v1.0 2022-08-01
Shader Model 6.7 introduces support for a collection of advanced texture operations
- Notation
- Integer Sampling
- Raw Gather
- Programmable Offsets
- SampleCmpLevel
- Writable MSAA Textures
- Device Capability
- Capability Queries
- Issues
- Change Log
In HLSL code below, these notation conventions are used for non-native HLSL code:
: one of the following texture objects- Texture1D
- Texture1DArray
- Texture2D
- Texture2DArray
- Texture3D
: one of the following texture objects- Texture2D
- Texture2DArray
: the format of the values in the texture object.N
: used inint<N>
to represent the dimensionality of the texture object. Where array textures are concerned, N will be one greater than the base texture dimension.[]
braces: optional parameters
Values from unsigned integer formats can now
be used by texture retrieval intrinsics
with certain restrictions on filtering.
Integer samples may not use any LINEAR
filtering modes.
These D3D12_FILTER options are allowed:
To fully enable integer sampling requires a way
to specify integer border colors that were
previously only float values.
This adds a new D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC
that can specify float or integer border values.
typedef struct D3D12_SAMPLER_DESC2 {
D3D12_FILTER Filter;
UINT MaxAnisotropy;
D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC ComparisonFunc;
union {
FLOAT FloatBorderColor[4];
UINT UintBorderColor[4];
Where Flags
is the enum:
in the Flags
field indicates that the sampler should be
treated as having integer border color values
and the UintBorderColor
field should
contain valid integer values representing those border colors.
Otherwise, the sampler has float border color values
and the FloatBorderColor
field should be used.
Additional changes are made to the D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR
enum used by the D3D12_STATIC_SAMPLER_DESC
to include integer border color variants:
typedef enum D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR {
Static samplers used with unsigned integer formats must use
for black borders
for white borders.
Support for non-normalized coordinate samplers added
member. In
the context of static samplers, D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAG_UINT_BORDER_COLOR
is shadowed by the static border color, and not applicable. However, root
signature creation will fail if this flag is used with a floating-point
border color; with a uint border color it is redundant, but not an error.
To enable access to four appropriately-sized elements that would be used for bilinear interpolation when sampling in the form of the indicated appropriately-sized unsigned integer values requires resource aliasing and new HLSL gather methods.
To enable retrieval of elements into raw integers,
single-channel unsigned integer resource views can now be created
by ID3D12Device::CreateShaderResourceView
for resources with identical element bit widths
that have been appropriately flagged at creation.
For example,
a resource view of type DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT
can be created for a resource of type DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT
and a resource view of type DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT
can be created for a resource of type DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT
Additionally, same-size and same-channel aliasing can be performed
as with a resource view of type DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT
created for a resource of type of DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT.
In order to be able to create an single-channel integer resource view,
a resource must be created using the
or CreateReservedResource2
using the new API fields, NumCastableFormats
and pCastableFormats
to specify the list of acceptable casts.
To access single-channel integer values from formats representing multichannel texture elements, a new gather method is introduced:
uint<bits>_t4 <TexObject2D>.GatherRaw(SamplerState S, float<N> Location, [int2 Offset], [out uint Status]);
These are distinct from existing Gather
because rather than retrieving a single channel
of however many the format element contains,
they retrieve a single value that represents
a raw, bitwise copy of all of the element's channels
without any conversion of texture contents.
The variable represents the number of bits corresponding to the
type of .
Note that <TexObject>
does not include cube textures.
Given that cube texture sampling does not always involve four elements,
they are not usable with raw gather.
The unsigned integer formats (DXGI_FORMAT_
* values)
usable by GatherRaw:
No other formats may be used with GatherRaw
To perform a raw gather on another format,
resource aliasing to an integer format must be used
as described above.
The uint16_t GatherRaw
overload is only available on platforms with native 16-bit shader op support.
The uint64_t GatherRaw
overload is only available on platforms with 64-bit shader op support.
These HLSL texture access methods have an optional Offset parameter representing integer offsets to the loaded or sampled location. Earlier shader models required that this offset be an immediate value.
Format <TexObject>::Load( int<N> Location, int<N> Offset, [out uint Status] );
Format <TexObject>::Sample( SamplerState S, float<N> Location, int<N> Offset,
[float Clamp], [out uint Status] );
Format <TexObject>::SampleBias( SamplerState S, float<N> Location, float Bias,
int<N> Offset, [float Clamp], [out uint Status] );
Format <TexObject>::SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float<N> Location,
float CompareValue, int<N> Offset,
[float Clamp], [out uint Status] );
Format <TexObject>::SampleCmpLevelZero( SamplerComparisonState S, float<N> Location,
float CompareValue, int<N> Offset, [out uint Status] );
Format <TexObject>::SampleGrad( SamplerState S, float<N> Location, float DDX, float DDY,
int<N> Offset, [float Clamp], [out uint<N> Status]);
Format <TexObject>::SampleLevel( SamplerState S, float<N> Location, float LOD, int<N> Offset,
[out uint Status]);
In Shader Model 6.7, the Offset
parameters can be variables
where the 4 least significant bits are honored as a signed value,
yielding a [-8..7] range
Note: no DXIL changes are needed as the operations already take i32 values for offsets.
