diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/__snapshots__/skipped-attributes.test.ts.snap b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/__snapshots__/skipped-attributes.test.ts.snap index f4e73ecc24..2f1659be2f 100644 --- a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/__snapshots__/skipped-attributes.test.ts.snap +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/__snapshots__/skipped-attributes.test.ts.snap @@ -1,6 +1,331 @@ // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP -exports[`skips attributes in the disallow list: quicksight-template 1`] = ` +exports[`skips attribute type attributes in the disallow list: data-quicksight-analysis 1`] = ` +"// https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis +// generated from terraform resource schema + +import { Construct } from 'constructs'; +import * as cdktf from 'cdktf'; + +// Configuration + +export interface DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig extends cdktf.TerraformMetaArguments { + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis#analysis_id DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#analysis_id} + */ + readonly analysisId: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis#aws_account_id DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#aws_account_id} + */ + readonly awsAccountId?: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis#id DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#id} + * + * Please be aware that the id field is automatically added to all resources in Terraform providers using a Terraform provider SDK version below 2. + * If you experience problems setting this value it might not be settable. Please take a look at the provider documentation to ensure it should be settable. + */ + readonly id?: string; + /** + * Docs at Terraform Registry: {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis#tags DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis#tags} + */ + readonly tags?: { [key: string]: string }; +} +export interface DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions { +} + +export function dataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsToTerraform(struct?: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions): any { + if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; } + if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) { + throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported: https://cdk.tf/complex-object-as-configuration"); + } + return { + } +} + + +export function dataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsToHclTerraform(struct?: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions): any { + if (!cdktf.canInspect(struct) || cdktf.Tokenization.isResolvable(struct)) { return struct; } + if (cdktf.isComplexElement(struct)) { + throw new Error("A complex element was used as configuration, this is not supported: https://cdk.tf/complex-object-as-configuration"); + } + const attrs = { + }; + return attrs; +} + +export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference extends cdktf.ComplexObject { + private isEmptyObject = false; + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param complexObjectIndex the index of this item in the list + * @param complexObjectIsFromSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + public constructor(terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, terraformAttribute: string, complexObjectIndex: number, complexObjectIsFromSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, complexObjectIsFromSet, complexObjectIndex); + } + + public get internalValue(): DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions | undefined { + let hasAnyValues = this.isEmptyObject; + const internalValueResult: any = {}; + return hasAnyValues ? internalValueResult : undefined; + } + + public set internalValue(value: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissions | undefined) { + if (value === undefined) { + this.isEmptyObject = false; + } + else { + this.isEmptyObject = Object.keys(value).length === 0; + } + } + + // actions - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get actions() { + return cdktf.Fn.tolist(this.getListAttribute('actions')); + } + + // principal - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get principal() { + return this.getStringAttribute('principal'); + } +} + +export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsList extends cdktf.ComplexList { + + /** + * @param terraformResource The parent resource + * @param terraformAttribute The attribute on the parent resource this class is referencing + * @param wrapsSet whether the list is wrapping a set (will add tolist() to be able to access an item via an index) + */ + constructor(protected terraformResource: cdktf.IInterpolatingParent, protected terraformAttribute: string, protected wrapsSet: boolean) { + super(terraformResource, terraformAttribute, wrapsSet) + } + + /** + * @param index the index of the item to return + */ + public get(index: number): DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference { + return new DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsOutputReference(this.terraformResource, this.terraformAttribute, index, this.wrapsSet); + } +} + +/** +* Represents a {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis aws_quicksight_analysis} +*/ +export class DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis extends cdktf.TerraformDataSource { + + // ================= + // STATIC PROPERTIES + // ================= + public static readonly tfResourceType = "aws_quicksight_analysis"; + + // ============== + // STATIC Methods + // ============== + /** + * Generates CDKTF code for importing a DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis resource upon running "cdktf plan " + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param importToId The construct id used in the generated config for the DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis to import + * @param importFromId The id of the existing DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis that should be imported. Refer to the {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis#import import section} in the documentation of this resource for the id to use + * @param provider? Optional instance of the provider where the DataAwsQuicksightAnalysis to import is found + */ + public static generateConfigForImport(scope: Construct, importToId: string, importFromId: string, provider?: cdktf.TerraformProvider) { + return new cdktf.ImportableResource(scope, importToId, { terraformResourceType: "aws_quicksight_analysis", importId: importFromId, provider }); + } + + // =========== + // INITIALIZER + // =========== + + /** + * Create a new {@link https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/quicksight_analysis aws_quicksight_analysis} Data Source + * + * @param scope The scope in which to define this construct + * @param id The scoped construct ID. Must be unique amongst siblings in the same scope + * @param options DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig + */ + public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, config: DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisConfig) { + super(scope, id, { + terraformResourceType: 'aws_quicksight_analysis', + terraformGeneratorMetadata: { + providerName: 'aws' + }, + provider: config.provider, + dependsOn: config.dependsOn, + count: config.count, + lifecycle: config.lifecycle, + provisioners: config.provisioners, + connection: config.connection, + forEach: config.forEach + }); + this._analysisId = config.analysisId; + this._awsAccountId = config.awsAccountId; + this._id = config.id; + this._tags = config.tags; + } + + // ========== + // ATTRIBUTES + // ========== + + // analysis_id - computed: false, optional: false, required: true + private _analysisId?: string; + public get analysisId() { + return this.getStringAttribute('analysis_id'); + } + public set analysisId(value: string) { + this._analysisId = value; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get analysisIdInput() { + return this._analysisId; + } + + // arn - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get arn() { + return this.getStringAttribute('arn'); + } + + // aws_account_id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _awsAccountId?: string; + public get awsAccountId() { + return this.getStringAttribute('aws_account_id'); + } + public set awsAccountId(value: string) { + this._awsAccountId = value; + } + public resetAwsAccountId() { + this._awsAccountId = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get awsAccountIdInput() { + return this._awsAccountId; + } + + // created_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get createdTime() { + return this.getStringAttribute('created_time'); + } + + // definition - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get definition() { + return this.interpolationForAttribute('definition'); + } + + // id - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _id?: string; + public get id() { + return this.getStringAttribute('id'); + } + public set id(value: string) { + this._id = value; + } + public resetId() { + this._id = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get idInput() { + return this._id; + } + + // last_published_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get lastPublishedTime() { + return this.getStringAttribute('last_published_time'); + } + + // last_updated_time - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get lastUpdatedTime() { + return this.getStringAttribute('last_updated_time'); + } + + // name - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get name() { + return this.getStringAttribute('name'); + } + + // permissions - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + private _permissions = new DataAwsQuicksightAnalysisPermissionsList(this, "permissions", false); + public get permissions() { + return this._permissions; + } + + // status - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get status() { + return this.getStringAttribute('status'); + } + + // tags - computed: true, optional: true, required: false + private _tags?: { [key: string]: string }; + public get tags() { + return this.getStringMapAttribute('tags'); + } + public set tags(value: { [key: string]: string }) { + this._tags = value; + } + public resetTags() { + this._tags = undefined; + } + // Temporarily expose input value. Use with caution. + public get tagsInput() { + return this._tags; + } + + // theme_arn - computed: true, optional: false, required: false + public get themeArn() { + return this.getStringAttribute('theme_arn'); + } + + // ========= + // SYNTHESIS + // ========= + + protected synthesizeAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { + return { + analysis_id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._analysisId), + aws_account_id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._awsAccountId), + id: cdktf.stringToTerraform(this._id), + tags: cdktf.hashMapper(cdktf.stringToTerraform)(this._tags), + }; + } + + protected synthesizeHclAttributes(): { [name: string]: any } { + const attrs = { + analysis_id: { + value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._analysisId), + isBlock: false, + type: "simple", + storageClassType: "string", + }, + aws_account_id: { + value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._awsAccountId), + isBlock: false, + type: "simple", + storageClassType: "string", + }, + id: { + value: cdktf.stringToHclTerraform(this._id), + isBlock: false, + type: "simple", + storageClassType: "string", + }, + tags: { + value: cdktf.hashMapperHcl(cdktf.stringToHclTerraform)(this._tags), + isBlock: false, + type: "map", + storageClassType: "stringMap", + }, + }; + + // remove undefined attributes + return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(attrs).filter(([_, value]) => value !== undefined && value.value !== undefined )) + } +} +" +`; + +exports[`skips block type attributes in the disallow list: quicksight-template 1`] = ` "// https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/quicksight_template // generated from terraform resource schema diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/fixtures/data_aws_quicksight_analysis.fixture.json b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/fixtures/data_aws_quicksight_analysis.fixture.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d641ee6b55 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/fixtures/data_aws_quicksight_analysis.fixture.json @@ -0,0 +1,81864 @@ +{ + "format_version": "1.0", + "provider_schemas": { + "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws": { + "data_source_schemas": { + "aws_quicksight_analysis": { + "version": 0, + "block": { + "attributes": { + "analysis_id": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "required": true + }, + "arn": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "aws_account_id": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "optional": true, + "computed": true + }, + "created_time": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "definition": { + "type": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "analysis_defaults": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "default_new_sheet_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "interactive_layout_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "free_form": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "screen_canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "optimized_view_port_width": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "grid": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "screen_canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "optimized_view_port_width": "string", + "resize_option": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "paginated_layout_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "section_based": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "paper_canvas_size_options": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "paper_margin": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "bottom": "string", + "left": "string", + "right": "string", + "top": "string" + } + ] + ], + "paper_orientation": "string", + "paper_size": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "sheet_content_type": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "calculated_fields": [ + "set", + [ + "object", + { + "data_set_identifier": "string", + "expression": "string", + "name": "string" + } + ] + ], + "column_configurations": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column_name": "string", + "data_set_identifier": "string" + } + ] + ], + "format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "date_time_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "date_time_format": "string", + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "numeric_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "currency_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string", + "symbol": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ], + "percentage_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "number_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "numeric_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "currency_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string", + "symbol": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ], + "percentage_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "string_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "numeric_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "currency_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string", + "symbol": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "number_scale": "string", + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ], + "percentage_display_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_places": "number" + } + ] + ], + "negative_value_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "display_mode": "string" + } + ] + ], + "null_value_format_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "null_string": "string" + } + ] + ], + "prefix": "string", + "separator_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "decimal_separator": "string", + "thousands_separator": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "symbol": "string", + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "suffix": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "role": "string" + } + ] + ], + "data_set_identifiers_declarations": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "data_set_arn": "string", + "identifier": "string" + } + ] + ], + "filter_groups": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "cross_dataset": "string", + "filter_group_id": "string", + "filters": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "category_filter": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column_name": "string", + "data_set_identifier": "string" + } + ] + ], + "configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "custom_filter_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "category_value": "string", + "match_operator": "string", + "null_option": "string", + "parameter_name": "string", + "select_all_options": "string" + } + ] + ], + "custom_filter_list_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "category_values": [ + "list", + "string" + ], + "match_operator": "string", + "null_option": "string", + "select_all_options": "string" + } + ] + ], + "filter_list_configuration": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "category_values": [ + "list", + "string" + ], + "match_operator": "string", + "select_all_options": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "filter_id": "string" + } + ] + ], + "numeric_equality_filter": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "aggregation_function": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "categorical_aggregation_function": "string", + "date_aggregation_function": "string", + 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+ } + ] + ], + "value": "number" + } + ] + ], + "time_range_filter": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "column_name": "string", + "data_set_identifier": "string" + } + ] + ], + "range_maximum": "string", + "range_minimum": "string", + "time_granularity": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "hierarchy_id": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "subtitle": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "format_text": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "plain_text": "string", + "rich_text": "string" + } + ] + ], + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ], + "title": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "format_text": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "plain_text": "string", + "rich_text": "string" + } + ] + ], + "visibility": "string" + } + ] + ], + "visual_id": "string" + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ] + } + ] + ], + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "id": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "optional": true, + "computed": true + }, + "last_published_time": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "last_updated_time": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "permissions": { + "type": [ + "list", + [ + "object", + { + "actions": [ + "set", + "string" + ], + "principal": "string" + } + ] + ], + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "status": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + }, + "tags": { + "type": [ + "map", + "string" + ], + "description_kind": "plain", + "optional": true, + "computed": true + }, + "theme_arn": { + "type": "string", + "description_kind": "plain", + "computed": true + } + }, + "description_kind": "plain" + } + } + } + } + } + } + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/skipped-attributes.test.ts b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/skipped-attributes.test.ts index 1db4d654c2..c67d6c6990 100644 --- a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/skipped-attributes.test.ts +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/__tests__/generator/skipped-attributes.test.ts @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import * as path from "path"; import { TerraformProviderGenerator } from "../../generator/provider-generator"; import { CodeMaker } from "codemaker"; -test("skips attributes in the disallow list", async () => { +test("skips block type attributes in the disallow list", async () => { const code = new CodeMaker(); const workdir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), "skip-attributes.test") @@ -37,3 +37,38 @@ test("skips attributes in the disallow list", async () => { ) ).toBe(false); }); + +test("skips attribute type attributes in the disallow list", async () => { + const code = new CodeMaker(); + const workdir = fs.mkdtempSync( + path.join(os.tmpdir(), "skip-attributes.test") + ); + const spec = JSON.parse( + fs.readFileSync( + path.join( + __dirname, + "fixtures", + "data_aws_quicksight_analysis.fixture.json" + ), + "utf-8" + ) + ); + new TerraformProviderGenerator(code, spec).generateAll(); + await code.save(workdir); + + const output = fs.readFileSync( + path.join(workdir, "providers/aws/data-aws-quicksight-analysis/index.ts"), + "utf-8" + ); + expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(`data-quicksight-analysis`); + + // There should also be no index structs + expect( + fs.existsSync( + path.join( + workdir, + "providers/aws/data-aws-quicksight-analysis/index-structs" + ) + ) + ).toBe(false); +}); diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/models/attribute-model.ts b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/models/attribute-model.ts index 3631fa306f..f970661c92 100644 --- a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/models/attribute-model.ts +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/models/attribute-model.ts @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export interface AttributeModelOptions { getAttCall?: string; provider: boolean; required: boolean; + forcePlainGetterType?: boolean; // used for skipping attribute type attributes that use the SkippedAttributeTypeModel which returns an interpolation and has no stored type } export function escapeAttributeName(name: string) { @@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ export class AttributeModel { private _description?: string; public provider: boolean; public required: boolean; + public forcePlainGetterType?: boolean; constructor(options: AttributeModelOptions) { this.storageName = options.storageName; @@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ export class AttributeModel { this._description = options.description; this.provider = options.provider; this.required = options.required; + this.forcePlainGetterType = options.forcePlainGetterType; } public get typeDefinition() { @@ -105,6 +108,10 @@ export class AttributeModel { public get getterType(): GetterType { let getterType: GetterType = { _type: "plain" }; + if (this.forcePlainGetterType) { + return getterType; + } + if (this.isProvider) { return getterType; } diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/resource-parser.ts b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/resource-parser.ts index 0f564a1622..3e21f2b2b6 100644 --- a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/resource-parser.ts +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/resource-parser.ts @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import { } from "./models"; import { detectAttributeLoops } from "./loop-detection"; import { shouldSkipAttribute } from "./skipped-attributes"; -import { Errors } from "@cdktf/commons"; // Can't be used in expressions like "export * as from ... " // filtered from all keywords from: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/503604c884bd0557c851b11b699ef98cdb65b93b/src/compiler/types.ts#L114-L197 @@ -396,28 +395,29 @@ class Parser { for (const [terraformAttributeName, att] of Object.entries( block.attributes || {} )) { + let type: AttributeTypeModel; + let forcePlainGetterType = false; if (shouldSkipAttribute(parentType.fullName(terraformAttributeName))) { - throw Errors.Internal( - `Skipping attribute ${parentType.fullName( - terraformAttributeName - )} is not implemented since it's an attribute and not a block type` + type = new SkippedAttributeTypeModel(); + forcePlainGetterType = true; + } else { + type = this.renderAttributeType( + [ + parentType, + new Scope({ + name: terraformAttributeName, + parent: parentType, + isProvider: parentType.isProvider, + isComputed: !!att.computed, + isOptional: !!att.optional, + isRequired: !!att.required, + isNestedType: isNestedTypeAttribute(att), + }), + ], + att.type || att.nested_type ); } - const type = this.renderAttributeType( - [ - parentType, - new Scope({ - name: terraformAttributeName, - parent: parentType, - isProvider: parentType.isProvider, - isComputed: !!att.computed, - isOptional: !!att.optional, - isRequired: !!att.required, - isNestedType: isNestedTypeAttribute(att), - }), - ], - att.type || att.nested_type - ); + const name = toCamelCase(terraformAttributeName); attributes.push( @@ -432,6 +432,7 @@ class Parser { type, provider: parentType.isProvider, required: !!att.required, + forcePlainGetterType, }) ); } diff --git a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/skipped-attributes.ts b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/skipped-attributes.ts index 1bbd618aea..59511bf93e 100644 --- a/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/skipped-attributes.ts +++ b/packages/@cdktf/provider-generator/lib/get/generator/skipped-attributes.ts @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ const SKIPPED_ATTRIBUTES: string[] = [ "aws.quicksight_template.definition", "aws.quicksight_dashboard.definition", "aws.quicksight_analysis.definition", + "aws.data_aws_quicksight_analysis.definition", "aws.wafv2_web_acl.wafv2_web_acl_rule.statement", "aws.wafv2_rule_group.wafv2_rule_group_rule.statement", ]; diff --git a/website/docs/cdktf/concepts/data-sources.mdx b/website/docs/cdktf/concepts/data-sources.mdx index 5ac9e2ea04..7334b7723b 100644 --- a/website/docs/cdktf/concepts/data-sources.mdx +++ b/website/docs/cdktf/concepts/data-sources.mdx @@ -314,3 +314,10 @@ func RemoteStateDataSourceStack(scope constructs.Construct, name string) cdktf.T ``` + +### Large Data Source Configurations + +A few individual Terraform Data Sources have very deeply nested schemas with a lot of attributes. This blows up the config classes and slows down the code generation for languages besides Typescript. To work around this we sometimes limit the depth of the config classes and use `any` on deeper level, some attributes we directly expose as `any` on the top level config class. + +- `aws` Provider: + - `data.aws_quicksight_analysis.definition` is set to `any`