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Releases: graygnuorg/pound

Version 4.6

07 Mar 20:34
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Load-balancing strategies

Load balancing strategy defines algorithm used to distribute incoming requests between multiple regular backends. This version of pound implements two such strategies:

  • Weighted Random Balancing

    This is the default strategy and the one implemented by prior versions of pound. Each backend is assigned a numeric
    priority between 0 and 9 (inclusive). The backend to use for each request is determined at random taking into account
    backend priorities, so that backends with numerically greater priorities have proportionally greater chances of
    being selected than the ones with lesser priorities.

  • Interleaved Weighted Round Robin Balancing

    Requests are assigned to each backend in turn. Backend priorities, or weigths, are used to control the share of requests
    handled by each backend. The greater the weight, the more requests will be sent to this backend.

New statement: Balancer

The Balancer statement can appear in global and in Service scope. It defines the load balancer to use. Possible arguments are: random, to use weighted random balancing (default), and iwrr to use interleaved weighted round robin balancing.


Up to eight most recent matches are saved. They can be referenced as $N(M), where N is the number of the parenthesized subexpression, and M is the number of the match. Matches are numbered in reverse chronological
order with the most recent one being at index 0. The (0) can be omitted ($1 is the same as $1(0)).

For example, given the following statements:

  Host -re "www\\.(.+)"
  Header -re -icase "^Content-Type: *(.*)"
  Path "^/static(/.*)?"

$1 refers to the subgroup of Path, $1(1) - to that of Header, and $1(2) - to that of Host.

Curly braces may be used to delimit reference from the text that follows it. This is useful if the reference is immediately followed by a decimal digit or opening parenthesis, as in: ${1}(text).

Request matching directives

In addition to URL and Header, the following matching directives are provided

  • Path [options] "value"
    Match path.

  • Query [options] "value"
    Match query.

  • QueryParam "name" [options] "value"
    Match query parameter.

Request modification directives

Request modification directives apply changes to the incoming request before passing it on to the service or backend. They can be used both in ListenHTTP (ListenHTTPS) and in Service sections. The following directives are provided:

  • DeleteHeader "header: pattern"
    Remove matching headers from the incoming requests.

  • SetHeader "header: to add"
    Add the defined header to the request passed. If the header already exists, change its value.

  • `SetURL "value"
    Sets the URL part of the request.

  • SetPath "value"
    Sets the path part.

  • SetQuery "value"
    Sets the query part.

  • SetQueryParam "name" "value"
    Sets the query parameter "name" to "value".

  • Rewrite ... [ Else ... ] End
    Conditionally apply request modification depending on whether request matches certain conditions, e.g.:

			Path "\\.(jpg|gif)$"
			SetPath "/images$0"
			Match AND
				Host ""
				Path "\\.[^.]+$"
			SetPath "/static$0"
			Path "\\.[^.]+$"
			SetPath "/assets$0"

Request accessors

These are special constructs that, when used in string values, are replaced with the corresponding parts of the incoming request. The supported accessors are:

  • %[url]
    The URL of the request.

  • %[path]
    The path part of the request.

  • %[query]
    The query part of the request.

  • %[param NAME ]
    The value of the query parameter NAME.

  • %[header NAME ]
    The value of the request header NAME.

Request accessor can be used in all strings where the use of backreferences is allowed: i.e. arguments to Redirect, ACME,
Error directives, and to all request modification directives described above.

Listener labels

Listeners can be assigned symbolic labels. The syntax is:

  ListenHTTP "name"


  ListenHTTPS "name"

The "name" must be unique among all listeners defined in the configuration.

This symbolic name can be used to identify listener in poundctl requests (see below).

Service labels

Service labels must be unique among all services within the listener (or in the configuration file, for global ones).

Use of listener and service labels in poundctl

Listeners and services can be identified both by their numbers and labels. For example:

  poundctl list /main/static/1

Use of multiple redirects in single service

Use of multiple redirect backends in single service, as well as mixing them with regular backends is deprecated and causes a warning message.

Version 4.5

12 Feb 09:15
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RPC over HTTP support withdrawn

It has been officially discontinued by Microsoft on 2017-10-31. It's no use trying to support it five years after.

