelect…
fix: add conditional import for DuplicateRecordFields and FieldSelect…
fix template haskell 9.12.2
fix template haskell 9.12.2
feat: add entityInfo to mkHieFile' for GHC 9.11.0 compatibility
feat: add entityInfo to mkHieFile' for GHC 9.11.0 compatibility
disable bench to proceed
disable bench to proceed
refactor: qualify Data.Text import in ExceptionTests.hs
refactor: qualify Data.Text import in ExceptionTests.hs
refactor: remove unused import from Compat.hs
refactor: remove unused import from Compat.hs
Remove ghcide-test-preprocessor from func-test dependencies
Remove ghcide-test-preprocessor from func-test dependencies
7 days ago
bump haskell-actions/setup to version 2.7.10 in build and benchmark w…
bump haskell-actions/setup to version 2.7.10 in build and benchmark w…