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Simple Path Tracer

A path tracer with basic functionality

  • Reflection, refraction, depth of field.
  • Ellipsoids, boxes, cylinders and cones.
  • Blue noise sampling.
  • Grid acceleration structure.
  • Edit entities.
  • Save/load scenes.
  • Save screenshots.

Runs on Windows 32bit and 64bit. It uses Opengl 3.3, Freetype to render fonts and stb_image/stb_image_write to read/write images. Lines of code: 13.8K.


W,A,S,D - Move camera.
Q,E - Move camera vertically.
Shift + W,A,S,D - Move faster.
RightMB - Move camera view.
F3 - Toggle first person mode.

R - Toggle between local/global translation/rotation.
1,2,3,MWheel - Select translate/rotate/scale editing modes.
Ctrl + A - Select all.
Ctrl + X - Cut.
Ctrl + C - Copy.
Ctrl + V - Paste.
MiddleMB - Drag selection.
Ctrl + LeftMB - Add/subtract selection.
Ctrl + Y - Undo.
Ctrl + Z - Redo.
Shift - Enable snapping.
Ctrl - Scale equally when resizing.

Space - Render from current camera view.
Escape - Abort rendering.
F - Toggle fit to screen.
Tab - Hide panels.
F11 - Fullscreen mode.