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480 lines (333 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

480 lines (333 loc) · 22.6 KB

Example using the command line

This example assumes the following:

  • Version 1.30.1 of cardano-node and the bundled version of cardano-cli.
  • testnet.payment-0.address contains the address of a wallet funded with test ADA.
  • testnet.payment-0.skey contains the corresponding signing key for the above address.
  • testnet.payment-0.vkey contains the corresponding verification key for the above address.
  • testnet.payment-1.address contains the address of a (possibly empty) address for use in the example.
  • testnet.payment-1.skey contains the corresponding signing key for the above address.
  • The control token for the oracle is named tCORN.
  • The datum token for the oracle is named tFARM.
  • The fee token for the oracle is named tPIGY.
  • Ten of the tPIGY tokens are needed to read the oracle, but no additional ADA is needed, aside from the transaction fee.
  • The mantra-oracle executable program is on the search path, given by the PATH environment variable.

Set up the network.

MAGIC="--testnet-magic 1097911063"

cardano-cli query protocol-parameters $MAGIC --out-file testnet.protocol

Record the test addresses.

ADDRESS_0=$(cat testnet.payment-0.address); echo $ADDRESS_0

ADDRESS_1=$(cat testnet.payment-1.address); echo $ADDRESS_1

Create the minting policy.

cat << EOI > testnet.policy-0.script
    "type" : "sig"
,   "keyHash" : "$(cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file testnet.payment-0.vkey)"

CURRENCY=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid --script-file testnet.policy-0.script); echo $CURRENCY

Configure the command-line tool.

We use a configuration file like testnet.mantra-oracle. Modify the path to the local node socket, and modify policy ID for the three assets to match $CURRENCY.

  socketPath     = "/data/testnet.socket"
, magic          = Just 1097911063
, epochSlots     = 21600
, controlAsset   = "13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN"
, datumAsset     = "13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM"
, feeAsset       = "13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY"
, feeAmount      = 10
, lovelaceAmount = 0

Create the script address.

First, learn about the export command:

$ mantra-oracle export --help

Usage: mantra-oracle export CONFIG_FILE SCRIPT_FILE [CORE_FILE]

  Export the validator and compute its address.

Available options:
  CONFIG_FILE              The configuration file.
  SCRIPT_FILE              Output filename for the serialized validator.
  CORE_FILE                Output filename for the Plutus Core code.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Now export the Plutus script for the oracle and find its address:

ORACLE_SCRIPT=testnet.plutus; echo $ORACLE_SCRIPT

mantra-oracle export testnet.mantra-oracle $ORACLE_SCRIPT

ADDRESS_S=$(cardano-cli address build $MAGIC --payment-script-file $ORACLE_SCRIPT); echo $ADDRESS_S

Find a UTxO with test ADA.

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_0

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
a6cb48d8af22a773217199d4e4a75112f728b2e4744980a1861c96d088d01a90     0        193394880 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

In this example, record that we have:


Mint and distribute the tokens.

cardano-cli transaction build $MAGIC --alonzo-era \
  --tx-in $TXID_0#0 \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+30000000" \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+30000000+1000 $CURRENCY.tPIGY" \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+30000000+1 $CURRENCY.tCORN" \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+30000000+1 $CURRENCY.tFARM" \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+2000000" \
  --change-address $ADDRESS_0 \
  --mint-script-file testnet.policy-0.script \
  --out-file tx-1.raw

cardano-cli transaction sign $MAGIC \
  --tx-body-file tx-1.raw \
  --out-file tx-1.signed \
  --signing-key-file testnet.payment-0.skey

cardano-cli transaction submit $MAGIC \
  --tx-file tx-1.signed

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and lookup the eUTxOs.

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     1        30000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     2        30000000 lovelace + 1000 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     3        30000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN + TxOutDatumHashNone
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     4        30000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM + TxOutDatumHashNone
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     5        2000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone0

In this example, record that we have:


Create the oracle.

First, learn about the create command:

$ mantra-oracle create --help

                            NEW_JSON_FILE [--collateral LOVELACE]
                            [--metadata INTEGER] [--message JSON_FILE]
                            [--lovelace LOVELACE]
  Create the oracle.

Available options:
  CONFIG_FILE              The configuration file.
  SIGNING_ADDRESS          The address for the signing key.
  SIGNING_FILE             The signing key file.
  NEW_JSON_FILE            The JSON file for the new oracle data.
  --collateral LOVELACE    The maximum collateral for the transaction.
  --metadata INTEGER       The metadata key for the oracle data.
  --message JSON_FILE      The JSON file for the message metadata.
  --lovelace LOVELACE      The value to be sent to the script.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

We create the oracle with the example datum in example-data-0.json. Note that the datum may be any JSON that can be serialized to CBOR.

mantra-oracle create testnet.mantra-oracle \
              $ADDRESS_1                   \
              testnet.payment-1.skey       \

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_S

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     1        5000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "4a11b3134a46a55dba9dad46a729984c6c4ef6e825c25ec540c586d273542788"

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
7be8cd729a4324a7ae2650dbad202ee69ced5db2efd831090b94d2f2902d262a     2        30000000 lovelace + 1000 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     0        41298199 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     2        43500000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN + TxOutDatumHashNone
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     3        2000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

In this example, record that we have:


The datum hash in the eUTxO should match the hash for the file:

$ cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value "$(cat example-data-0.json)"


Read the oracle.

