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102 lines (84 loc) · 5.71 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (84 loc) · 5.71 KB

HTTP File Upload Component

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This application allows occupants of an XMPP multi-user chat room to share data (images and such) with each-other.

More specifically, this is a Jabber Component that implements XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload


The compiled application, as well as the source code, is available for download on the 'releases' page of this project.


This project is using a Maven-based build process. To build this project yourself, ensure that the following are available on your local host:

  • A Java Development Kit, version 8.
  • Apache Maven 3

To build this project, invoke on a command shell:

$ mvn clean package

Upon completion, the application will be available in the target directory.


To run the application, execute

java -jar httpfileuploadcomponent-<versionnumber>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

A number of arguments can (and probably should) be added. A common execution is:

java -jar httpfileuploadcomponent-<versionnumber>-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
   --xmppHost \
   --sharedSecret hqcUrfHtgE73FktcXwfrP

This will start the application, connect it to an XMPP server with the provided shared secret, and launch a webserver on a non-local interface of the machine on which the application is executed.

When end-users should interact with the webserver using a different address, the announcedWebHost argument can be used. This provides a convenient way to work with remote proxies or port-forwarded network topologies.

A full set of usage instructions are provided by adding the --help argument:

$ java -jar httpfileuploadcomponent-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
usage: arguments
        --announcedWebContextRoot <arg>   The context root that is to be used
                                          by the end users (when different
                                          from webContextRoot). Defaults to
                                          webContextRoot value.
        --announcedWebHost <arg>          The hostname or IP address that is
                                          to be used by the end users (when
                                          different from webHost). Defaults to
                                          the webHost address.
        --announcedWebPort <arg>          The TCP port number that is to be
                                          used by the end users (when
                                          different from webPort). Defaults to
                                          the webPort value.
        --announcedWebProtocol <arg>      The Protocol that is to be used by
                                          the end users. Defaults to http
        --domain <arg>                    The domain that will be used for the
                                          component with the XMPP domain.
        --fileRepo <arg>                  Store files in a directory provided
                                          by the file system. Provide the
                                          desired path as a value. Path must
     -h,--help                            Displays this help text.
        --maxFileSize <arg>               The maximum allowed size per file,
                                          in bytes. Use -1 to disable file
                                          size limit. Defaults to 5242880
                                          (five MB).
        --sharedSecret <arg>              The shared secret, that
                                          authenticates this component with
                                          the XMPP domain.
        --tempFileRepo                    Store files in the temporary
                                          directory provided by the file
        --webContextRoot <arg>            The context root of the web server
                                          through which the web frontend will
                                          be made avialable. Defaults to '/',
                                          the root context.
        --webHost <arg>                   The hostname or IP address on which
                                          the webserver will be ran. Defaults
                                          to an arbitrary, non-local address
                                          of this machine.
        --webPort <arg>                   The TCP port number of the
                                          webserver. Defaults to 12121.
        --xmppHost <arg>                  The FQDN or IP address (not XMPP
                                          domain name) of the XMPP domain that
                                          this component will connect to.
                                          Defaults to 'localhost'.
        --xmppPort <arg>                  The TCP port number on the xmppHost,
                                          to which a connection will be made.
                                          Defaults to 5275.