Releases: getsentry/sentry-ruby
Releases · getsentry/sentry-ruby
- Raven::Transports::HTTP#send returns the response now. [eagletmt, #317]
- Filenames now work a lot better when you vendor your gems. [eugeneius, #316]
- Fix raven:test issue when testing non-async configurations. [weynsee, #318]
- Fix blockless Raven#capture. [dinosaurjr, #320]
- Fix some log messages [eagletmt, #319]
- Support exception chaining [javawizard, #312]
- Add support for sending release version [eugeneius, #310]
- Better status reports on configuration [faber, #309]
- Client "send" method accepts an event in object or hash format - this will make it much easier to send Sentry events in a delayed job! [marclennox, #300]
- Fix duplicate fields in SanitizeData [wyattisimo, #294]
- Always preserve filename paths under project_root [eugeneius, #291]
- Truncate project root prefixes from filenames [eagletmt, #278]
- Renamed should_send callback to should_capture [nateberkopec, #270]
- Silencing the ready message now happens in the config as normal [nateberkopec, #260]
- Various internal refactorings see here
- URL query parameters are now sanitized for sensitive data [pcorliss, #275]
- Raven::Client can now use a proxy server when sending events to Sentry [dcramer, #277]
- Raven::Client will now use a timed backoff strategy if the server fails [codekitchen, #267]
- Automatic integration loading is now a lot less brittle [dcramer, handlers, #263, #264]
- Fixed some issues with prefixes and DSN strings [nateberkopec, #259]
- If Raven is initialized without a server config, it will no longer send events [nateberkopec, #258]
- Slightly nicer credit-card-like number scrubbing [nateberkopec, #254]
- Fix some exceptions not being caught by Sidekiq middleware [nateberkopec, #251]
- Uncommon types are now encoded correctly [nateberkopec, #249]
- You can now give additional fields to the SanitizeData processor. Values matched are replaced by the string mask (*********). Full documentation (and how to use with Rails config.filter_parameters) here. [jamescway, #232]
- An additional processor has been added, though it isn't turned on by default: RemoveStacktrace. Use it to remove stacktraces from exception reports. [nateberkopec, #233]
- Dependency on
has been removed. [nateberkopec, #231]
Merge pull request #225 from getsentry/0.11-changelog 0.11.0 Changelog entry