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Upgrade Supported Kubernetes Versions
Issue for updating the supported Kubernetes versions.
Update Supported Kubernetes to {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
kind/operations, kind/breaking

Agones supports and is tested against 3 releases of Kubernetes, targeting the newest version as being the default version in the GKE Rapid channel. The vendored version of client-go will be aligned with the middle of the three supported Kubernetes versions ({version_2}). All the example clusters will use the middle of the three supported Kubernetes versions ({version_2}).

List of items to do for upgrading to {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}

  • Update the cluster version of terraform submodules in install/terraform/modules
    • Update Kubernetes version of GKE cluster (both gke and gke-autopilot) to {version_2}
    • Update Kubernetes version of AKS to the newest supported version in {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
    • Update Kubernetes version of EKS to the newest supported version in {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
  • Update the OKE example cluster version of terraform submodules to the newest supported version in {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}. Note the version should include the patch version.
    • Update Kubernetes version in examples/terraform-submodules/oke/
    • Update Kubernetes version in examples/terraform-submodules/oke/
  • Update kubectl in dev tooling to {version_2}, the latest patch version can be found here
    • Update kubectl in build/build-image/Dockerfile
    • Update kubectl in build/e2e-image/Dockerfile
    • Update kubectl in test/upgrade/Dockerfile
  • Update the Kubernetes version of the below test clusters to {version_2}
    • Minikube in build/includes/ (Get the patch version here since minikube supports the latest Kubernetes release)
    • Kind in build/includes/ (Confirm {version_2} is supported and get the patch version here)
  • Update the k8s image used in the helm pre-delete-hook to {version_2} (Get the patch version here)
  • Update client-go in go.mod to {version_2} by running go get{CORRESPONDING_VERSION} and go get{CORRESPONDING_VERSION}, then re-run go mod tidy and go mod vendor
  • Update CRD API reference to {version_2}
    • Update links to k8s documentation in site/assets/templates/crd-doc-config.json
    • Regenerate crd api reference docs - make gen-api-docs
    • Regenerate crd client libraries and generated code - make gen-crd-code
  • Regenerate Kubernetes resource includes (e.g. ObjectMeta, PodTemplateSpec)
    • Start a cluster with make gcloud-test-cluster (this cluster will use Kubernetes {version_2}), uninstall agones using helm uninstall agones -n agones-system, and then run make gen-embedded-openapi and make gen-install
  • Update documentation for creating clusters and k8s API references to align with the above clusters versions and the k8s API version
    • site/config.toml
      • dev_supported_k8s, which are {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
      • dev_k8s_api_version, which is {version_2}
      • dev_gke_example_cluster_version, which is {version_2}
      • dev_aks_example_cluster_version, which is the newest AKS supported version in {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
      • dev_eks_example_cluster_version, which is the newest EKS supported version in {version_1} {version_2} {version_3}
      • dev_minikube_example_cluster_version, which is {version_2} with the supported patch version
  • If client-go pulled in a new version of gRPC, then also
    • Update the grpc_release_tag in the SDK base image grpc version.
    • Update the gRPC version number in C++ gRPC Dependency documentation here.
    • Update the gRPC version (Dockerfile)
    • Update the C++ cpp-simple image.
      • Update the cpp-simple example images tag. At build directory, run:
        • make bump-image IMAGENAME=cpp-simple-server VERSION=<current-image-version>
      • Run the following to generate and push the new cpp-simple example images:
        • In examples/cpp-simple, run: make cloud-build
    • Regenerate all client sdks: make gen-all-sdk-grpc This can take 20 minutes or so, as the above changes force a rebuild. Plan your day accordingly 😃.
    • Regenerate allocated API endpoints: make gen-allocation-grpc
  • Confirm the update works as expected by running e2e and upgrade tests
    • Add the new supported Kubernetes versions to the e2e clusters creation
      • In build/terraform/e2e/, add the new supported version to the map kubernetes_versions following the instructions in the comment. We maintain sufficient quota for CPUs and In-use Addresses in us-east1, us-west1, europe-west1, and asia-east1, but we only have capacity for one version per region - follow the instructions to rotate the regions through new versions. (Keep the clusters on RAPID - we dogfood early versions in CI.)
      • Recreate clusters with new scripts: cd build; make GCP_PROJECT=agones-images gcloud-e2e-test-cluster
    • Add the new supported Kubernetes versions to the upgrade clusters creation
      • In build/terraform/upgrade/, add the new supported version to the map kubernetes_versions following the instructions in the comment. Follow the instructions to rotate the regions through new versions. (Keep the clusters on RAPID.) Note that the upgrade clusters do not use the exact same regions as the e2e tests.
      • Recreate the clusters with terraform:
      cd build; make shell; cd build/terraform/upgrade
      terraform init -backend-config="bucket=agones-images-upgrade-infra-bucket-tfstate" -backend-config="prefix=terraform/state"
      terraform apply -var project="agones-images"
    • Update the Cloud Build configuration to run e2e and ugprade tests on the new created clusters, and disable the e2e and ugprade tests on the clusters with the oldest supported K8s version
      • Update the versionsAndRegions variable to add the new supported version and remove the oldest supported K8s version in cloudbuild.yaml submit-e2e-test-cloud-build step
      • Update the featureWithGateByVersion variable to add the new supported version and remove the oldest supported K8s version in cloudbuild.yaml submit-e2e-test-cloud-build step
      • Update the versionsAndRegions variable to add the new supported version and remove the oldest supported K8s version in cloudbuild.yaml submit-upgrade-test-cloud-build step
      • Update the test/upgrade/versionMap.yaml k8sToAgonesVersions to add the new Kubernetes version. For example:
        "1.32": [
      • Run make lint for code quality check.
      • Submit a PR to trigger the e2e and upgrade tests and verfiy they all pass
    • After the PR that includes the above Cloud Build configuration change has been merged and all the existing pending PRs in the Cloud Build queue have picked up the new configuration, submit a separate PR to update the e2e and upgrade clusters terraform modules to remove the e2e and upgrade clusters with the oldest supported K8s version.
      • In build/terraform/e2e/, continue following the instructions in the comment to update the kubernetes_versions map.
      • Destroy the old clusters with new scripts: cd build; make GCP_PROJECT=agones-images gcloud-e2e-test-cluster
      • In build/terraform/upgrade/, continue following the instructions in the comment to update the kubernetes_versions map.
      • Run the same terraform command as in the previous step:
        cd build; make shell; cd build/terraform/upgrade
        terraform init -backend-config="bucket=agones-images-upgrade-infra-bucket-tfstate" -backend-config="prefix=terraform/state"
        terraform apply -var project="agones-images"
  • Recreate the performance test cluster, and config the performance test to run on the new cluster
    • In build/terraform/performance/, update the kubernetes_versions to {version_2} and make sure the region is always set to us-central1.
    • Recreate the cluster with the new script:
      cd build; make shell; cd build/terraform/performance
      terraform init -backend-config="bucket=agones-images-performance-infra-bucket-tfstate" -backend-config="prefix=terraform/state"
      terraform apply -var project="agones-images"
    • Update the _TEST_CLUSTER_NAME in ci/perf-test-cloudbuild.yaml to the name of the newly created performance test cluster, and send a PR with the changes.