Shader Model 6.7 introduces a new SampleCmp texture method to perform the existing Sample/Compare operation with an explicitly specified MIP level of detail(LOD) where a default or implicit level was previously used. This intrinsic is available in all shader stages.
Format <TexObject>::SampleCmpLevel( SamplerComparisonState S, float<N> Location,
float CompareValue, float LOD, [int<N> Offset],
[out uint Status]);
Format TextureCube::SampleCmpLevel( SamplerComparisonState S, float<N> Location,
float CompareValue, float LOD,
[out uint Status]);
Format TextureCubeArray::SampleCmpLevel( SamplerComparisonState S, float<N> Location,
float CompareValue, float LOD,
[out uint Status]);
Note that <TexObject>::SampleCmpLevel
has programmable offsets as described above.
Shader Model 6.7 introduces writable multi-sampled texture resources:
RWTexture2DMS<Type, Samples>
.RWTexture2DMSArray<Type, Samples>
The Type
and Samples
template variables represent
the HLSL type of the resource and the number of samples.
Unlike existing texture resource types, they are required.
These texture resources share the existing methods of the
and Texture2DMSArray
resource types with two exceptions:
the Operator[]
and sample.Operator[][]
methods return writable resource variables.
The first references the location in sample index 0.
The second references the location in the provided sample index.
R RWTexture2DMS::Operator[](uint2 pos);
R RWTexture2DMS::sample.Operator[][](uint sampleIndex, uint2 pos);
R RWTexture2DMSArray::Operator[](uint3 pos);
R RWTexture2DMSArray::sample.Operator[][](uint sampleIndex, uint3 pos);
Support for writable MSAA textures is determined by
the WritableMSAATexturesSupported
Devices that support D3D_SHADER_MODEL_6_7
may optionally support these new intrinsics and types
as indicated by a capability bit
for writable MSAA textures
and another indicating support for the other
advanced texture operations documented here.
16-bit GatherRaw
overload is available on devices that support D3D_SHADER_MODEL_6_7
and support 16-bit integer shader operations as indicated by
the Native16BitShaderOpsSupported
64-bit GatherRaw
overload is available on devices that support D3D_SHADER_MODEL_6_7
and support 64-bit integer shader operations as indicated by
the Int64ShaderOps
Applications can query the availability
of these features by
passing D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS14
as the Feature
and retrieving the pFeatureSupportData
as a struct of type D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS14
The relevant parts of these structs are defined below.
typedef enum D3D12_FEATURE {
typedef struct D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS14 {
BOOL AdvancedTextureOpsSupported;
BOOL WritableMSAATexturesSupported;
is a boolean that specifies
whether writable MSAA textures
and their methods, particularly sample.Operator[][]
are supported with a given hardware and runtime.
is a boolean that specifies
whether the features described here are supported
with a given hardware and runtime.
Note that D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS12::RelaxedFormatCastingSupported
would technically be used to indicate support for the functionality that
enables integer aliasing,
but it is being considered a prerequisite for enabling AdvancedTextureOpsSupported
What should Raw Gather be called? GatherRaw is a bit ambiguous, but acceptable with sufficient explanation.
Which DXGI formats should be castable to uint views? No Planar formats due to their complexity and limited usage.
How can we represent elements greater than 32 bits in a uint resource view? We will be reusing the approach where the resource is R32G32_UINT, but it is declared as uint64_t in the shader. This approach has worked before and adding a new format would be too disruptive.
What textures should be raw gatherable? 2D textures and 2Darray textures. Gather isn't compatible with 3d textures. Cube textures are possible, but there are complications and they are less interesting.
Version | Date | Description |
1.01 | 30 Sep 2022 | Add note about D3D12_STATIC_SAMPLER_DESC1 having sampler flags and interaction with border colors |
1.00 | 01 Aug 2022 | Minor edits for publication |
0.10 | 08 Mar 2022 | Rename integer sampler identifiers |
0.9 | 07 Mar 2022 | Clarify pre-requisite for advanced texture ops, Update integer aliasing in keeping with other specs. Correct type, function, and struct details. |
0.8 | 02 Nov 2021 | Remove bitsize SampleRaw variants. Correct bitwidth of return and args |
0.7 | 02 Nov 2021 | Add MSAA cap bit as separate from other features |
0.6 | 22 Oct 2021 | Move DXIL components out. Document static integer samplers. Clarify restrictions |
0.5 | 30 Sep 2021 | remove clamp from samplecmplevel, clarify texture type support, drop writable mip, add global advanced texops cap bit |
0.4 | 16 Sep 2021 | remove comparison filter, add cap bits, clarify integer borders, separate integer sampling from raw gather, add GatherRaw* methods |
0.3 | 14 Aug 2021 | Clarify details about unsigned integer resource aliasing and a few other clarifications |
0.02 | 11 Aug 2021 | Convert Raw Gather to a resource aliasing capability. Fix typos |
0.01 | 03 Aug 2021 | Initial version |