Build a host with either ctrl-shift-b
(in vscode
) or
deploy '.#${hostname}'
Build a bootable image with:
<!-- nix build '.#${hostname}' -->
sudo nix run 'github:nix-community/disko#disko-install' -- --flake '.#${hostname}' --disk main /dev/sda
The layout here automatically sets host config based on the directory structure; that is,
A configuration.nix
at any level applies to all hosts within its directory.
Boot to the NixOS installer, set a passwd
for SSH access then
ssh nixos@nixos sudo mkdir /run/agenix
nixos-anywhere -f '.#${hostname}' \
--disk-encryption-keys /run/agenix/luks luks \
# update `nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.age.rekey.hostPubkey
ssh-keyscan -qt ed25519 ${hostname} | cut -d' ' -f2- | wl-copy
agenix rekey -a
deploy '.#${hostname}'
# update syncthing ID
NOTE: WIP, needs automatic secret decryption (e.g., luks key)
Build, flash, and boot to an installer:
nix build ''
dd if=result/iso/*.iso of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress conv=fdatasync