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Project Factory

This repo will deploy new projects and the necessary resources to use Workload Identity Federation with Bitbucket. Inside the repo is a subdirectory structure data/projects that contain yaml files. Each yaml file contains the definition of a new project. Each project deployed will also create a new Workload Identity Pool and provider. The created pool ID and provider are included in the terraform outputs.

This repo is intend to be deployed manually.



project-factory should be deployed outside of the normal pipeline process. Workload Identity Federation, which will authorize Bitbucket pipelines to communicate with GCP, will not be configured until after this repository is fully deployed.

Since this is being deployed outside of the pipeline environment, authentication will need to be established separately. If deploying locally, this can be done with

gcloud auth login

Alternatively, CloudShell can be used for an easy environment that is already GCP authenticated.

The user who is authenticated should have permissions in GCP IAM to create projects and attach them to the correct billing account. Additionally, the user needs the permissions to create and manage Workload Identity Federation pools and providers. If desired, a Service Account may be used that has the required permissions. See Impersonating Service Accounts for more information.


After authentication, the Terraform can be deployed. Navigate to the root of the project-factory repository.

cd project-factory

Before Terraform can be initialized, Terraform needs to be directed on where to store the state file within Google Cloud Storage. Open the file named and populate values for bucket and prefix. The modified file should resemble the following:

terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = "your-bucket-name"
    prefix = "path/to/state/file/"

# ...

The bucket value should be the name of a bucket already in GCP. The prefix value is optional, but can be used to define a directory structure within the bucket to store the state file.

After this change is made, Terraform can be initialized.

terraform init

Here is where you would want to add, change, or modify any of the yaml files in the data/projects directory. For more information, see the sample yaml provided. Each yaml file contains the definition of a new GCP project.

Before the Terraform can be applied, there is one more section that will require information. In the root of the project-factory repo there must exist a file named terraform.tfvars. This is where variables need to be populated that apply to all projects. The following values need to be provided:

Variable Description Example Value
folder Folder ID of where to deploy the project "folders/98765432101"
folder GCP billing account to attach projects to = "018888-01888-ABC123"
folder Name of workspace in Bitbucket "bbworkspace"
folder List of audience tokens provided by Bitbucket. See below for additional details. ["ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/000000ee-1111-11ae-bbbb-1111aeeee111"]

allowed_audiences Value

The audience token ensures Bitbucket pipelines are allowed to authenticate via Workload Identity. Its value can be retrieved after creating a repository. It is important to note that the “audience” value is tied to the Bitbucket Workspace, meaning all repos in the same Bitbucket workspace will have the same audience value. If an organization uses multiple workspaces, the audience value will need to be retrieved for each.

For the purposes of this example, we will create a repo in Bitbucket “skunkworks” that will later be populated with terraform.

In bitbucket, create the new repository. Aftwards, Bitbucket pipelines will need to be enabled. Go to the repository settings and look for Pipelines > Settings and check Enable Pipelines.

Next, navigate to Pipelines > OpenID Connect. This screen will contain a value, Audience, which we will need to copy. The value in Audience needs to be included in our list within terraform.tfvars.

A complete terraform.tfvars should resemble the following:

folder = "folders/00000012345"

billing_account = "018888-01888-ABC123"

workspace = "bbworkspace"

allowed_audiences = ["ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/000000ee-1111-11ae-bbbb-1111aeeee111", "ari:cloud:bitbucket::workspace/000000ee-2222-11ae-bbbb-2222affff111"]

Upon making any modifications, run the following in the root of the repo to plan the deployment.

terraform plan

After reviewing the proposed infrastructure changes, approve the deployment.

terraform apply -auto-approve