Dual Investment order
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
plan_id | str | Plan ID | |
copies | str | The number of copies is mutually exclusive with the amount field and will be deprecated soon. It is recommended to use the amount parameter. | [optional] |
is_max | int | Whether to purchase at the maximum. Mutually exclusive with the amount field. Will be deprecated soon. It is recommended to use the amount parameter. | [optional] |
amount | str | Subscription amount, mutually exclusive with the copies field | |
text | str | User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below: 1. prefixed with `t-` 2. no longer than 28 bytes without `t-` prefix 3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.) | [optional] |