Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Type | string | Order type,default to `limit` - limit : Limit Order - market : Market Order | [optional] [default to TYPE_LIMIT] |
Side | string | Order side - buy: buy side - sell: sell side | |
Price | string | Order price | |
Amount | string | When `type` is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, `BTC_USDT` means `BTC` When `type` is `market`, it refers to different currency according to `side` - `side` : `buy` means quote currency, `BTC_USDT` means `USDT` - `side` : `sell` means base currency,`BTC_USDT` means `BTC` | |
Account | string | Trading account type. Portfolio margin account must set to `unified` - normal: spot trading - margin: margin trading - unified: unified trading | [default to ACCOUNT_NORMAL] |
TimeInForce | string | time_in_force - gtc: GoodTillCancelled - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only | [optional] [default to TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC] |
AutoBorrow | bool | Whether to borrow coins automatically | [optional] [default to false] |
AutoRepay | bool | Whether to repay the loan automatically | [optional] [default to false] |
Text | string | The source of the order, including: - web: web - api: api - app: app | [optional] |