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(This replaces what we previously called "interceptors, and vastly simplifies the "delegates" mechanism that we temporarily talked about. This document is referenced by the dart2java source code.)


Implementing methods on Java types

There are two cases in which we delegate instance-method calls in Dart to a static helper function: Object methods and core types.

Object methods

The Dart Object class has five methods, which we must be able to call on any type (including primitive types and null):

class Object {
  bool operator ==(other);
  int get hashCode;
  String toString();
  dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation);
  Type get runtimeType;

Invoking these methods on a variable of static type Object results in the compiler emitting a call to a static function in dart._runtime.helpers.ObjectHelper. This call does need to check the run-time type of its self argument, since a user-defined class might provide an implementation for one of these methods as an instance method.

Ordinary user-defined classes implement from a synthetic interface DartObject, which defines these 5 methods. If any of these is invoked on a user-defined class, the compiler emits an ordinary instance method invocation.

User-defined @JavaClass classes do not extend from DartObject. For these, the compiler emits a call to ObjectHelper, just like for Object. Currently, a @JavaClass cannot extend from a user-defined class or implement a user-defined interface, so there is no need to worry about a @JavaClass method being invoked differently based on the static type of the reference.

If variable has run-time type extending a @JavaClass and an Object-method is called through a statically typed @JavaClass reference, the method will be dispatched through ObjectHelper (just as if the static type of the reference were the less-specific type Object).

Core type methods

String and bool

Both String and bool are @JavaClass classes, implemented by java.lang.String and java.lang.Boolean respectively. (bool might sometimes use the primitive boolean type instead, but it is wrapped in a Boolean instance when needed.)

The instance methods on these classes are implemented via dispatch to static methods on StringHelper and BoolHelper. The helper classes also implement the Object methods, so that a call to an Object method on a receiver of static type bool is dispatched just like a bool method on the same receiver.

num, int, and double

The numeric types num, int, and double are slightly more complex because of their type hierarchy. Still, their instance methods are implemented via static methods in helper classes. NumHelper will frequently type-test the receiver and forward to IntHelper or DoubleHelper appropriately. Again, the various helper classes implement the Object methods, and IntHelper and DoubleHelper explicitly implement all the num methods.

Long-term considerations

If we eventually implement multiple subtypes of int, String, or double (which are abstract in the SDK), the helper methods have to be able to accept any valid type for self. Because these subtypes are never user-visible, the dispatch should still work as expected (by calling IntHelper, DoubleHelper, or StringHelper).

Dispatching a method invocation

Assuming that the static type of the receiver is not dynamic:

  1. If the static receiver type is a @JavaClass (including Object, String, bool, num, int, or double) and if the method uses a helper function, then dispatch to the helper method.
    • String, bool, num, int, and double have their own helper classes, with helper functions for all the methods on these types. There are no @JavaMethod methods on these types.
    • ObjectHelper has helper functions for the five object methods. These helper functions should forward to the StringHelper implementation if the run-time receiver type is String, etc.
    • User-defined Java classes use ObjectHelper for the five object methods. All other methods on a user-defined @JavaClass must be instance methods on the underlying Java type (probably with some metadata; still TBD).
  2. Otherwise, the method is an actual instance method on the receiver Java object. There are a few possibilities here, but codegen is the same for all of them:
    • The method is an Object method, and the receiver implements the compiler's synthetic DartObject interface (because the receiver is an ordinary user-defined class). The DartObject interface defines the five Object methods, so an instance method call is valid (except for the usual caveat about null).
    • The method is a @JavaMethod and the receiver is a @JavaClass.
    • The method is an ordinary user-defined Dart method, and the receiver is an ordinary user-defined class.
    • The method is an override, and the overridden method belongs to one of the bullet points above.

Note that if we reach rule 2, it is impossible for the run-time receiver type to be any of String, bool, num, int, or double. Suppose that the run-time type is one of these types. Then:

  • If we got past rule 1, the static receiver type is not any of String, bool, num, int, or double.
  • By assumption, the run-time type is one of String, bool, num, int, or double. Therefore, by examining the Dart type hierarchy, the static receiver type must be Object. Only the Object methods can be invoked on static receiver type Object, but all of those are dispatched in step 1.
  • QED!

This proof is important, since if we represent int with a primitive int, we cannot actually call instance methods on it.

On the other hand, it's entirely possible under these rules to (attempt to) call an instance method on null. We don't yet know how to handle null effectively.

Under these rules, a @JavaClass can't override Object methods. It doesn't make sense for a @JavaClass to override runtimeType or noSuchMethod, but it could make sense to use its implementation of toString, hashCode, or equals for the analogous Dart methods. If we decide to use these three Java instance methods, we could either:

  • Always generate instance method invocations for these three Object methods. Step one stays the same (core types are still special), but step 2 now only applies if the method is runtimeType or noSuchMethod. We still can't reach step 3 with a primitive receiver type and a method like toString, since either it would have been dispatched in step 1 (if the static type is known to be int etc.) or else the receiver is statically typed as Object, and hence the run-time type is java.lang.Integer etc.
  • Have ObjectHelper.toString, ObjectHelper.getHashCode, and ObjectHelper.operatorEquals call the appropriate instance method on the receiver.

