In this activity, you’ll work in groups to review
files for two GitHub repos, and then share suggestions for making them easier to read and understand.
GitHub is a great way to showcase work so that it can be used by others, and so that employers can see your high-quality projects. However, without a well-written
file, a repository is just a pile of text files that is tedious to interpret.
Go to the trending page on GitHub and choose a repository to explore. Pick something that interests you and your team.
Review the
file and discuss the following with your group:-
What do you like about this readme?
What do you not like?
Is there anything you find confusing?
As you explore the readme file, consider the following:
Does the text of the readme make you excited to learn more about the project?
Is it clear who the intended audience is?
Does the readme provide enough information?
Does it provide too much information?
After you have discussed the readme file with your group, pick a second repository and then compare the two readme files.
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