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Game of Life in Flutter

This is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Flutter, a cellular automaton simulation. The code includes a custom painter to visualize the game grid and a class to manage logic.

Game of Life in Flutter

How to Use

Once the application is running, you will see the Game of Life simulation displayed on the screen. Here's how to interact with it:

  • The grid represents the cells in the Game of Life.
  • Cells can be in one of two states: alive (red) or dead (black).
  • The initial state of the grid is randomized.
  • The simulation will automatically update at a predefined interval.


You can customize the following aspects of the simulation:

Grid Size: The grid size can be adjusted by changing the size parameter in the MainApp widget in main.dart. For example, GameOfLife(85) creates an 85x85 grid.

Update Interval: You can change the update interval by modifying the Duration passed to the GameOfLife stream in main.dart. For example, to increase the update interval to 50 milliseconds, use Duration(milliseconds: 50).

Cell Appearance: You can customize the appearance of live and dead cells by modifying the GameOfLifePainter class in game_of_life_painter.dart. You can change the colors and styles used to paint cells.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.