Support for 303 and 308 redirection codes

Improved default error responses

New special backend: Error

The Error statement defines a special backend that returns the HTTP error page. It takes one to two arguments:


The STATUS argument supplies HTTP status code. Optional FILE argument is the name of a disk file with the error page content (HTML). If not supplied, the text is determined as usual: first the ErrSTATUS statement for the enclosing listener is consulted. If it is not present, the default error page is used.

New special backend: Metrics

This backend type implements openmetrics telemetry endpoint. The minimal configuration is:

      URL "/metrics"

Enabling backend statistics (see below) is strongly suggested when using the Metrics backend.

Backend statistics

Backend usage statistics is enabled by the BackendStats configuration directive:

  BackendStats true

When enabled, the stats object will be added to the JSON output for each backend. This object holds the following fields:

  • request_count
    Number of requests processed by this backend.
  • request_time_avg
    Average request processing time.
  • request_time_stddev
    Standard deviation of the above.

The Metrics backend, if declared, will then include the following metric families in its output

  • pound_backend_requests
  • pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds
  • pound_backend_request_stddev_nanoseconds

These three families are labeled by the corresponding backend index, e.g.:

  pound_backend_request_time_avg_nanoseconds{listener="1",service="1",backend="1"} 17232220

Core statistics

The default output returned by pound control thread now includes additional core statistics: pound version, PID, worker subsystem configuration and state. The default poundctl template has been changed to reflect it.

New options: -F and -e

The -F option forces the foreground mode: the program won't detach itself from the controlling terminal and will remain in foreground even if configuration settings require otherwise.

The -e option directs error diagnostics to stderr (stdout for LOG_DEBUG and LOG_INFO facilities). It implies foreground mode.

Changes in verbose mode (-v)

Error messages emitted to stderr (stdout) are duplicated in the syslog, if the configuration settings require so.

Arithmetic operations in poundctl templates

Four new functions are provided to implement basic arithmetic operations in templates: add, sub, mul, and div.

Fixed handling the LogFacility configuration statement

Version 4.4

19 Jan 20:59
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New directive: HeaderOption

The HeaderOption directive controls what kind of "canned" headers pound adds to the HTTP request before passing it on to the backend. By default, it adds "forwarded" headers (X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto, and X-Forwarded-Port) and, if serving a HTTPS session, X-SSL-* headers.

The arguments to the HeaderOption directive enable or disable these canned headers. The default corresponds to

  HeaderOption forwarded ssl

To disable any kind of headers, precede its name with a no-:

  HeaderOption no-forwarded

The special keywords none and all, can be used to disable or enable all canned headers.

The HeaderOption directive can appear in the global scope or within a ListenerHTTP (or ListenerHTTPS) section.

Header modification and service matching

Header modification directives are applied after service matching directives (such as Header or HeadRequire). This is a disruptive change: in previous pound versions header removal was done prior to service selection.

Header modification order

Header modification directives are applied in the following order: HeaderOptions, HeaderRemove, HeaderAdd. In other words, built-in headers are added first. Then, header removal directives are applied. Finally, headers requested by the user are added. Added headers overwrite headers with the same name that may already be present in the request. Thus, you can use HeaderRemove and HeaderAdd to trim down headers added by HeaderOptions.

Back-references in Redirect and ACME statements

Arguments to Redirect and ACME statements can contain references to parenthesized subexpressions in the most recently matched URL, Header, or Host statements. Syntactically, $N refers to URL subexpression and %N refers to subexpression of Header (or Host). $0 and %0 are expanded to the entire URL or header (host). For example, to redirect all requests to https:

		Host -re ".+"
		URL ".*"
		Redirect "https://%0$0"

Version 4.3

13 Jan 11:03
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Template support in poundctl

The output of poundctl is controlled by a template. Templates are read from a template file, which is looked up in template
search path (normally ~/.poundctl.tmpl:/usr/share/pound/poundctl.tmpl). The poundctl.tmpl file shipped with the distribution defines templates for the traditional (plaintext) and XML output.

The option -t FILE instructs poundctl to use FILE instead of the default template file. The option -T NAME supplies the name of the template to be used.

Fix parsing of Subject in X509 certificates


31 Dec 16:39
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Rewrite periodic tasks

The timer thread is rewritten completely in order to do periodic operations (such as backend probing and session expiration) precisely when needed, instead of waking up in fixed intervals and checking what should be done. Among others, this helps reduce the CPU load.

