The goal of printpdf
is to be a complete PDF library so you
could technically go ahead and build an alternative Illustrator
just using this library. The library is commercially maintained
by my company, Maps4Print (we make printable PDF maps from
OpenStreetMap data). It was thought of a library for mapping and GIS.
Instantiating content, minimal file size (useful when
you have many polygons / roads / shapes) are the goals. It is thought
for graphics-heavy PDF files, it may not fit your purpose completely.
By contributing to this library, you license your code under the MIT license.
- Keep your functions short (should fit vertically into one 1080p screen)
- Document at least on one line per function (or copy / paste from the Adobe reference)
- Files should be kept together by semantic function.
- It's OK to have many structs in one file as long as they belong together
- Functions that add content to the document should begin with
- Functions that reuse references begin with
- Functions that modify the state of something in the PDF should begin with
Have fun!
-- Felix