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Feb 24, 2025
f29efc6 · Feb 24, 2025


115 lines (73 loc) · 8.21 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (73 loc) · 8.21 KB



Name Type Description Notes
id string Order ID [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
text string User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below: 1. prefixed with `t-` 2. no longer than 28 bytes without `t-` prefix 3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.) Besides user defined information, reserved contents are listed below, denoting how the order is created: - 101: from android - 102: from IOS - 103: from IPAD - 104: from webapp - 3: from web - 2: from apiv2 - apiv4: from apiv4 [optional] [default to undefined]
amendText string The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
createTime string Creation time of order [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
updateTime string Last modification time of order [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
createTimeMs number Creation time of order (in milliseconds) [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
updateTimeMs number Last modification time of order (in milliseconds) [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
status string Order status - `open`: to be filled - `closed`: filled - `cancelled`: cancelled [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
currencyPair string Currency pair [default to undefined]
type string Order Type - limit : Limit Order - market : Market Order [optional] [default to 'limit']
account string Account type, spot - spot account, margin - leveraged account, unified - unified account [optional] [default to 'spot']
side string Order side [default to undefined]
amount string When `type` is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, `BTC_USDT` means `BTC` When `type` is `market`, it refers to different currency according to `side` - `side` : `buy` means quote currency, `BTC_USDT` means `USDT` - `side` : `sell` means base currency,`BTC_USDT` means `BTC` [default to undefined]
price string Price can't be empty when `type`= `limit` [optional] [default to undefined]
timeInForce string Time in force - gtc: GoodTillCancelled - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none Only `ioc` and `fok` are supported when `type`=`market` [optional] [default to 'gtc']
iceberg string Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Hiding all amount is not supported. [optional] [default to undefined]
autoBorrow boolean Used in margin or cross margin trading to allow automatic loan of insufficient amount if balance is not enough. [optional] [default to undefined]
autoRepay boolean Enable or disable automatic repayment for automatic borrow loan generated by cross margin order. Default is disabled. Note that: 1. This field is only effective for cross margin orders. Margin account does not support setting auto repayment for orders. 2. `auto_borrow` and `auto_repay` can be both set to true in one order. [optional] [default to undefined]
left string Amount left to fill [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
filledAmount string Amount traded to fill [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
fillPrice string Total filled in quote currency. Deprecated in favor of `filled_total` [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
filledTotal string Total filled in quote currency [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
avgDealPrice string Average fill price [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
fee string Fee deducted [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
feeCurrency string Fee currency unit [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
pointFee string Points used to deduct fee [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
gtFee string GT used to deduct fee [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
gtMakerFee string GT used to deduct maker fee [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
gtTakerFee string GT used to deduct taker fee [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
gtDiscount boolean Whether GT fee discount is used [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
rebatedFee string Rebated fee [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
rebatedFeeCurrency string Rebated fee currency unit [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
stpId number Orders between users in the same `stp_id` group are not allowed to be self-traded 1. If the `stp_id` of two orders being matched is non-zero and equal, they will not be executed. Instead, the corresponding strategy will be executed based on the `stp_act` of the taker. 2. `stp_id` returns `0` by default for orders that have not been set for `STP group` [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
stpAct string Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies 1. After users join the `STP Group`, he can pass `stp_act` to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If `stp_act` is not passed, the default is `cn` strategy。 2. When the user does not join the `STP group`, an error will be returned when passing the `stp_act` parameter。 3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-' - cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones - co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones - cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled [optional] [default to undefined]
finishAs string Order completion statuses include: - open: Awaiting processing - filled: Fully filled - cancelled: Cancelled by user - liquidate_cancelled: Cancelled due to liquidation - small: Order quantity too small - depth_not_enough: Cancelled due to insufficient market depth - trader_not_enough: Cancelled due to insufficient counterparty - ioc: Not immediately filled because tif is set to ioc - poc: Not met the order strategy because tif is set to poc - fok: Not fully filled immediately because tif is set to fok - stp: Cancelled due to self-trade prevention - unknown: Unknown [optional] [readonly] [default to undefined]
actionMode string Processing Mode: When placing an order, different fields are returned based on action_mode. This field is only valid during the request and is not included in the response result ACK: Asynchronous mode, only returns key order fields RESULT: No clearing information FULL: Full mode (default) [optional] [default to undefined]

Enum: Order.Status

  • Open (value: 'open')

  • Closed (value: 'closed')

  • Cancelled (value: 'cancelled')

Enum: Order.Type

  • Limit (value: 'limit')

  • Market (value: 'market')

Enum: Order.Side

  • Buy (value: 'buy')

  • Sell (value: 'sell')

Enum: Order.TimeInForce

  • Gtc (value: 'gtc')

  • Ioc (value: 'ioc')

  • Poc (value: 'poc')

  • Fok (value: 'fok')

Enum: Order.StpAct

  • Cn (value: 'cn')

  • Co (value: 'co')

  • Cb (value: 'cb')

  • Minus (value: '-')

Enum: Order.FinishAs

  • Open (value: 'open')

  • Filled (value: 'filled')

  • Cancelled (value: 'cancelled')

  • LiquidateCancelled (value: 'liquidate_cancelled')

  • DepthNotEnough (value: 'depth_not_enough')

  • TraderNotEnough (value: 'trader_not_enough')

  • Small (value: 'small')

  • Ioc (value: 'ioc')

  • Poc (value: 'poc')

  • Fok (value: 'fok')

  • Stp (value: 'stp')

  • Unknown (value: 'unknown')