diff --git a/.TODO b/.TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7894d..0000000
--- a/.TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-DONE # set publishers instances (p1,p2,..)  to get topic and OS as an argument ( for scripting purposes )
-DONE # subscriber's register mechanism
-DONE # generate / decide network topology for mininet. ( to test and showcase our code )
-	# add a logging feature to be able to see outputs ( for when we run it in mininet ) 
-DONE # we should assume that publishers might fail and prepare for it. implement heartbeat
-DONE # unregister method and recalculation of new dominant publishers
-# write a readme for the grader to see
-# Do end-to-end measurements (time between publication and receipt of info; since the clock is the same on all emulated hosts, we do not have the issue of clocks drifting apart from each other).
-DONE # Complete the history container, which is able to hold message of different topic respectively
-*take a look at the next assignment.
diff --git a/classes/publisher.py b/classes/publisher.py
index 5443f7f..2ac422f 100644
--- a/classes/publisher.py
+++ b/classes/publisher.py
@@ -30,27 +30,20 @@ def __init__(self, knownEsAddress, strength ,topic):
 		self.strength = strength
 	def register(self,serverAddress):
-		# TODO address = lookup(self.topic)
 		self.socket.disconnect("tcp://" + self.knownEsAddress)
 		self.socket.connect("tcp://" + serverAddress)
 		msg = {'msgType':'publisherRegisterReq','pId':self.pId,'address':self.addr, 'topic':self.topic,'os':self.strength}
-		# self.socket.send_string("rp{}-{}, {}, {}".format(self.pId, self.addr,self.topic,self.strength))
 		logger.info('register request sent')
 	def lookup(self,key):
-		# TODO call to any known eventservice to findout where it should register.
-		# return: ES address (ip:port)
 		msg = {'msgType':'nodeLookup', 'key': key}
 		designatedServer = self.socket.recv()
 		print('designated server:' , designatedServer)
-		self.register(designatedServer)
 		return designatedServer
-		# TODO go register to the designate
diff --git a/classes/subscriber.py b/classes/subscriber.py
index 2126229..db67c8f 100644
--- a/classes/subscriber.py
+++ b/classes/subscriber.py
@@ -29,24 +29,19 @@ def __init__(self,esAddr = ""):
 		# logging.basicConfig(filename="log/{}.log".format('S' + self.addr),level=logging.DEBUG)
 	def register(self,topic, serverAddress):
-		# TODO address = lookup(topic)
 		self.socket.disconnect("tcp://" + getPubFromAddress(self.knownEsAddress))
 		self.socket.connect("tcp://" + serverAddress)
 		msg = {'msgType':'subscriberRegisterReq','sId':self.sId,'address':self.addr, 'topic':topic}
-		# self.reqSocket.send_string("rs{}-{}, {}".format(self.sId, self.addr,topic))
 		logger.info( 'register req sent')
 	def lookup(self,key):
-		# TODO call to any known eventservice to findout where it should register.
-		# return: ES address (ip:port)
 		msg = {'msgType':'nodeLookup', 'key': key}
 		designatedServer = self.reqSocket.recv()
 		print('designated server:' , designatedServer)
 		return designatedServer
-		# TODO go register to the designate
 	def subscribe(self, sFilter):
 		# any subscriber must use the SUBSCRIBE to set a subscription, i.e., tell the
diff --git a/p1.py b/p1.py
index 1e6f99d..a0e8780 100644
--- a/p1.py
+++ b/p1.py
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
 	topic = 'book'
 p1 = Publisher(eventserver_address,owner_strength,topic)
+srvAddr = p1.lookup(topic)
 # keep publishing
 while True:
 	body = "{}".format(randint(0,9))