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03. About State and Meet Redux

tony kerz edited this page Nov 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Sometimes, the actions that we'll handle in our application will not only be made to inform us that something happened but also to tell us that a data needs to be updated.

This is actually quite a big challenge in any apps.

  • Where do I keep all the data regarding my application along its lifetime?
  • How do I handle modification of such data?
  • How do I propagate modifications to all parts of my application?

Here comes Redux.

Redux ( is a "predictable state container for JavaScript apps"

Let's take again those questions above and reply to them with Redux vocabulary (flux vocabulary too for some of them):

  • Where do I keep all the data regarding my application along its lifetime?
  • You keep it the way you want (JS object, array, Immutable structure, ...).
  • Data of your application will be called state. Makes sense since we're talking about all the application's data that will evolve over time, it's really the application's state. But you hand it over to Redux (Redux is "state container", remember?).
  • How do I handle modification of such data?
  • Using reducers. A reducer is a subscriber to actions. A reducer is just a function that receives the current state of your application, the action, and returns a new state modified (or reduced as they call it)
  • How do I propagate modifications to all parts of my application?
  • Using subscribers to state's modifications.

Redux tie all this up together for you. To sum up, Redux will provide you:

  1. a place to put your application state
  2. a mechanism to subscribe to state updates
  3. a mechanism to dispatch actions to modifiers of your application state AKA reducers

The Redux instance is called a store and can be created like this:

import { createStore } from 'redux'
var store = createStore()

but if you run the code above, you'll notice that it throw an error:

Error: Invariant Violation: Expected the reducer to be a function.

That's because createStore expect at least a function that will allow him to reduce your state. Let's try again

import { createStore } from 'redux'
var store = createStore(() => {})

Seems good for now...

Next: Tutorial 4 Simple Reducer