Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Underlying | string | Underlying | |
Window | int32 | Time window (milliseconds), between 1-5000, 0 means disabling MMP | [optional] [readonly] |
FrozenPeriod | int32 | Freeze duration (milliseconds), 0 means always frozen, need to call reset API to unfreeze | [optional] [readonly] |
QtyLimit | string | Trading volume upper limit (positive number, up to 2 decimal places) | [optional] [readonly] |
DeltaLimit | string | Upper limit of net delta value (positive number, up to 2 decimal places) | [optional] [readonly] |
TriggerTimeMs | int64 | Trigger freeze time (milliseconds), 0 means no freeze is triggered | [optional] [readonly] |
FrozenUntilMs | int64 | Unfreeze time (milliseconds). If the freeze duration is not configured, there will be no unfreeze time after the freeze is triggered. | [optional] [readonly] |