The web was fairly new, and digital publishing was far from the norm.A lot of information about the early web was being distributed through books.
You like Flutter, but then you know that Flutter is not well optimized and has some problems with SEO. I've figured a workaround to this issue.
It turns out that disabling a Favicon is surprisingly easy and eve a good idea when you don't really want to deal with the hassle of another part of a website
These 9 tips will help you improve the performance of your React code so that you can make the most out of your software and maximize what you are capable of.
Let's take a look at how Typescript Interfaces and types differ.
Front-end seems to be one of the most popular developers’ niche over the last years. Front-enders create the front view of the web application. The code consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Three of them create the magic we all experience on the internet. But there is much more than a web application that needs to work. The back-end is the other side of the applications that we don’t see, but the experience.
Using Github Repositories can be a helpful tool to learn coding. Here are 15 Most Valuable GitHub Repos for Web Devs in 2021 and what you can learn from them.
I do not track you. I don't have to, and I don't care to.
Along the way, after getting smartphones and voice-controlled assistants, we've lost the plot. Perhaps embracing offline-first technology will help us find it.
Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about fast TS compilation. There are a lot of tips and tricks about TypeScript code style. But not about compiler performance.
A DDoS attack is a very common cyber-attack. In this article, you will learn about how to prevent it from happening to your WordPress website.
It is a web developer’s dream to get clients who understand development requirements. As a web developer you might be fluent in CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and of course, HTML. Hand coding skill is what makes a web developer indispensable.
If you are looking for a structural framework for dynamic applications, AngularJS is the ideal choice.
Use a Ruby script to get the jab in India
If you are anywhere related to web development, understanding the concepts of HTTP plays a vital role. So let us understand more about HTTP and its concepts in brief.
The concept of demand-responsive design builds off of the concept of responsive design.
In Javascript, we have numerous ways to check if something is or is not a number.
Learn about the truth behind common myths about the darkvweb and get a better understanding of this mysterious part of the internet.
Enrex continually looks for innovative methods in applying offsetting services in digital industries.
Here are 5 hacks to help you optimize your SaaS landing page for more conversions. A landing page is a webpage that initiates a conversation and closes a deal.
Application example built with React with authentication using the Auth0 service.
In this article, I'll share 7 optimization tips that every JavaScript developer should know.
The spread operator, spread syntax or 3 dots (...), is a type of syntax in Javascript that is used by both function calls and arrays/objects.
Server admins commonly use SSH to login to Linux servers. It is also good to setup SSH notification with IP geolocation for better security.
Web3 is just the continued evolution of the internet. It takes the ideals of Web1, the creative and social elements of Web2, and adds decentralization.
Writer John Koenig created a Tumblr blog called The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
28. How the Financial Times Struck a Balance Between Free and Paid Content, and How NYT Iterated on It
Martin Nisenholtz is the former CEO of New York Times Digital and former SVP of Digital Operations at New York Times.
Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi talks about his experience dealing with ICANN.
How to make handling the viewport on mobile less awful, correctly fill the viewport, and get correct specific viewport sizes.
Python is one of the most powerful and dominant languages in web development. check more here about why to use Python for Web Development.
Cheatsheet to make your web app more accessible with little effort
Pendulum CTO Torsten Stuber discusses a new type of decentralised payment system that aims to replace the current system of bank-to-bank transfers.
The nullish coalescing operator is useful in situations where something can be returned as either null or undefined, and helps us tighten up our code.
There are several security concepts and techniques, but each one has its purpose and I will introduce their concepts and practices in this article.
With the new EyeDropper API in Chromium, websites can let visitors pick colors from anywhere on their screen
envisioning a web that revolves around the user, not the server and not the Blockchain
How we built "The Builder": the challenges we faced and how to build a modern, reliable, and quick continuous integration and deployment system.
How to deal with the Browser SecurityError: The operation is insecure or localStorage is not defined.
With this website, you get to run performance, lighthouse, core web vitals, visual comparison, and traceroute tests on your website.
