All notable changes are documented here.
- Don't show "Hint" if none is present.
- Show highest index in gateway.
- Server side and front side form validation.
- Show login success or failure notification.
- Show markdown preview in edit mode of gateway.
- Problem List is retrieved every time route changes. Use service to fix it.
- Move gateway display modes to separate files and use ng-include.
- Add section field and categorize according to section.
- Add a uncategorized field in Gateway.
- Gateway
- Directive to handle github-repo content display
- Add github api content using jquery
- MathJax to render math.
- Service for adding TOC on top of html
- anchorScroll without reloading page.
- Row edit form in Psetting table.
- freezeOnEdit filter.
- Support for Editing Problem in Psetting.
- Links to Problems in Psetting.
- Added LearnDev Section
- Retrieved LearnDev content from Github
- New api to verify token /api/auth/verifyToken
- Verify loggedIn state at the beginning from API
- Added LogOut button and Logic
- Make one component per file
- Used function declaration approach on AuthService and LoginCtrl.
- added sort function to grunt-injector
- jsonwebtoken didn't expire (jwt sign must be passed object as first parameter)
- circular dependency fix - AuthInterceptor doesn't depend of AuthService
- Bower and Grunt for easier maintenance.
- grunt-wiredep to include scripts and css.
- Moved server related files into folder server
- Added grunt-injector to inject css and js files to home.html
- Create service to handle storage of jwt in angular
- Added express-jwt module
- Added protection with jwt at /api/auth route.
- Added interceptors to attach token with requests.
- Added jsonwebtoken module for node.
- Login API that sends token.
- Login page at /login.
- bcrypt hashing when registering.
- JWT token is sent when login api is hit.
- Initial Code Base.