Quantities are in metric system, because science.
- 250 g plain flour
- a bit of buckwheat flour (aka farine de blé noir or sarrazin/sarrasin in French stores)
- 100 g sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 3 eggs
- 500ml of milk (a pint, for you bloody Brits)
- Put the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Mix it with a manual whisk (not an electric one)
- Arrange the mix as if a sort of pit had been dug
- Put the eggs in the pit
- Stir from the inside, to the edges of the pit (this part is important), taking a little bit of the mix off of the edges of the bowl at each rotation
- When the eggs + mix start becoming less liquid, add a bit of milk and keep stirring
- Add the milk bit by bit to the mix while stirring
Then leave the bowl for 30 minutes minimum (ideally, up to 4 hours).
You’ll need a pan, or ideally a crêpière/billig, from Krampouz.
Spread batter on the crêpière, wait a few seconds, flip, wait, flip back again, paint the crêpe with butter, fold.
Don't eat the first crêpe (in Britanny we say: “the first one goes to the dog”).
Taste the second crêpe and decide to add sugar if it's not sweet enough, or milk if the crêpe seems too thick.
Tip: Breton or Normand cider goes well with sweet crêpes.