Reading the oracle is typically done by another smart contract that needs to use the data in the oracle's eUTxO. For this example, we will create an example client smart contract and use cardano-cli to have it read the oracle. The source code is in Mantra.Oracle.Reader.

First, learn about the reader command:

$ mantra-oracle reader --help

Usage: mantra-oracle reader CONFIG_FILE OUTPUT_FILE
  Export an example validator for reading the oracle and compute its address.

Available options:
  CONFIG_FILE              The configuration file.
  OUTPUT_FILE              Output filename for the serialized validator.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Create the example Plutus script for reading the oracle.

CLIENT_SCRIPT=example-reader.plutus; echo $CLIENT_SCRIPT

mantra-oracle reader testnet.mantra-oracle $CLIENT_SCRIPT

ADDRESS_C=$(cardano-cli address build $MAGIC --payment-script-file $CLIENT_SCRIPT); echo $ADDRESS_C

Now send some funds to that script.

cardano-cli transaction build $MAGIC --alonzo-era \
  --protocol-params-file testnet.protocol \
  --tx-in $TXID_2#0 \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_C+1500000" \
    --tx-out-datum-hash $(cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value '"Hello"') \
  --change-address $ADDRESS_1 \
  --out-file tx-3.raw

cardano-cli transaction sign $MAGIC \
  --tx-body-file tx-3.raw \
  --out-file tx-3.signed \
  --signing-key-file testnet.payment-1.skey

cardano-cli transaction submit $MAGIC \
  --tx-file tx-3.signed

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_C

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
4f06438ff007e549cc1a522e348b7688595c94fe2b3f728db039712f709b5ebc     1        1500000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "2cef1f3b66fb9aaf43dd90b2bd75e46dd55c942c46a3a9d035e8920e623e3208"

In this example, record that we have:


The Plutus client script will only validate if it sees the correct datum in the oracle. Thus we submit a transaction that validates both the spending of the client and the reading of the oracle. The datum for the client script isn't used in its validation, and its redeemer must match the oracle's data: see makeValidator in Mantra.Oracle.Reader.

cardano-cli transaction build $MAGIC --alonzo-era \
  --protocol-params-file testnet.protocol \
  --tx-in $TXID_3#1 \
    --tx-in-script-file $CLIENT_SCRIPT \
    --tx-in-datum-value '"Hello"' \
    --tx-in-redeemer-value '"PIGY!"' \
  --tx-in $TXID_2#1 \
    --tx-in-script-file $ORACLE_SCRIPT \
    --tx-in-datum-value "$(cat example-data-0.json)" \
    --tx-in-redeemer-file redeemer-read.json \
  --tx-in $TXID_1#2 \
  --tx-in $TXID_3#0 \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_S+5000000+1 $CURRENCY.tFARM+10 $CURRENCY.tPIGY" \
    --tx-out-datum-hash $(cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value "$(cat example-data-0.json)") \
  --tx-out "$ADDRESS_1+5000000+990 $CURRENCY.tPIGY" \
  --change-address $ADDRESS_1 \
  --tx-in-collateral $TXID_2#3 \
  --out-file tx-4.raw

cardano-cli transaction sign $MAGIC \
  --tx-body-file tx-4.raw \
  --out-file tx-4.signed \
  --signing-key-file testnet.payment-1.skey

cardano-cli transaction submit $MAGIC \
  --tx-file tx-4.signed

In the above, the file redeemer-read.json contains the correct JSON serialization of the Oracle's Read :: Action redeemer.

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_C

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_S

                          TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
06f5ba2d75b64699da7efbffbf5909e7e0e49d21d361d7f5c0dfb8bce99da06a     1        5000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM + 10 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "4a11b3134a46a55dba9dad46a729984c6c4ef6e825c25ec540c586d273542788"
$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
06f5ba2d75b64699da7efbffbf5909e7e0e49d21d361d7f5c0dfb8bce99da06a     0        65252290 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
06f5ba2d75b64699da7efbffbf5909e7e0e49d21d361d7f5c0dfb8bce99da06a     2        5000000 lovelace + 990 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     2        43500000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN + TxOutDatumHashNone
bfbae31c35544639fb1177557282e17b3d06075161f1d1e2a2a72590f2de48a1     3        2000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

You can see that the oracle has acquired the 10 tPIGY fee, but no additional ADA, and the client script spent its funds.

In this example, record that we have:


Write new data to the oracle.

First, learn about the write command:

$ mantra-oracle write --help

                           OLD_JSON_FILE NEW_JSON_FILE [--collateral LOVELACE]
                           [--metadata INTEGER] [--message JSON_FILE]
                           [--lovelace LOVELACE]
  Write a value to the oracle.

