This directory contains a set of quick start projects to get you started with the suite of JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components.
Author: William Collins - Fuse Team
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Technologies: SAP, Camel, JBoss Fuse
Summary: These quick starts demonstrates how to configure and use the suite of JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components to integrate Apache Camel with SAP.
Target Product: Fuse
The JBoss Fuse SAP quick starts are divided into three categories which demonstrate how to configure, deploy and run the JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components in different runtime environments.
The quick starts in this directory demonstrates how to configure, deploy and run the JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components in a standalone Camel container runtime.
The quick starts in this directory demonstrates how to configure, deploy and run the JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components in a JBoss Fuse OSGi container runtime.
###Spring Boot
The quick starts in this directory demonstrates how to configure, deploy and run the JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components in a Spring Boot Camel container runtime.
For more information see:
- for more information about the JBoss Fuse SAP Camel components
- for more information about using JBoss Fuse
To run these quick starts you will need:
- Maven 3.1.1 or higher
- JDK 1.8
- JBoss Fuse 7.0.0
- SAP JCo3 and IDoc3 libraries (sapjco3.jar, sapidoc3.jar and JCo native library for your OS platform)
- SAP instance with Flight Data Application setup.