Chrome has been my goto for almost a decade now. I’m the kind of person who finds it stupid to cover the webcam (unless I have a sticky note full of credentials on my fridge), so I guess its quite clear already that I’m not so high on privacy concerns but what bothered me the most was how much information Google was extracting from me.
What is the "Grid" in CSS? How can I use "Grid" in CSS? Read this article by Nima Owji to learn how to use grid layout in CSS!
Have you ever wondered how computers store the floating-point numbers like
(𝝿) or in the memory which consists of a bunch of ones and zeroes?
Anti-bot techniques are getting life harder for web scrapers. In this post we'll see how Kasada protects a website and how a misconfiguration of it can be used
Build an HTTP client using proxygen.
We had a nice chat with Douglas Crockford, a well-known American computer programmer who was involved in the development of the JavaScript language.
In 1999, the conversation around the web focused on its power as a new media.
The trend of brutalism, which breaks the rules and catches people's attention, allows for the addition of interesting elements like screaming fonts.
Each time you visit a website, your web browser (e.g., Chrome, Safari, or Firefox) first checks for the existence of one of two digital certificates
There are a ton of articles written to help new programmers build their skills and succeed in a fast-changing and high-paying industry. The ability to learn new and complex things quickly is key to succeeding in the tech industry, which is always changing at a fast pace. One day the language or framework that you are using will go out of style and eventually you’ll need to pick up a new skill set.
Like-minded people created their own communities, rather than joining one that already exists.
You might be using Javascript plain old objects right now when a map may be a better solution to your problem.
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the ESLint using @angular-eslint/schematics library.
Let’s try our hand at building just such a frontend integration — a chat helper that can use OpenAI to answer a potential student’s questions...
Both large and small businesses rely more and more on web crawling to boost their marketing efforts.
While critics have argued that Web3 is currently undermined by too much centralization, at least one blockchain platform promises end-to-end decentralization.
Often there are disputes on the Internet about how best to download files — with a torrent tracker or through a file-sharing site. A torrent tracker is a simple site with user registration and a directory of links (torrents), structured according to the content of files. Torrents contain information about the file, users’ posts about it, and the address for downloading. There is a page of requests where you can ask to put certain
information on the network.
There are quite a few ways in Javascript to loop through an array of items or any other iterable item in Javascript. You may have seen them:
It is common in Node.js and other languages to run a script on a certain port. These are steps to take to stop an active process on a port.
As all aspects of life continue to evolve fully into the digital age, businesses have come to the realization that owning an online presence is a prerequisite for their brands to remain relevant. However, some businesspersons, while trying to adopt this online approach, they make critical mistakes that backfire on their brands, both online and offline.
Let’s face it: the internet is broken.
In this blog, we highlighted the automation of the shadow DOM elements using the selenium web driver.
How Ethereum’s composability created the most innovative ecosystem to date.
One of the most frequent operations we perform on an array is removing the last element. There are a few different ways to do this - but one of the most common
Evolution of Cryptocurrency and DeFi to Web 3.0
Cyber insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to protect businesses and individuals against losses resulting from cyber attacks and data breaches.
The Internet has come a long way from Web 1.0 to Web 4.0
Hi everyone! There are a lot of tips and tricks about CSS styling. But not in this article. Today I want to talk about how to use CSS more efficiently and make
Over the last years, but especially the last months, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) emerged to a popular and highly hyped niche within the crypto space.
A few years ago, Cambridge Analytica made netizens concerned regarding the gathering of their online data. At that time, affected or interested users had little knowledge of how big the big-data industry actually was.
Immediately invoked function expressions, or IIFE, are functions that are run as soon as you define the function.
Web scraping tools and framework comparison to bypass the most common anti-bot solutions like Cloudflare, Perimeterx, Datadome, Kasada and F5
v-if and v-show are two ways to conditionally render content in Vue.