We'd want to check the semantics before making this change, to make sure there are no surprises hidden here.

Case studies

Object methods

Core types

new Object().runtimeType;
(3 as Object).runtimeType;
ObjectHelper.getRuntimeType(new Object());

User-defined classes

class Foo { String toString() => "Foo!"; }

new Foo().toString();
(new Foo() as Object).toString();
class Foo implements DartObject {
  String toString() { return "Foo!"; }

new Foo().toString();
ObjectHelper.toString((Object)new Foo());  // Invokes
                                           // ((DartObject)foo).toString().

User-defined @JavaClass classes

@JavaClass("java.util.ArrayList") class ArrayList {
  // A method on the underlying Java class.
  external Object get(int index);
class Bar extends ArrayList {
  String toString() => "Bar";

  Object get(int index) => null;

new ArrayList().toString();
(new ArrayList() as Object).toString();
new ArrayList().get(3);
// (new ArrayList() as Object).get(3);  // static type error

new Bar().toString();
(new Bar() as Object).toString();
new Bar().get(3);
(new Bar() as ArrayList).get(3);
// (new Bar() as Object).get(3);        // static type error
class Bar extends java.util.ArrayList implements DartObject {
  // Overrides DartObject.toString()
  String toString() { return "Bar"; }

  // Overrides ArrayList.get
  Object get(int index) {
    return null;

ObjectHelper.toString(new java.util.ArrayList());
ObjectHelper.toString((Object)new java.util.ArrayList());
new ArrayList().get(3);                    // throws IndexOutOfboundsException,
                                           // but that's a programmer error
                                           // unrelated to method dispatch.

new Bar().toString();
ObjectHelper.toString((Object)new Bar());  // Invokes
                                           // ((DartObject)bar).toString().
new Bar().get(3);
((java.util.ArrayList)new Bar()).get(3);   // Calls the overload, due to Java
                                           // virtual call semantics.


void f<T>(T t) {

void g<T extends ArrayList>(T t) {

void h<T extends Bar>(T t) {
void f(Object t) {
  ObjectHelper.getRuntimeType(t);  // Might call DartObject.getRuntimeType(), if
                                   // (f instanceof DartObject) == true

void g(java.util.ArrayList t) {
  ObjectHelper.getRuntimeType(t);  // Static type is `T extends ArrayList`, and
                                   // ArrayList is a @JavaClass.

void h(some.user.package.Bar t) {
  t.getRuntimeType();              // Bar implements DartObject, so this is a
                                   // valid interface method.

Numeric types

Basic operations

2 + 2;
2.0 + 2;
2 + 2.0;
2.0 + 2.0
IntHelper.operatorPlus(2, 2);
DoubleHelper.operatorPlus(2.0, 2);
IntHelper.operatorPlus(2, 2.0);
DoubleHelper.operatorPlus(2.0, 2.0);

Remark: As a future optimization, we could dispatch to a faster method is the static type of the argument is known. For example, the base implementation of `IntHelper.operatorPlus probably looks like:

Number operatorPlus(int self, Number other) {
  if (other instanceof Integer) {
    return Integer.valueOf(self + other.intValue());
  } else if (other instanceof Double) {
    return Double.valueOf(self + other.doubleValue());
  } else {

If we detect that other is an int, we could replace this by a direct int addition in Java, or at least by a helper function that skips the type check.

Static type num

(3 as num) + 4;

3 + (4 as num);

double average<T extends num>(List<T> l) {
  T sum = l.first;
  for (int i = 1; i < l.length; i++) {
    sum += l[i];
  return sum / l.length;
NumHelper.operatorPlus((Number)3, 4);

IntHelper.operatorPlus(3, (Number)4);

// Type parameters aren't used in Java.
double average(List /*<Number>*/ l) {
  Number sum = l.getFirst();
  for (int i = 1; i < l.getLength(); i++) {
    sum = NumHelpers.operatorPlus(sum, l.operatorIndexRead(i));
  return NumHelpers.operatorDivide(sum, l.getLength());

A possible optimization is to replace generics with T extends num by two template-instantiations (one for int and one for double).

Open questions


Perhaps the biggest question is how to handle null. There are, as usual, a few possibilities:

  • Whenever dispatching an instance method (step 3 in the algorithm above), check that the receiver is not null. This could be a static function or a ternary operator.
  • Always dispatch via a static function which does null checks.
  • Accept different semantics: throw java.lang.NullPointerException instead of dart.core.NoSuchMethodError.
  • Always wrap null values in some type that implements DartObject. The difficulty here is that the wrapped null has to be assignable to any type.

Interoperation with Java

Once we have more complete support for declaring @JavaClass classes, perhaps with something like @JavaMethod or @JavaField members, we may need to revisit this.