Execution context (or simply context) is a record of an execution that happens on proctor, both from user execution request or invocation from the scheduler. Context contain data such as:
- procs name
- context name
- user email
- procs tag
- args given
- procs output
- procs status
Procs is a job to execute using Proctor, its bundled as Docker image and have a set of metadata and secrets. Both metadata and secret is a key-value pair
Procs metadata or mostly addressed as metadata contain metadata of procs such as:
- name: Name of the procs
- description: Description of the procs
- author: Who create this procs
- contributors: People that contribute to the procs
- organization: Which org own this procs
- env_vars:
- secrets: Secret value that required by procs to run
- args: Arguments that can be passed to procs
Secret variable required to run procs such as credentials for cloud platform. Proctor user shouldn't know the value of secret.