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DSC UBa Members Interests (Hacktoberfest mini-project 3)

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Member Id: null

  • Favourite Programming Language: null
  • Track of interest: null
  • Favourite quote: null
  • Author of quote: null
  • Role model: null


Member Id: 1

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data Science
  • Favourite quote: Java is to JavaScript what car is to Carpet.
  • Author of quote: Chris Heilmann
  • Role model: Margaret Hamilton

Member Id: 2

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Artificial Intelligence
  • Favourite quote: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit
  • Author of quote: Aristotle
  • Role model: Estelle Yomba

Member Id: 3

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data Science
  • Favourite quote:Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
  • Author of quote: Steve Jobs
  • Role model: Steve Jobs

Member Id: 4

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Artificial Intelligence
  • Favourite quote: In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
  • Author of quote: Mahatma Ghandi
  • Role model: Hedy Lamarr

Member Id: 5

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Big data
  • Favourite quote: Controling complexity is the essence of Computer programming
  • Author of quote: Brian Kernighan
  • Role model: Betelhem Dessie

Member Id: 6

  • Favourite Programming Language: Javascript
  • Track of interest: Cryptography
  • Favourite quote: Find what you love and let it kill you
  • Author of quote: Bukwoski
  • Role model: Bill Gates

Member Id: 7

  • Favourite Programming Language: Dart/Flutter
  • Track of interest: UI/UX/Graphic Design
  • Favourite quote: Get the job done.
  • Author of quote: Chris Do
  • Role model: null

Member Id: 8

  • Favourite Programming Language: Java
  • Track of interest: Networking
  • Favourite quote: yes I can
  • Author of quote: Barack Obama
  • Role model: Ada lovelace

Member Id: 9

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Web Development
  • Favourite quote: null
  • Author of quote: null
  • Role model: null

Member Id: 10

  • Favourite Programming Language:PHP
  • Track of interest: Database systems
  • Favourite quote: "Don't feel low when someone doubts your cuber. Just be proud of yourself. Because people always doubts the 'Gold' for it's purity, not the 'Iron'"
  • Author of quote: Mosh
  • Role model: Dr Noida

Member Id: 11

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data Analyst
  • Favourite quote: Everything you want is on the other side of fear
  • Author of quote: Jack Canfield
  • Role model: Julianna Rotich

Member Id: 12

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data science
  • Favourite quote: whatever you are, be a good one
  • Author of quote: Abraham Lincoln
  • Role model: Katherine Johnson Member Id: 13
  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Artificial Intelligence
  • Favourite quote: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
  • Author of quote: Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Role model: null

Member Id: 14

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Web Development
  • Favourite quote: Beauty better than ugly
  • Author of quote: yokwejuste
  • Role model: ...

Member Id: 1

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Web application devolopement
  • Favourite quote: Imagination is more important than knowledge
  • Author of quote: Albert Einstein
  • Role model: Mark zuckerberg

Member Id: 15 Programming Language: python/kotlin

  • Track of interest: machine learning, app development

  • Favourite quote: you know the true meaning of peace only if you have been through the war

  • Author of quote: kosovar

  • Role model: Elon Musk.

  • Member Id: 10

  • Favourite Programming Language: Javascript

  • Track of interest: machine learning, app development

  • Favourite quote: you know the true meaning of peace only if you have been through the war

  • Author of quote: kosovar

  • Role model: Elon Musk.

Member Id: 9

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Web Development
  • Favourite quote: Beauty better than ugly
  • Author of quote: yokwejuste5013
  • Role model: Elon musk
  • Id: 7
  • Favourite Programming Language: Java script
  • Track of interest: web specialist
  • Favourite quote: you know the true meaning of peace only if you have been through the war
  • Author of quote: kosovar
  • Role model: Elon Musk.

Member Id: 3

  • Favourite Programming Language: Javascript
  • Track of interest: mobile/web development
  • Favourite quote: 'People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it'
  • Author of quote: Simon Sinek
  • Role model: Denva

Member Id: 16

  • Favourite Programming Language: PHP
  • Track of interest: Web Development(front end/back end)
  • Favourite quote: What we think, we become
  • Author of quote: Buddha
  • Role model: Olivia Kouanda

Member Id: 17

  • Favourite Programming Language: PHP
  • Track of interest: web development,APIs and Server dev
  • Favourite quote: "what so ever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
  • Author of quote: Albert Einstein
  • Role model: mark Zuckerberg

Member Id: 8

  • Favourite Programming Language: Rust
  • Track of interest: Web/App and System Dev, ML and AI
  • Favourite quote: "Nothing matters"
  • Author of quote: Elroy Kanye
  • Role model: Elroy Kanye

Member Id: 8

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: web development and Machine Learning
  • Favourite quote: "We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
  • Author of quote: Anaïs Nin
  • Role model: Ngochi Huebert

Member Id: 10

  • Favourite Programming Language: JavaScript
  • Track of interest: MERN Stack Developer
  • Favourite quote: “Truth can only be found in one place: the code.”
  • Author of quote: Robert C. Martin
  • Role model: Bill Gates

Member Id: 10

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data Science
  • Favourite quote: “You may delay, but time will not”
  • Author of quote: Benjamin Franklin
  • Role model: Mrs. Martin Ngassa

Member Id: 11

  • Favourite Programming Language: Dart/Flutter
  • Track of interest: mobile development, data analysis, data science
  • Favourite quote: "The purpose of our lives is to be happy"
  • Author of quote: Dalai Lama
  • Role model: Carla Gentry

Member Id: 12 Favourite Programming Language: Python Track of interest: Data Science Favourite quote: Stay faithful to the stories in your head Author of quote: Paula Hawkins Role model: null

Member Id: 11 Favourite Programming Language: Java Track of interest: Mobile app developer Favourite quote: Everything you want is on the other side of fear Author of quote: Jack Canfield Role model: Julianna Rotich

Member Id: 9

  • Favourite Programming Language: Java
  • Track of interest: Blockchain development
  • Favourite quote: Privacy is the key to success
  • Author of quote: Spyke Lionel
  • Role model: NDI Lionel

Member Id: 11

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python
  • Track of interest: Data Science Machne Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Favourite quote: "Imagination is more important than knoledge."
  • Author of quote: Albert Einstein
  • Role model: Marshal Mathers

Member Id: 13

  • Favourite Programming Language: Dart/Flutter
  • Track of interest: App Development
  • Favourite quote: "Get The Job Done"
  • Author of quote: Chris Do
  • Role model: null

Member Id: 14

  • Favourite Programming Language: Python/Django
  • Track of interest: Web and Mobile Development
  • Favourite quote: "Without continual growth and progess, words such as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning."
  • Author of quote: "Benjamin Franklin"
  • Role model: Jesus

Member Id: 15

  • Favourite Programming Language: JavaScript
  • Track of interest: Web/App Development
  • Favourite quote: Build your dream or someone else will hire you to build their
  • Author of quote: Farrah Gray
  • Role model: Future Me

Member Id: 15

  • Favourite Programming Language: JavaScript
  • Track of interest: Web Services
  • Favourite quote: One man’s crappy software is another man’s full time job.
  • Author of quote: Anonymous
  • Role model: My dream self

Member Id: 18

  • Favourite Programming Language: Dart/Flutter
  • Track of interest: App Development
  • Favourite quote: "How far the mighty have fallen"
  • Author of quote: null
  • Role model: null