Available options:
  CONFIG_FILE              The configuration file.
  SIGNING_ADDRESS          The address for the signing key.
  SIGNING_FILE             The signing key file.
  OLD_JSON_FILE            The JSON file for the existing oracle data.
  NEW_JSON_FILE            The JSON file for the new oracle data.
  --collateral LOVELACE    The maximum collateral for the transaction.
  --metadata INTEGER       The metadata key for the oracle data.
  --message JSON_FILE      The JSON file for the message metadata.
  --lovelace LOVELACE      The value to be sent to the script.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

We replace the oracle's datum from example-data-0.json with new data in example-data-1.json.

mantra-oracle write testnet.mantra-oracle \
              $ADDRESS_1                  \
              testnet.payment-1.skey      \
              example-data-0.json         \

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_S

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
c704a3d0697eae1676e1eeb020ae201c5145e5cbd835032d9eaffb66f41008af     1        5000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "b9c12181970235c54ec71f27310911e5a70b49995d8f5049c500e2846676091c"

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
06f5ba2d75b64699da7efbffbf5909e7e0e49d21d361d7f5c0dfb8bce99da06a     2        5000000 lovelace + 990 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
c704a3d0697eae1676e1eeb020ae201c5145e5cbd835032d9eaffb66f41008af     0        52731327 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
c704a3d0697eae1676e1eeb020ae201c5145e5cbd835032d9eaffb66f41008af     2        55376145 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN + 10 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
c704a3d0697eae1676e1eeb020ae201c5145e5cbd835032d9eaffb66f41008af     3        2000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

In this example, record that we have:


The datum hash in the eUTxO will match the hash for the new file:

$ cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value "$(cat example-data-1.json)"


Delete the oracle.

First, learn about the delete command:

$ mantra-oracle delete --help

                            OLD_JSON_FILE [--collateral LOVELACE]
                            [--message JSON_FILE] [--lovelace LOVELACE]
  Delete the oracle.

Available options:
  CONFIG_FILE              The configuration file.
  SIGNING_ADDRESS          The address for the signing key.
  SIGNING_FILE             The signing key file.
  OLD_JSON_FILE            The JSON file for the existing oracle data.
  --collateral LOVELACE    The maximum collateral for the transaction.
  --message JSON_FILE      The JSON file for the message metadata.
  --lovelace LOVELACE      The value to be sent to the script.
  -h,--help                Show this help text

We delete the oracle with the example datum in example-data-1.json.

mantra-oracle delete testnet.mantra-oracle \
              $ADDRESS_1                   \
              testnet.payment-1.skey       \

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_S

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
06f5ba2d75b64699da7efbffbf5909e7e0e49d21d361d7f5c0dfb8bce99da06a     2        5000000 lovelace + 990 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
a00e0586be7a179cd7ffb72c9b6a01e4691f77db2191f8d5ebdfb93a17a14405     0        52423290 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
a00e0586be7a179cd7ffb72c9b6a01e4691f77db2191f8d5ebdfb93a17a14405     1        5000000 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tFARM + TxOutDatumHashNone
a00e0586be7a179cd7ffb72c9b6a01e4691f77db2191f8d5ebdfb93a17a14405     2        55053736 lovelace + 1 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tCORN + 10 13a3efd825703a352a8f71f4e2758d08c28c564e8dfcce9f77776ad1.tPIGY + TxOutDatumHashNone
a00e0586be7a179cd7ffb72c9b6a01e4691f77db2191f8d5ebdfb93a17a14405     3        2000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

There should be no eUTxOs at the script address.

In this example, record that we have:


Clean up the example so it can be run again.

We can burn the test tokens and collect the remaining test ADA from this example.

cardano-cli transaction build $MAGIC --alonzo-era \
  --tx-in $TXID_1#0 \
  --tx-in $TXID_4#2 \
  --tx-in $TXID_6#0 \
  --tx-in $TXID_6#1 \
  --tx-in $TXID_6#2 \
  --tx-in $TXID_6#3 \
  --change-address $ADDRESS_0 \
  --mint "-1000 $CURRENCY.tPIGY+-1 $CURRENCY.tFARM+-1 $CURRENCY.tCORN" \
  --mint-script-file testnet.policy-0.script \
  --out-file tx-0.raw

cardano-cli transaction sign $MAGIC \
  --tx-body-file tx-0.raw \
  --out-file tx-0.signed \
  --signing-key-file testnet.payment-0.skey \
  --signing-key-file testnet.payment-1.skey

cardano-cli transaction submit $MAGIC \
  --tx-file tx-0.signed

Wait until the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and look at the eUTxOs:

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_S

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_0

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
c3bfe685f600758c1093a942dda9d8312ed1191a3e0d5148015d0bb8ff416f73     0        190483528 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

$ cardano-cli query utxo $MAGIC --address $ADDRESS_1

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount

In this example, record that we have:
