Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TradeId | string | Trade ID | [optional] |
CreateTime | float64 | Trading time | [optional] |
Contract | string | Futures contract | [optional] |
OrderId | string | Order ID related | [optional] |
Size | int64 | Trading size | [optional] |
CloseSize | int64 | Number of closed positions: close_size=0 && size>0 Open long position close_size=0 && size<0 Open short position close_size>0 && size>0 && size <= close_size Close short postion close_size>0 && size>0 && size > close_size Close short position and open long position close_size<0 && size<0 && size >= close_size Close long postion close_size<0 && size<0 && size < close_size Close long position and open short position | [optional] |
Price | string | Trading price | [optional] |
Role | string | Trade role. Available values are `taker` and `maker` | [optional] |
Text | string | User defined information | [optional] |
Fee | string | Fee deducted | [optional] |
PointFee | string | Points used to deduct fee | [optional] |