For the past couple of months I've been working on a data management tool I'm calling OpenDMP. As I've started adding more features, I've run into a scalability issue a bit sooner than I had expected and so I decided to tackle what is hopefully the biggest remaining piece of the project's system architecture.
Spring MVC is a framework that is used to build web applications. It follows the Model View Controller pattern. DispatcherServlet is the servlet that controls the flow of a request from view to controller. Since Spring 3.1, the Servlet 3 API is supported and we no longer need web.xml for configuring DispatcherServlet – instead, it is configured programmatically.
How to create spring boot application using Spring Initializr and creating spring boot rest api example
Stop replacing your monolith with a God service and start doing things better. Let John Vester show you how to get started.
How to create your custom annotation for request routing for Spring Boot? Custom BeanPostProcessor helps to parse and register target methods.
How to move spring boot microservices cluster to kubernetes
In this article, we will discuss some important 10 interview questions in Spring Boot. These the entire question is trending with building strong java career in the job market.
Learn how to write fluent integration tests for modern web applications!
Dashkivsky Roman, 5 years in Java. An avid gamer. Successfully balances work and volunteering. How to implement simple task using WebSockets and not burn out
Create a Spring Boot application, set up your server and configure Gitlab to build your app, run tests and automatically deploy it to your server
There's a reason Java maintained popularity for such a long period of time. The language's conservative, slow and steady approach is the key to its success.
Microservices are a part of cloud computing which will become more important over time. This is how to create microservices using Spring Boot for the process.
Standard schema validation allows delegating the validation to a third-party library and being done with it. Without one, we must fall back to manual validation
In this article, we will look at how to schedule tasks using the Quartz framework in Spring Boot. We will consider JobStore, and thread pools.
This collection lists the best Java books. The books are listed in ascending order of the reader's level of training.
According to Wikipedia, Software profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that measures, for example, the space (memory) or time complexity of a program, the usage of particular instructions, or the frequency and duration of function calls.
URL shortener Java and Spring boot tutorial. A step-by-step guide that is easy to follow. This is a common interview task that should be understood by devs.
In this article, we'll explain how to create a CI/CD workflow for a SpringBoot Application deployed to Kubernetes using Skaffold.
How to dynamically exclude selected Spring Boot auto-configuration classes using profile groups.
The article explains optimistic and pessimistic locking. We consider a Spring Data JPA application with concurrent transactional code as an example.
Having worked on a project for 6 months using GraphQL on the backend, I weigh up the technology’s fit into the development workflow
When you look at the advanced programming frameworks popular among developers, you will notice that Quarkus and Spring Boot hold prominent places.
Use env properties in spring boot to add the environment variables.
Jinq is a library that provides a convenient and natural way to build typesafe database queries in Java. It is easy to use and does not require code generation
Kong Ingress Controller allows users to include the power of Kong Gateway in existing Kubernetes implementations, all without much effort.
Explanation and Example of a Real-World Spring Boot and Docker Desktop based Deployment. Code Samples are provided Inline and via Git Repo.
Spring Boot Java applications now with real-time unified messaging and streaming with Apache Pulsar
Don’t expose more than you think needs exposing.
If a certain property on an object is not useful to a consumer and internal to your business, then don’t return it.
One-Place Reference with Code Samples for Spring Boot Annotations.
Ways for Clean Shutdown of Spring Boot Applications, whether in Developer mode or in Production Mode. Code Samples are provided Inline and via Git Repo.
Learn how to integrate FlywayDB to Spring boot application to help with adding database migration functionality to your Spring Boot project using Flyway.
Skaffold is a cloud native open source framework from Google that lets Spring Boot developers build Kubernetes apps easily and deploy effortlessly
We use annotations to denote transactional behavior in modern Spring so we have no code, no failure, no debugging... But is it really?
Hello guys, I have awesome news to share with you. Pluralsight has announced that all their 7000+ expert-led courses are free for one-month, April 2020, to support people staying at home due to COVID-19.
A little backstory on how this started. My team needed to save some on money on the infrastructure we were requesting and since most of the load for the application we wanted to build would be on the client-side rather than the service side. We decided to see if we could combine a Spring Application with a React app and serve up a single war file.
In part 1 and part 2, the setting up and testing of GraphQL APIs was covered. In this article, the focus is on the querying of the graph DB, which is Neo4j in this case. For querying, the Neo4j OGM library and Spring Data’s Neo4jRepository will be used.
John Vester introduces a Vue.js client application to read data from Salesforce and process SSE-based events via SSE implementation.
Learn Why And How To Use Relational Database Migrations. The way to initialize and update schema for relational databases with Java.
IKODIX is an online code generator for admin panel full-stack applications for any relational database.
I chose Spring Cloud for the architecture of my Kotlin pet project and it was right. What conclusions have I drawn?
The big release of Spring and official support for spring native resurfaced my thoughts on migrating to GraalVM native image. Is it SubstrateVM time?
A distributed architecture brings in several challenges when it comes to operability and monitoring. Here, one may be dealing with tens if not hundreds of microservices, each of which may or may not have been built by the same team.
In this multi-part series, I'll transform a new application into a multi-tenant experience running in the Heroku ecosystem. This article focuses on the object model, design, architecture, and security.
We are going to build an e-commerce application using Java, Spring backend, build web UI in Vue.js, and mobile UI using android. Stay tuned!
It's impossible to write OOP code with Spring. From its core it promotes the use of singletons and anemic data structures a.k.a. data "objects" a.k.a. DTO. This fuels procedural programming and kills OOP.
