Adding pulumi support for setting up EC2 instance for this project
Adding pulumi support for setting up EC2 instance for this project
Created a bash script for de_provisioning starting resources on AWS
Created a bash script for de_provisioning starting resources on AWS
Created a bash script for provisioning starting resources on AWS
Created a bash script for provisioning starting resources on AWS
Adding pulumi support for setting up ECS Cluster
Adding pulumi support for setting up ECS Cluster
Adding pulumi support for setting up ECS task definition
Adding pulumi support for setting up ECS task definition
Implemented logic to delete the source file after transcoding and suc…
Implemented logic to delete the source file after transcoding and suc…
Implement logic to pop videos from queue, start ECS task, transcode, …
Implement logic to pop videos from queue, start ECS task, transcode, …
Created function to list running tasks from ecs
Created function to list running tasks from ecs
Created Lambda function to queue videos on S3 upload
Created Lambda function to queue videos on S3 upload
Created endpoint to generate pre-signed url to put videos
Created endpoint to generate pre-signed url to put videos