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nalla edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 37 revisions

We build Git for Windows using an MSys2 based Git for Windows SDK. This SDK can be installed via a net-installer

Installing a build environment

  1. Just install the net-installer.

Build Git

  1. An initial git clone and make should have already occurred when installing the net-installer.

  2. Open the Git for Windows SDK MinGW shell by double clicking either the Shortcut on the desktop Git SDK 32-bit.lnk or by double clicking mingw32_shell.bat in the install folder. That is Git SDK 64-bit.lnk and mingw64_shell.bat for the 64bit net-installer.

  3. Change directory to the initial clone: cd /usr/src/git.

  4. (Optional) build Git: make.

  5. Run the test suite: make test

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