Render Genie engine (Age of Empires, SWGB) .SLP files to PNGs.
npm install --global slp-render
$ slp-render --help
$ slp-render <slp-file> <out-dir> [--palette=<file>] [--player=<number>] [--draw-outline]
--palette JASC-PAL palette file path to get colours from. Defaults to
the default Age of Empires 2 unit palette (50500).
-p, --player Player colour to use for rendering units. Defaults to 1.
--draw-outline Draw the outline around the unit instead of the unit itself.
This is used by the games for rendering units behind buildings.
$ slp-render graphics.drs/2.slp archer/ --player=3
$ slp-render interfac.drs/50100.slp loading-background/ --palette=interfac.drs/50532.bin
Use genie-slp, the API library :)