aqi-tracker is a python script to retrive real-time air qualit index (AQI) value of a specific city from website.
aqi-tracker lets the user retrieve real-time air quality index (AQI) value of a specific city from website. The python script will send a query to the webiste containing a city name and access token. If the query request is successful, the website returs json object containing real-time values.
- Access-Token: User have to get an access token by registering on"
- if no access-token is provided then 'demo' access-token will be used and with 'demo' access token only Shanghai's air quality values can be retrieved."
"url":"https: //",
"name":"Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心)"
"name":"China National Urban air quality real-time publishing platform (全国城市空气质量实时发布平台)"
"name":"U.S. Consulate Shanghai Air Quality Monitor"
"name":"World Air Quality Index Project"
"name":"Shanghai (上海)",
"s":"2021-10-01 12: 00: 00",
"tz":"+08: 00",
"iso":"2021-10-01T12: 00: 00+08: 00"
"sync":"2021-10-01T13: 44: 12+09: 00"
aqi-tracker depends on third party library and you will first need to install the application's dependencies.
Download the project source code directly or clone the repository on GitHub Navigate to the folder with the source code on your machine in a terminal window.
$ 'usage: python [-c city] [-a accesstoken] [-h help]'
"city: name of the city"
"accesstoken: You need to get access token by registering on"
"help: description and help"