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This project contains an implementation of Shared Key Authentication for ASP.NET. It was inspired by the Shared Key implementation that Azure uses as one of its options for access to Blob, Table, Queue and File services.

Getting Started

The algorithm uses HMACSHA256 to produce for authentication, mixing a secret key with a canonicalized representation of the HTTP message. Any changes to the message or the hash results in a mismatch and failed authentication. HMACSHA256 keys can be any length, although the recommended size is 64 bytes. If the key provided is over 64 bytes it is hashed using SHA-256 to produce a 64 byte key.

Using shared key authentication requires a key identifier and the key itself. The generation of the key identifier and key is outside the responsibility of the application rather than this library. Typically the server application will generate this information for clients and supply the key identifier and a base64 representation of the key itself.

Configuring the client

To authenticate client requests an [HttpMessageHandler( must be configured for the HttpClient sending the request.

For example

using idunno.Authentication.SharedKey;

var authenticationHandler = new SharedKeyHttpMessageHandler(keyID, keyAsBase64String)
    InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler()

using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(authenticationHandler))
    var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "https://localhost");
        httpRequestMessage.Content = new StringContent("myMessage");
        await httpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);

There is an alternative constructor for SharedKeyHttpMessageHandler which takes the key as a byte array.

If you are making calls from an ASP.NET application you can configure the HttpClientFactory to add a handler for a named or typed client.

Configuring the server

For .NET 6 minimal APIs add a call to build.Services.AddAuthentication() in program.cs and then add the SharedKey handler, specifying a key lookup function in options, and an identity building function in the OnValidateSharedKey event, before any call to Services.AddRazorPages(). For .NET 5 add the code in ConfigureServices() in startup.cs:

    .AddSharedKey(options =>
        options.KeyResolver = keyResolver.GetKey;
        options.Events = new SharedKeyAuthenticationEvents
            OnValidateSharedKey = /* Your validation function */

Ensure there is a call to app.UseAuthentication() before a call to app.UseAuthorization(). This is in the Configure() method in startup.cs for .NET 5.




Authorization is then enforced using the normal ASP.NET authorization mechanisms.

Key Resolution

Your key resolution function must have the signature byte[] FunctionName(string keyId). If the keyID specified is unknown, return either null or an empty array.

public byte[] GetKey(string keyId)
    // Look up the key identifier against your list of valid keys.
    if (!keys.ContainsKey(keyId))
        return Array.Empty<byte>();
        return keys[keyId];

Building an identity

Like other ASP.NET authentication handlers you must provide a function to build a valid ClaimsIdentity from the information provided in the handler's context. This function is only called when the request has passed validation.

For the SharedKey handler function is specified in the OnValidatedSharedKey event. The ValidateSharedKeyContext contains a KeyId property you should use to retrieve user information for the holder of that key and use it to populate an authenticated ClaimsPrincipal which you then attach to the context. For example:

    public static Task OnValidateSharedKey(ValidateSharedKeyContext context)
        var claims = new[]
            new Claim("keyId", context.KeyId, ClaimValueTypes.String, context.Options.ClaimsIssuer)

        context.Principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims, context.Scheme.Name));

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Here we create a claims identity containing the key identifier that comes from the ValidateSharedKeyContext. A ClaimsPrincipal is then constructed using a ClaimsIdentity which contains the keyId claim and users the name of the authentication scheme from the context to show where the authenticated information comes from. If you construct a ClaimsIdentity without this AuthenticationType parameter your principal is anonymous and authorization will fail.

Finally we call context.Success() to tell ASP.NET that yes, we have a principal to use. If you need to indicate a problem and fail the authentication call context.Fail().

Setting the maximum allowed message age

All requests must be timestamped with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp for the request. The timestamp is contained in the standard HTTP Date header. If your client side request does not already contain a timestamp the SharedKeyHttpMessageHandler will add one. The server side SharedKeyAuthenticationHandler will ensure that the inbound request is outside a configurable validity period, by default, 15 minutes. This validity period applies in both directions, allowing you to cater for clock skew as well as expiring messages.

To configure the validity period you can set the MaximumMessageValidity property on SharedKeyAuthenticationHandler options:

  .AddSharedKey(options => options.MaximumMessageValidity = new TimeSpan(0,0,5));

How requests are canonicalised and signed

All authenticated requests for an endpoint protected with SharedKey authentication must include the standard HTTP Authorization header and a standard HTTP Date header. If these headers are missing any requests to an endpoint that requires SharedKey authorization will fail.

Query parameters cannot include a newline (\n) characters or commas.

Specifying the Date header

All authorized requests must include the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp in request. This timestamp must be included the standard HTTP/HTTPS Date header.

By default the server authentication hander will reject a request is with a 15 minute time period from the supplied timestamp. This guards against certain security attacks like replay attacks, whilst also allowing for clock skew between the client and server. When this check fails, the server returns response code 401 (Unauthorized).

Specifying the Authorization header

To authenticate a request the request is canonicalized, then the canonicalized representation is signed using SHA256 HMAC with a key shared between the client and server. This signature is attached to the HTTP request in the authorization header, with a scheme of SharedKey and the authorization parameters of an identifier for the key, followed by a colon (:) and then the calculated signature, encoded with Base64.

Authorization="SharedKey <Key Identifier>:<Signature>"

Building a signature

To build a signature various properties of the request must be build into a representation of the request. The request representation is built by constructing a string from the following parts of the request, in the order listed, with each item followed by a newline (\n) character as indicated.

  • The HTTP verb for the request, in uppercase, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Content-Encoding header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Content-Language header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Content-Length header value for the request if present, otherwise an 0 followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Content-MD5 header value for the request if present, which must be present if the request has content, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Content-Type header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The Date header value for the request if present, which must be present in a request, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The If-Modified-Since header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The If-Match header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The If-None-Match header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then
  • The If-Unmodified-Since header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n), then finally
  • The Range header value for the request if present, otherwise an empty string, followed by a newline (\n).

This request properties representation is then appended with a canonicalised resource.

The canonicalised resource is built by constructing a string as follows

  • Start a string with the resource's encoded URI path, beginning with the forward slash (/) character, excluding any query parameters
  • Query parameter names are normalized to lower case
  • Sort the normalized, lower case, query parameter names in alphabetical order, treating any query parameter that is not a key/value pair as having a empty string as the parameter name and coming first in any sorting
  • For each query parameter name
    • Append a newline (\n) character to the resource string
    • Append the parameter name to the resource string, followed by a colon (:)
    • Append the parameter value to the resource string. If a parameter has multiple values the values should be sorted lexicographically and appended as a comma separated list

Note that this canonicalisation method means you cannot use a newline (\n) character or commas in query parameters.

To summarize, a signature is calculated over the following representation of a request.

canonicalisedRequest = VERB + "\n" +  
                       Content-Encoding + "\n" +  
                       Content-Language + "\n" +  
                       Content-Length + "\n" +  
                       Content-MD5 + "\n" +  
                       Content-Type + "\n" +  
                       Date + "\n" +  
                       If-Modified-Since + "\n" +  
                       If-Match + "\n" +  
                       If-None-Match + "\n" +  
                       If-Unmodified-Since + "\n" +  
                       Range + "\n" +  

For example a GET request made to https://localhost/path/resource?a=1&a=2&b=1&A=3&c with a request content of Content, made on 1st January 2022 at midnight would product the following representation

GET\n\n\n7\nmgNkuembtIDdJeHwKEyFVQ==\ntext/plain; charset=utf-8\nSat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT\n\n\n\n\n\n/path/resource\n:c\na:1,2,3\nb:1

Signing and encoding the signature

To produce a signature for use in the authorization header calculate the HMAC-SHA256 of the signature string, using the shared key known to both client and server, and finally Base64 encode the hash results.