Whenever a backend is marked as dead, a periodic job is scheduled for alive_to seconds from the current time, which will probe the backend and either mark it as alive (if it responds) or reschedule itself for a later time (if it does not). Thus, no unnecessary iterations over listeners/servers/backends occur.

Sessions are kept on per-service basis in a combined structure consisting of a hash table (to quickly look-up a session) and
a doubly-linked list (to provide for session expiration). Sessions within the latter are sorted by their expiration time. A periodic
job is scheduled to the expiration time of the first session in the list, i.e. the least recently used one. After removing the expired
session, the job reschedules itself to the expiration time of the next session (which becomes first in the list), if any.

The haport feature has been removed.

Control interface rewritten

The new control interface uses REST API.

Poundctl rewritten

Version 4.1

10 Dec 18:53
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Worker Model

Each incoming request is processed by a specific worker, i.e. a thread in the running program. The number of running workers is controlled by three configuration parameters. WorkerMinCount defines the minimum number of workers that should always be running (5, by default). Another parameter, WorkerMaxCount sets the upper limit on the number of running workers (defaults to 128).

At each given moment, a worker can be in one of two states: idle or active (processing a request). If an incoming request
arrives when all running workers are active, and total number of workers is less than maximum, a new thread is started and the new request is handed to it. If the number of active workers has already reached maximum, the new request is added to the request queue, where it will wait for a worker to become available to process it.

The third parameter, WorkerIdleTimeout, specifies maximum time a thread is allowed to spend in the idle state. If a worker
remains idle longer than that and total number of workers is greater than the allotted minimum, the idle worker is terminated. The default value for WorkerIdleTimeout is 30 seconds.

URL expansion in Redirect statement

URL argument to the Redirect statement can contain references to parethesized subexpressions in the most recently matched URL statement of the enclosing Service. References are of the form $N, where N is the number of the parenthesized subgroup. To insert a literal $ sign, use $$.

New statement: PIDFile

Defines the name of the PID file. The -p command line option overrides this setting.

New statement: ACME

The ACME statement creates a service specially crafted for answering ACME HTTP-01 challenge requests. It takes a single argument, specifying a directory where ACME challenges are stored. It is supposed that another program is started periodically, which checks for certificates approaching their expiration, issues renewal requests and stores the obtained ACME challenges in that directory.

The statement can appear in ListenHTTP block.

Example usage:

    ACME "/var/www/acme"

New statement: Host

The Host statement is provided to facilitate handling of virtual services. The statement:

  Host ""

is equivalent to:

  HeadRequire "Host:[[:space:]]*example\\.com"


Access control lists (ACLs) allow you to make some services available for users coming from certain IP ranges. There are two kinds of ACLs: named and unnamed. Named ACLs are defined in the global scope, using the following syntax:

  ACL "name"

where the ellipsis denotes more CIDR lines. A CIDR is an IPv4 or IPv6 address, optionally followed by a slash and network mask length. Named ACLs can be referred to in Service sections using the following syntax:

     ACL "name"

This service will be used only if the request comes from IP address that matches the given ACL.

Unnamed ACLs are defined within the service itself, as shown in the following example


Semantically they are entirely equivalent to named ACLs.

Boolean operations over request matching directives

By default, request matching directives are joined with an implicit boolean AND. This can be changed using the new Match directive, e.g.:

  Match OR
      HeadRequire "Host:[[:space:]]*example\\.org"
      HeadRequire "Host:[[:space:]]*example\\.net"

Match directives can be nested to any depth.

Any request matching directive (including Match) can be prefixed with not, to invert its result (boolean negation).

Alternative spelling for header matching/manipulation directives

For consistency, the following configuration directives have been provided as alternatives for existing header manipulation directives:

Old name New name Comment
HeadRequire Header Service section
HeadDeny Not Header Service section. See "Boolean operations" above.
HeadRemove HeaderRemove ListenHTTP and ListenHTTPS sections
AddHeader HeaderAdd ListenHTTP and ListenHTTPS sections

The use of new names is preferred.

Version 4.0

02 Dec 13:25
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Released on 2022-12-02.

Noteworthy changes:

  • Support for OpenSSL 3.0
  • Added testsuite.
  • Fixes in configuration parsing.