Web automation and web scraping are quite popular among people out there. That’s mainly because people tend to use web scraping and other similar automation technologies to grab information they want from the internet. The internet can be considered as one of the biggest sources of information. If we can use that wisely, we will be able to scrape lots of important facts. However, it is important for us to use appropriate methodologies to get the most out of web scraping. That’s where proxies come into play.
Suppose you need a document very bad to make sure that all the documents that you have or all that you need for an important job is all there, to make sure that you don't have to worry about it at all, but here's the catch, the file or the document that you need is not online, it is old and has been lodged in an offline mode, that is in the back of some room docketed and numbered.
Redis hashes are a type of record stored in a Redis database. They are little like JSON objects and store data as key-value pairs.
Web3 refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web. How is web3 relevant to you? Is web3 real?
Actions individuals can take to fight against the recent trend of misinformation and protect themselves on the internet.
Brian Mayer launched a website which listed reservations for sale to popular restaurants in San Francisco.
Do you remind those web widgets all websites have been using in the 90s? Guess what, they're coming back.
The GAM3 Awards seek to become the Grammys of web3 gaming, and have been created by a consortium of the industry's biggest companies and influencers.
Even if you don’t have a chatbox on your website, you have definitely encountered one before. Facebook, eBay, Domino’s Pizza, and Universal Studios are some of the big names that have their own chatbots.
The entire globe has been engulfed by the pandemic of Covid-19 and the worldwide economy has undergone a metamorphic phase where due to the need of quarantine, ecommerce businesses are benefiting and earning revenue like never before.
There is a lot of information about different JS features.
I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for working with this language!
There is a lot of information about different HTML/CSS features.
I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for you work!
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash
It’s hard to believe, but after two and a half years of studying and about two years of meaningful job search, I finally got my first job in IT.
It's something used all the time in Javascript, but often what it refers to is a mystery. Let's look at how this works in Javascript in different contexts.
I’ve always found flexbox pretty easy to work with — a breath of fresh air after years of floating and clearfixing.
As someone both in the crypto and the gaming industry, I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is Bitcoin because it has the power to change
Deng Chao, a representative of HashKey Group, a blockchain-focused investment firm, discusses the market developments in the web3 space in 2022.
React 16 is here, and one of the more interesting additions is ‘Portals’.
HSTP bridges all Smart Technologies including all data and entities within each space, to facilitate a truly augmented technological experience.
So you want to earn money by making websites? Five years ago, I was in your shoes searching for an article like this one.
comparing centralization, partial (in name only) decentralization and true decentralization / the problems with blockchains / the single point of failure...
Note to self: write an intro that eases the reader into the article, rather than just jump right in.
Today we’ll talk about accessibility.
The developer experience for Web3 is rife with inconveniences, including bloatedness, lack of protocol standardization, limited support for other platforms, and many more.
Let's set up your computer so it's ready to code.
Arrays in Javascript are a simple, one-dimensional way to store simple sets of data. Arrays are non-unique, which means they can store duplicates (unlike sets).
Web 3.0 opens a new future where users and distributed machines can interact with data, value, and even other counterparties via peer-to-peer networks without the need for third parties. Therefore, Web 3.0 is considered a new generation of the world wide web to increase user utility and the number of online applications in exploiting the power of the current decentralized network.
A look at Web3 and the traditional web
The entire internet as we know it will change, and it all starts with some of the protocols we can already see. So, what kind of change can we expect with Web3?
Web4 is a term that is used to refer to the next generation of the internet. It is also known as the “more” decentralized web.
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the map component using the @tomtom-international/web-sdk-maps library.
Google wants to change a major part of web browsing by killing the URL, in parts though. After their first step was successful, here’s what they plan for the second step.
When Brave came out, my world didn’t change. I figured there was no reason to change browsers in a post Internet Explorer world. After all, Google already controls most of my information, why on earth would I want to introduce something new into our almost exclusive relationship.
How to build accessible reusable widgets and reusable components with the help of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Application)
Why in large web scraping projects there's the need of proxy servers? Here a brief explanation of what they are and how they work and their differences.