Part 1 of this series provides detailed description on GraphQL server and how to start setting it up using springboot, Schema Definition Language (SDL) and its types.
Microservices is an architectural style used for creating applications made of individual fine-grained services, which encourages functional decoupling, re-usability, and scalability. This is becoming increasingly popular compared to the monolithic applications we generally build. Monoliths generally lack the flexibility given by microservices in separating out functional components to have their own independent development teams, lifecycles, and deployment.
Let’s see what awaits our favorite Java language directly, and then — what awaits the IT-sphere.
Keep up with the latest and best practices to build spring boot docker images.
52. Microservice Patterns to Design and Implement Any Java-Based Event-Driven Microservices Application
Java spring boot developers tutorial- Tips to use partitioning strategies in your microservices application and use of various Deployment Patterns & Strategies.
For Java developers, last, a couple of years has brought plentiful changes and posed a tough challenge with keeping up-to-date with new Java version every 6 months, and many release of popular frameworks like Spring 5, Spring Security 5, and Spring Boot 2 etc.
GraphQL is revolutionising the way developers build APIs. It lets you query precisely what you want. Nothing more, nothing less! It also gives you the flexibility to query related objects in a single round trip, unlike the REST APIs.
Improve logging in your microservices architecture to make tracking smoother with ELK Stack.
A practical example of the gains and pitfalls in migrating existing Sprint Boot logic to Vert.x with considerations to the experience and process involved.
Today, microservices architecture is a common approach to building a system. In this article, I will show you how to build microservices using Java and Spring.
Heroku provides the necessary components to integrate cloud services with Salesforce to easily create a burndown chart to track performance.
The next step in my fitness application journey is to migrate to Heroku Postgres. Check out how easy this turned out to be too.
This is the best way to implement an HTTP client in your Spring Boot microservice.
[TL;DR; Get started using Dgraph's Slash GraphQL product and connect to a Spring Boot application which will act as a simple RESTful recommendation service.]
A Quick Start Guide to Getting a Java GraphQL API up and Running in no time Using Apifi.
My talk was accepted by SpringOne in San Francisco. I never went to that conference and was really looking forward to it.
In this article we will learn about how to create docker or OCI complaint images without installing any docker client or using Dockerfile for our SpringBoot application. We will be doing all of this with help of Jib.
Spring profiles are very useful concept in framework but there are some cothas to catch for mastering it. Article about how to survive in multi profile set-up.
Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka
After paying an Uber, John Vester decided to dig into the Marqeta API used for payment processing. Hours later, he created a fully functional Payment Service.
In this article, I want to teach you how to connect Java Spring Boot 2 with Elasticsearch. We’ll learn how to create an API that’ll call Elasticsearch to produ
Interested in using Salesforce with your own client application? Learn how to use Spring Boot to accomplish this need, caching data along the way.
How to ensure that expiring Spring Cloud Vault dynamic database secrets are renewed, when reaching Hashicorp Vault’s max_ttl
Rotate Expiring Spring Cloud Vault Database Credentials Without Downtime
Recently I had the need to change certain classes -from external dependencies- loaded on a Spring Boot application. All this happened in a very restrictive environment, where I was not allowed to use other libraries or tweak the JRE, it was only possible to modify the fat JAR and environment variables or system properties.
Spring/Boot REST API and Stereotype Annotations Reference for Learning and for Daily Development.
As part of my Fitness application journey, the CloudAMQP service is introduced into the Heroku-based service in order to process invoices asynchronously.
Since being forked from MySQL back in 2009, MariaDB has become one of the most popular databases of choice for developers over the past decade. While many technologists have likely gravitated to it as a solution due to its open source roots and that it's rooted in the relational database world, that really only begins to scratch the surface of what MariaDB has to offer.
Java Frameworks are the pre-written code body through which you are enabled to add your own code. There are numerous Java frameworks that have different leading features, on the basis of the same here, I will discuss Top 10 JAVA Frameworks For Web App Development 2020-2021.
Whether or not you've been actively developing within one of the JVM languages or not, you've likely at least heard of the concept of reactive programming by now. If not, I certainly encourage you to do a little research into the whole idea of declarative programming using data streams.
Just because we do something one way, doesn’t always mean it is the right way … or even the best way.
Learn how to add DocRaptor to convert HTML to a PDF with advanced features, such as custom headers, footers, watermarks, and endless styling options.
This guide aims to help you create from scratch a CRUD RESTful API with Spring Boot. We'll create a User entity and develop its endpoints accordingly with a Rest Controller and a Service class.
In this article, we'll explain how to create a CI/CD workflow for a SpringBoot Application deployed to Kubernetes using Skaffold.
Spring Boot is an easy to use web framework built on top of the framework Spring. Let's bootstrap an API using Spring Boot.
Versioning database changes is as important as versioning source code. By using a database migration tool we can safely manage how the database evolves, instead of running a bunch of non versioned loose SQL files. In some frameworks like Ruby On Rails, database versioning occurs along the development. But when it comes to Java world, I don't see it happening so often.
ORM frameworks like Hibernate and other JPA implementors can significantly simplify development of persistence layer. Introducing entity abstraction level helps to model clean business domain and to hide underlying SQL statements used to achieve persistence of the domain. Such approach is especially useful in large domains, since developer no longer needs to create and maintain all SQL statements used by application.
Hello folks, Spring Boot is one of the top Java frameworks to learn in 2020,
but as a full stack Java developer, just learning Spring Boot is not enough, you also need to learn all the technologies which make the eco-system like containers, could, testing spring Boot application, advanced Spring Boot features like Actuator, creating Microservices using Spring Boot, deploying Spring Boot applications on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP.