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Releases: foomo/pagespeed_exporter


14 Dec 10:18
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75f1ad3 feat: change google test to test
51a8503 Helm update
485d613 feat: update README
776a87e feat: use dynamic names for Helm installations
4d9f378 chore: change asset url to absolute url
d3e3d0a feat: add helm configuration examples for k8s
559c113 feat: add grafana dashboard link
d424b7b feat: add dashboard image to readme
28867ae chore: add documentation how to run the example
6586d2c feat: remove docker-compose version requirement
5bc04f2 feat: add example dashboard and datasource
658c359 feat: add nill check for loading experience
7b51d1f fix: correct description for value iterations
2a9b3cf feat: add better description for targets
f001a44 fix: fix target flag parsing (additional0
f20ad89 feat: add multiple target specification with the -t flag
3875229 feat: add better naming of category and audit scores
be07af5 feat: fix displaying values (unicode issues)
73bf7d3 feat: rename metrics for better understanding
d623905 feat: remove additional metrics path (audit/category)
4828b9b feat: add time audit metrics
0544ddf feat: add tests for scraping
62c9dde fix: fix millisecond redering
fe902dd fix: add query parameters to collector
47a2c75 feat: add valid scheme to http host
712404d feat: add more tests to collector utility methods
186a2c7 feat: extract collector metrics and add collector tests


04 Dec 16:11
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d5fbebe feat: add more metrics for accessibility and best practices categories


04 Dec 14:17
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2f48416 chore: prepare makefile for the release
43bd266 chore: fix travis to cache dep and add vendor only dep ensure
452b77e chore: add dist/ to gitignore for goreleaser
5638350 fix: remove unused import
8a8f8d0 fix: remove endless loop from closing channels
c359632 fix: change binary name
76acc55 feat: add goreleaser for pagespeed releases
2730409 feat: add example prometheus configuration
fd85922 fix: correct channel closing & iteration
37b263f fix: remove default break behaviour
7e37873 fix: remove logrus field
b3c2a1d fix: add concurrent handling and API key non-specification
96d2ac7 fix: ensure golang dependencies
f520ebd feat: fix naming and dockerfile
465e8d6 feat: fix testing and golang client
19f56b5 feat: add dep retrieval & building
5f61cf5 chore: fix yaml indentation
6504994 chore: remove sudo required
3922ba2 fix: fix travis file
dd1b2f4 fix: fix travis file
c070bb3 fix: fix travis file
bd603ee feat: update go version to 1.11
245eae6 feat: update docker imaging to push to tagged and latest version
4ade526 feat: update pagespeed to version 5 of google api and expose various metrics
b28b32a feat: add more results to the pagespeed metrics
f893033 feat: update missing parameters
c86c3fd feat: fix build and dependencies
b507301 feat: create better prometheus handler with google api intergration
13049e3 chore: refactor project structure
6d9ebd5 chore: move pagespeed exporter version printout before flag parsing
800250e feat: add docker multi-stage build support
5390766 feat: change glide vendoring to dep vendoring
92f3990 Merge pull request #5 from trntv/env-variables-support
d61f0b5 Env variables support (Closes #4). Fixes targets flag check
d3f59bc Merge pull request #1 from zoidbergwill/patch-1
a0f30c1 Fix Docker Image Repo/URL/Tag
b029d97 Remove true for endless for
a9707e5 Change default port to 9271
502bf9d Remove promu from file, use default go builder
9bfec57 Add certificates to alpine and make tag always latest
a66121a Update travis file to push the docker image tag as latest
7bc2bb3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
67a516f Update makefile for prometheus
39c5fd3 Update with travis badge
f05e3bc Add docker push to the travis yaml to start pushing to the docker hub
b8b7934 Remove _count suffix on metrics names
5508c19 Extend readme information on how to generate the API key
ccd27c0 Update file with additional data for running/compiling
13bec0e Organize imports
f16cbe0 Export strategy to prometheus metrics
663e2c8 Update default port to 8080
55465c6 Remove fmt.Println from google api
060c537 Add command line interval setting and listener address