Today, cyber-attacks are a growing concern for many businesses, organizations, institutions, and everybody who uses the internet to provide or get services. As criminals devise new ways to compromise the traditional and modern security solutions, it is becoming more challenging protecting web and network systems.
After creating an application in Vue, you'll often want it to consist of multiple views or pages.
In this tutorial, we will be combining the full power of React, Firebase, and CometChat to build a slack clone that will leave you mind-blown.
Learn about Twig and Timber web development, and how the Hounder team uses these tools to create stunning custom themes in word press.
Hey Everybody! I’m Nima Owji. I’m a web developer and app researcher.
A bad front-end development will affect your business, as well as your customer base. The first impression of a website is key.
Is Web 3.0 really the future of the the internet and how is it different from the two previous generations of the internet? How did it change since the past?
How come QWERTY became the most popular keyboard, despite the fact that it might be not the most comfortable to use?
Radix, the smart contract platform for asset-oriented DeFi, has released alpha images of its Web3 wallet, which aims to provide a wonderful user experience.
In this tutorial, we'll go over creating a simple Twitter bot that uses the Today in History API and tweet what happened today in history.
What is the major issue with the internet today, and how can Web 3.0 fix it?
With blockchain, Web3 users get more freedom, privacy and access to the same social services without fear of their data being used without their permission.
Feel like learning something new? Want to experience Web 1.0 again? You definitely want to test-drive the Wicked Coolkit.
In part 1, we learned how to create a simple Twitter bot with Node.js. In this article, we will go over how to deploy the bot and schedule tweets
Application example using Angular where a simple WEB application will be implemented to validate the user phone by SMS in the authentication.
Check out this chat progressive web app made with React Firebase and NodeJS it has push notifications , you send audios images or texts and a lot more features.
Application example built with React and adding the Material UI CSS framework using the @mui/material library.
This is a second article in the ‘Decentralized web / dWeb’ series. To get an idea on what the dWeb is please check — this article.
How to put a div in the center using Flexbox? My name is Nima Owji and I want to show you how to put a div in the center using Flexbox.
Releasing a website is a stressful and important moment. And you want to make sure everything is ready.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a funny title. It starts with how, whereas when you read it you probably wondered why.
Web Scraping for fun: With 'requests-html'
Application example built with Angular 14 and creating and validating a reactive form.
As the web gets more complex, the demands on developers grow in turn. These are 9 essential tools that every web developer should use in their processes.
An introductory lesson to React internals based on React Fiber.
Presently, the tech industry is seen to have dominated the global market with different developments from Web2 to Web3 in terms of its version and services.
There are many different guides and guidelines on the Internet.
I tried to go through all of them and put together a little cheat sheet.
What is Web 3.0 and why should you care? 🤨 Amy Tom talks to Jaro Šatkevic, Head of Product at Mysterium Network, about the evolution of the web and Web 3.0.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the language that web browsers and web servers speak to each other. Example, Request a web page or download a file or watch a video, it is HTTP that makes it possible.1 — Building Blocks Of HTTP
The net can be thought of as a gigantic battlefield. Today there are a few impenetrable forts (to which everyone is invited so long as they play by the rules and give up certain freedoms), thousands upon thousands of skirmishes in lawless plains, and millions of scattered corpses across a charred wasteland.
Working out the best way to serve up files to your users can be a tricky business. There’s so many different scenarios, different technologies, different terminology.
Coronavirus cases are increasing day by day. It’s very important to get vaccinated. so I tried to create an automated notifier to tell me when a lost opened up.
Application example built with Angular 14 with authentication using the Amazon Cognito service.
Let's talk about concurrency, async/await, promise.all, and lightning web components
JavaScript implementation of so-called Seam Carving algorithm for the content-aware image resizing and objects removal. Dynamic programming approach is applied
This is a written version of the talk I gave at WAQ19. Watch the video with English captions on YouTube.